
[Tornillo Thread]: Kagura Mutsuki Released (27/2/2025) (Read 1814445 times)

Started by TornilloOxidado, January 07, 2023, 12:52:31 am
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[Tornillo Thread]: Kagura Mutsuki Released (27/2/2025)
#1  January 07, 2023, 12:52:31 am
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 09:34:02 pm by TornilloOxidado
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#2  January 07, 2023, 02:11:38 am
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You did a great job on this character.

Will there be other King of Fighters XIII characters in the OHMSBY style in the future?
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#3  January 07, 2023, 02:14:19 am
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#4  January 07, 2023, 11:47:52 am
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    • USA
-He is missing required sprite 5032,50.
-BurstHUD.cns is missing for those using 1.1.
-The Burst Icon Flash will flash red instead of blue if you defeat the opponent without using Ultra Burst or resetting the round while in NOY.
-His small portrait is messed up on certain palettes as some of the colors on it are not shared with the sprites.
-The air dash effects on his forward/backwards air dashes aren't aligned with his sprites.
-5B can hit the opponent from a distance due to the long red hitbox and will not chain with 5BB.
-5B, 5BB, jB, Ein Trigger: Second Shell and the first hit of Hyper Chain Drive uses slash sounds instead of hit sounds.
-The swish sounds for jB and forward/backwards throws plays after it hits the opponent.
-The opponent's get hit on the forward/backwards seems pretty far when they grab them.
-The running throw can grab the opponent during lie down state.
-There is no swish sound for 5AAAA, 66B, the last kick on EX Crow Bite and every swish on Glasses Chain Drive.
-He doesn't have a 2B for some reason.
-The 66A feels janky as it's takes a few frames to hit (Giving the opponent enough time to block).
-The hitspark and guard spark of 5AAA, 5AAAA, jA, jB, running throw are misaligned.
-The counter message doesn't appear when the opponent is hit while attacking by Ein Trigger or any of it's follow ups.
-Crow Bite doesn't need large sliding dust on the startup because it's his reversal and that the EX version doesn't have it.
-The hitspark and guard spark on the first hit of Crow Bite is misaligned when it hits the opponent in the air.
-Minute Spike doesn't a jump sound when he leaps and large sliding dust on the startup.
-For some reason, the hit on Minute Spike when it successfully connects has envshake.
-Blackout does the same amount of damage when it hits while the opponent is attacking.
-Narrow Spike doesn't have sliding dust and sound when he skids the ground.
-EX Crow Bite gain meter on each hit, does 3 additional kicks on the kick and can be spammed repetitively until he reaches the wall and finally get pushed away by the increased cornerpush, which can resort to an infinite.
-Heat Drive doesn't have the old air dash effect on the startup and sliding dust at the end of the animation.
-Rapid canceling anytime during the 2nd hit on onwards of Glasses Chain Drive uses 1000 and blinks white instead of 500 and blue.
-The last hit of Glasses Chain Drive has no hit sound and gains a small amount of meter.
-All flame effects do not have proper transparency.
-The 3902 effect is not scaled properly on Hyper Chain Drive.
-Not every hit on the flames during Hyper Chain Drive has a hitspark.
-The astral heat BG on Hyper Chain Drive continues playing after the white BG has disappeared (Mostly noticeable on Training).
-The aura when he glows during NOY isn't aligned with his sprites.
-The aura during Ultra Burst is the same shape and doesn't shrink no matter how much damage has been taken.
-Since he's a KOF character, it would be nice if he had the Short Hop from OHMSBY's Iori since that's a KOF mechanic.

Hopefully this helps.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#5  January 07, 2023, 11:49:07 pm
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I don't know if this was covered yet...

- The sprite for Faust's "This Is Me?" astral finish is misaligned.
- It also appears that Noel Vermillion doesn't have a sprite for this as well.

Keep up the great work, tho.
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#6  January 08, 2023, 05:42:16 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
I don't know if this was covered yet...

- The sprite for Faust's "This Is Me?" astral finish is misaligned.
- It also appears that Noel Vermillion doesn't have a sprite for this as well.

Keep up the great work, tho.

Already fixed and Noel has been updated yesterday. Please redownload the character.
More updates in my mugen site.
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#7  January 08, 2023, 08:00:49 pm
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    • Germany
You did a great job on this character.

Will there be other King of Fighters XIII characters in the OHMSBY style in the future?

It's gonna be interresting, would be nice if Classic-Iori from KOF:10 instead his Million Arthur counterpart where he stupidly had Yatagarasu as Astral Heat, would be available.
@TornilloOxidado which KOF chars do have in mind?
Last Edit: January 08, 2023, 08:04:26 pm by NierUZMK94
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#8  January 08, 2023, 11:46:52 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
You did a great job on this character.

Will there be other King of Fighters XIII characters in the OHMSBY style in the future?

It's gonna be interresting, would be nice if Classic-Iori from KOF:10 instead his Million Arthur counterpart where he stupidly had Yatagarasu as Astral Heat, would be available.
@TornilloOxidado which KOF chars do have in mind?
My favorite KOF characters are Terry, Kula, and Leona, i love playing with them so, maybe one of these 3 may come in the future.
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#9  January 09, 2023, 01:04:02 am
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You did a great job on this character.

Will there be other King of Fighters XIII characters in the OHMSBY style in the future?

It's gonna be interresting, would be nice if Classic-Iori from KOF:10 instead his Million Arthur counterpart where he stupidly had Yatagarasu as Astral Heat, would be available.
@TornilloOxidado which KOF chars do have in mind?
My favorite KOF characters are Terry, Kula, and Leona, i love playing with them so, maybe one of these 3 may come in the future.

Any chance we'll see Athena Asamiya as well?
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#10  January 10, 2023, 03:25:06 am
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
You did a great job on this character.

Will there be other King of Fighters XIII characters in the OHMSBY style in the future?

It's gonna be interresting, would be nice if Classic-Iori from KOF:10 instead his Million Arthur counterpart where he stupidly had Yatagarasu as Astral Heat, would be available.
@TornilloOxidado which KOF chars do have in mind?
My favorite KOF characters are Terry, Kula, and Leona, i love playing with them so, maybe one of these 3 may come in the future.

Any chance we'll see Athena Asamiya as well?

Not sure honestly, i need to think of it.
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#11  February 01, 2023, 07:18:52 pm
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    • USA
Have you ever thought about posting your other characters on this site. People here especially ZolidSone could provide you proper feedback.
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#12  February 01, 2023, 07:27:31 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
Have you ever thought about posting your other characters on this site. People here especially ZolidSone could provide you proper feedback.

Eventually i will do. i just need to figure out how to do threads.
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#13  February 01, 2023, 07:51:12 pm
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    • USA
Nice I am digging your characters and can't wait for Roa and Terry
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#14  February 03, 2023, 01:55:31 pm
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"Kay Dash Dash"?
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#15  February 04, 2023, 10:45:48 am
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  • I'm Just Dude
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Yo So I had one Feedback and that Feedback is K' vs Akira Yuki didn't have the special intro when I download Him (and sorry I don't have the evidence for giving you the feedback).
Real reason I'm Called "Dude" Cuz I watched Regular Show WOOOOOOAHH
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#16  February 04, 2023, 07:23:45 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
Yo So I had one Feedback and that Feedback is K' vs Akira Yuki didn't have the special intro when I download Him (and sorry I don't have the evidence for giving you the feedback).

That's normal, i only made that special intro for the video purpose, i can add that special intro for K' if you like, but it's up to Ichida if he wants to make a special intro against my characters.
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#17  February 04, 2023, 08:03:17 pm
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  • I'm Just Dude
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Yo So I had one Feedback and that Feedback is K' vs Akira Yuki didn't have the special intro when I download Him (and sorry I don't have the evidence for giving you the feedback).

That's normal, i only made that special intro for the video purpose, i can add that special intro for K' if you like, but it's up to Ichida if he wants to make a special intro against my characters.
Thanks I understand the reason because honestly. I hate to say it. I'm a Big Fan When it comes to Special Intros XD cuz it made me feel "huh, They talking? Hmm That's Interesting" and I love the Hype XD
Real reason I'm Called "Dude" Cuz I watched Regular Show WOOOOOOAHH
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#18  February 05, 2023, 06:09:00 pm
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I suppose this character uses his Japanese voices, but since OHMSBY tends to use English voices for his characters when avainable (except for Iori), I think it would be interesting/funny if he had his MI/XII English voice as a alternate :p (there's even a MI English voice patch for OHMSBY's Iori)
Re: K' Dash (OHMSBY Style) [6/1/2023]
#19  February 05, 2023, 06:16:57 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
I suppose this character uses his Japanese voices, but since OHMSBY tends to use English voices for his characters when avainable (except for Iori), I think it would be interesting/funny if he had his MI/XII English voice as a alternate :p (there's even a MI English voice patch for OHMSBY's Iori)

Yes but that is OHMSBY's decision, i'm honestly not much fan of ENG voices, but if someone want to make an EN voice patch for my characters, i welcome them.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Michael Roa Valdamjong Released (OHMSBY Style) [6/2/2023]
#20  February 06, 2023, 07:07:09 pm
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  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay

Thank you everyone for your support.
I welcome you with my 4th character in OHMSBY hipothetical Blazblue Crosstag Battle moveset, Michael Roa Valdamjong and personally one of my favorite characters in Tsukihime. It comes with both readme files (English/Spanish), there you will find his move list and important information.


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Last Edit: February 06, 2023, 07:14:06 pm by TornilloOxidado