
Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations (Read 10588 times)

Started by Jmorphman, October 12, 2021, 07:30:28 pm
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Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#1  October 12, 2021, 07:30:28 pm
  • ******
  • If you’re gonna reach for a star...
  • reach for the lowest one you can.
    • USA
In this thread you will be nominating characters from the month of September 2021 that you believe are worthy to be recognized as Character of the Month. These nominations last until October 27th.

Read these rules and guidelines.

Every couple of days a list will be created and updated to feature the nominations progress. The list will include: Who's a candidate and how many motions other characters have. If twenty candidates are reached before the 15 days are up, then voting will start early.

- Only nominate up to 4 characters
- Read the thread
- The numbers next to each nomination represent each character's current nominations
- Only 3 nominations are necessary for each character

PLEASE BE AWARE that due to the incessant, absurd number of users who find themselves unable to read and follow the rules of these threads, we have instituted a new feature:

The Speedpreacher Penalty Box

Users who refuse to follow the very simple guidelines that we have set forward will find themselves in the Penalty Box, and will have their nominations for this month null and void. They will have to wait until next month to nominate anything! So take care, and don't get put in the Penalty Box!!!

nominate stuff fast or the boogeyman will get you

please do not stare at the boogeyman as he dances
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#2  October 12, 2021, 11:18:46 pm
  • **
  • Get yer gear up!
    • Spain
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#3  October 12, 2021, 11:38:46 pm
  • *****
  • Formerly known as HyperClawManiac
  • Competitive MUGEN when?
    • UK
SF3/5 Ken by Vyn - 1
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#4  October 13, 2021, 12:22:49 am
  • ***
  • I'm trapped in my own personal hell.
  • I'm going to kill myself.
    • USA
Trackhead V1.5 by trackiest head - 2
King Dedede by OHMSBY - 1
SFIII/V Ken by vyn - 2
Atsuko Kagari by Ghost Killer and Shimmering Brony - 1
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#5  October 13, 2021, 01:30:07 am
  • ***
  • Runs his mouth more than he does actually play
    • USA
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#6  October 13, 2021, 01:44:00 am
  • **
  • Snek Friend
    • USA
Atsuko Kagari by Shimmering Brony and Ghost Killer - 3
King Dedede by OHMSBY - 2
Toyosatomimi no Miko by RicePigeon and Blade - 2
Octohead by Basara-kun - 1

Honorable mention goes out to Symboli Rudolf by ZET. A very messy and cheap character but its the one I had the most fun with from September.
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#7  October 13, 2021, 02:27:14 am
  • **
  • This looks like a job for... the Caped Avenger!
  • All-Out Gamer and Garfield fan
    • USA
Showing my support for the one aiming to clobbah that there Kirbeh.

King Dedede by OHMSBY - 3
"Heh. The Garfield strip's funny today."

Sprites in avatar by Wlan Productions
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#8  October 13, 2021, 03:19:18 am
  • ******
  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile

please do not stare at the boogeyman as he dances
Hey!! That's not the Boogeyman, that's Michael Myers!! Don't fool us!! >:(

SFIII/SFV Ken by vyn - 3
Octohead by Basara-kun - 2
POTS Nina Williams by Diek Stiekem - 1
DiGi Charat by Infantry00 - 1

And that's all :P I'll make the complete list later (if Gui doesn't make it first XD)
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#9  October 13, 2021, 05:03:45 am
  • ****
takuma by mouser - 1
dan by ragingrowen - 1
rugal by karmacharmeleon - 1

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#10  October 13, 2021, 06:02:25 am
  • ******
  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile
Atsuko Kagari by Shimmering Brony and Ghost Killer
King Dedede by OHMSBY
SFIII/SFV Ken by vyn

Curly Brace by CH - 1
Trackhead V1.5 by Trackiest head - 2
Dorado by Morisashu - 1
Toyosatomimi no Miko by RicePigeon and Blade - 2
Octohead by Basara-kun - 2
Nina Williams by Diek Stiekem - 1
DiGi Charat by Infantry00 - 1
Takuma Sakazaki by Mouser - 1
Dan Hibiki by RagingRowen - 1
Rugal Bernstein by KarmaCharmeleon - 1

3/20 ready ;)
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#11  October 13, 2021, 08:11:47 am
  • ******
  • If you’re gonna reach for a star...
  • reach for the lowest one you can.
    • USA
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#12  October 13, 2021, 09:08:46 am
  • ***
    • Netherlands
Before I nominate, weren't Dan (by RR) and Rugal (by Karma) released in October?
"Such Heroic Nonsense!"

Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#13  October 13, 2021, 09:16:51 am
  • ****
dan by ragingrowen was released on the mid september beta counted right iirc and rugal was released on the last day of september, just like bbh by jmorphman was released on the last day of august.

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#14  October 13, 2021, 06:58:40 pm
  • ***
    • Netherlands
Fair enough.

Dan Hibiki by RagingRowen - 2
Rugal Bernstein by KarmaCharmeleon - 2
Nina Williams by Diek Stiekem (shameless plug :P ) - 2
"Such Heroic Nonsense!"

Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#15  October 14, 2021, 08:54:23 am
  • avatar
  • **
Octohead by basara 3
Nina by diek stiekem 3
Dan by ragingrowen 3
Rugal by karmachamelon 3
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#16  October 15, 2021, 05:02:09 pm
  • ******
  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile
Atsuko Kagari by Shimmering Brony and Ghost Killer
King Dedede by OHMSBY
SFIII/SFV Ken by vyn
Octohead by Basara-kun
Nina Williams by Diek Stiekem
Dan Hibiki by RagingRowen
Rugal Bernstein by KarmaCharmeleon

Curly Brace by CH - 1
Trackhead V1.5 by Trackiest head - 2
Dorado by Morisashu - 1
Toyosatomimi no Miko by RicePigeon and Blade - 2
DiGi Charat by Infantry00 - 1
Takuma Sakazaki by Mouser - 1

7/20 ready ;)
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#17  October 16, 2021, 01:31:06 am
  • ****
    • Canada
Trackhead V1.5 by Trackiest head - 3
Dorado by Morisashu - 2
Toyosatomimi no Miko by RicePigeon and Blade - 3
Takuma Sakazaki by Mouser - 2
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#18  October 18, 2021, 04:18:38 pm
  • ******
  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile
Atsuko Kagari by Shimmering Brony and Ghost Killer
King Dedede by OHMSBY
SFIII/SFV Ken by vyn
Octohead by Basara-kun
Nina Williams by Diek Stiekem
Dan Hibiki by RagingRowen
Rugal Bernstein by KarmaCharmeleon
Trackhead V1.5 by Trackiest head
Toyosatomimi no Miko by RicePigeon and Blade

Curly Brace by CH - 1
Dorado by Morisashu - 2
DiGi Charat by Infantry00 - 1
Takuma Sakazaki by Mouser - 2

9/20 ready :truestory:
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#19  October 23, 2021, 04:24:41 pm
  • avatar
  • *****
  • Are you ready?
    • USA
Curly Brace by CH - 2
Dorado by Morisashu - 3
DiGi Charat by Infantry00 - 2
Takuma Sakazaki by Mouser - 3
Re: Character of the Month: September 2021 Nominations
#20  October 26, 2021, 04:24:35 am
  • ******
  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile
Atsuko Kagari by Shimmering Brony and Ghost Killer
King Dedede by OHMSBY
SFIII/SFV Ken by vyn
Octohead by Basara-kun
Nina Williams by Diek Stiekem
Dan Hibiki by RagingRowen
Rugal Bernstein by KarmaCharmeleon
Trackhead V1.5 by Trackiest head
Toyosatomimi no Miko by RicePigeon and Blade
Dorado by Morisashu
Takuma Sakazaki by Mouser

Curly Brace by CH - 2
DiGi Charat by Infantry00 - 2

11/20 ready :)