
IKEMEN: AttachedChar - stage interaction (Read 37519 times)

Started by Lasombra Demon, October 15, 2021, 01:43:16 pm
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IKEMEN: AttachedChar - stage interaction
#1  October 15, 2021, 01:43:16 pm
  • *****
  • IKEMEN Go interactive stage object creator
  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages
My experiences doing AttachedChars have been most satisfactory, and honestly the main point why I decided to migrate to IKEMEN. The ways of generating interactive stages in MUGEN have historically been very clumsy. The first ones demanded a specific zoffset, and even the most modern ones taking advantage of particular triggers to detect stages, always demanded to copy code to the chars in use.

Some also say you could just copy-paste code in the common1.cns, but these people don't seem to consider that a huge amount of characters already come with their own file and overwrite possible states and vars, hence making it a poor solution if you want to implement stuff globally.

There have even been specific patcher executables (Syn stages, for instance), but these never reached the mainstream because, again, for many people the beauty of these fighting engines is being able to download a creation and just use it, without having to deal with code (or without risking a botched "autoediting" in a collection with a lot of stuff).

IKEMEN solves this optimally: creating a character independent of the P1 and P2 teams, “embedded” in the stage. The aforementioned "AttachedChar".

-How do I start?
Well, start by downloading the Kamekaze tutorial, which is… In Zss. It’s very commented and accesible, though. But the main idea is the following: just as a stage refers to an .SFF file for the images, it must also refer to a specific .DEF for the AttachedChar, following this syntax, in the block of the Info section of the stage.

(lots of things from the stage)
(lots of things from the stage)
AttachedChar =. \Path\To\File\FileOfTheAttachedChar.DEF

If Ikemen can't find that file, it will throw a specific error.

-Ok, I already did that. And now?
The referenced file itself is a .DEF, like that of any MUGEN/IKEMEN character. And then you must put your own CMD, SFF, SND, AIR and CNS. If you need a tutorial on how to make MUGEN chars, look around, because there are several and very complete ones. Use Fighter Factory like everyone else and open up KFM to check how it was made. Also, go to Mugen Class in Guild.

And above all, read the docs. Seriously, 99% of the things I see asked around were solved by reading.

-Designing the embedded character
Now, we are going to put this character to use; but remember, no one is going to "use" it, though. It will not appear on the selection screen. It is an object, an obstacle, a prop, or something like that. It cannot "win" the fight (although it can kill characters!), nor can it be chosen by anyone.

So the first thing we have to think about is what stage the character will be in, what role it will have.

Suppose we want something simple, like an interactive cameo; say we want Geese Howard to appear on his stage, watching the fight. Now, if someone on the P1 or P2 team plays with Geese, the logical thing is that Geese does not appear in the background.

So what are we going to need? An SFF with some Geese sprites, an AIR that defines and references Geese's animation in the background, an SND with his voice (if we want him to say something, for instance), a CMD with required filler, and a CNS where we put all the code. And obviously, a stage of Geese's tower.

-The character itself; something that is not used
The character embedded in itself will seldom be used; instead, we are always going to make the character spawn helpers that fulfill different roles. This allows you to keep the main embedded character intact and yet still perform whatever you need.
Also, let's not use collision boxes if they are not necessary, and if we want to interact, remember we can use parameters like "Immortal = 1" and "NotHitBy" with SCA.

Following the previous example, the visible Geese Howard would surely be just an explod displayed by a helper. You don't need to have collision boxes on him, since he will not participate in the fight.

-Improving the quality of the object
In addition, we are going to put some Assertspecials: Invisible, NoHardCodedKeys, NoShadow and NoAutoTurn to the char itself, and we will allow it to exit the screen with Screenbound. We're also going to do a TagOut for it, just in case. And all that goes to the -4 of the character.

AttackDist with value = 0 allows the characters of the P1 team and the P2 team to not try to "block" the embedded character, something that would seriously disturb gameplay.

There is even a trick to mimic the Delta effect of the stages using PosSet (which you can see used in many of my interactive stages), which I took from a post by RicePigeon here (thanks, I've used this idea a lot!):

And there is also a mathematical tip to imitate the “Sin” parameter of the stages: if the stage parameter is "sin.Y = -10, 220" then for the Character/Helper PosSet you have to use: "y = - 10 * Sin ((2 * (pi) /220.0) * time)". Whiplash helped me with the math for that.

-Interactions, usefuls tips and triggers
Some of the most useful triggers that I have found to use are RoundState = 0 (that is, something that happens at the exact start of each round, before the intros), and MatchOver (very useful for stage fatalities).

The IKEMEN unique parameter "preserve" for helpers is also really relevant since it allows for helpers to stay around between rounds and intro skips.

-Doing and taking damage
Often we will want helpers that can hit or be hit by characters, and that will require using collision boxes like with any other character. Don't forget to set MoveType = A for the attacks to work. Also be sure to define an animation that is number 0; no character can lack it, even if it’s a dummy one like an AttachedChar.

-The wonder that is GetPlayerID and RedirectID combined
Veterans will remember how we had no true way of easily and accurately referring to each character in certain conditions. We had to find hacky solutions using EnemyNear and Redirects. They will also remember that the ID number of each character varies from game to game, since it is not fixed.

Now, however, we have something like "PlayerID (GetPlayerID (X)), ID"; that's a redirected trigger that will give us the exact Player ID Number X.
And it doesn't just allow us to do things like “take the Y-Pos of a said character with absolute precision”. We can even apply SCTRLs directly through RedirectID, even without putting it in a CustomState (or we can put it into a customstate without attacking nor defining a target at all, via the Selfstate parameter ReadPlayerID). Another useful complement is the “PlayerIDExist” trigger, which can be used to create a question such as “PlayerIDExist (playerid (getplayerid (X)), ID)”, where we basically ask if there is a player Number X. This type of construction allows you to compare the entire set of characters at the same time to see.

Let's go back to the previous example and close this tutorial by looking at some code (yes I use a ton of variables to simplify stuff, this is a tutorial after all):
; This block assigns the IDs of each Player (1 to 8), to variables 11-18.
[State 1, ShowMeYourIDs]
Trigger1 = var(11) := playerid(getplayerid(1)), ID
Trigger1 = var(12) := playerid(getplayerid(2)), ID
Trigger1 = var(13) := playerid(getplayerid(3)), ID
Trigger1 = var(14) := playerid(getplayerid(4)), ID
Trigger1 = var(15) := playerid(getplayerid(5)), ID
Trigger1 = var(16) := playerid(getplayerid(6)), ID
Trigger1 = var(17) := playerid(getplayerid(7)), ID
Trigger1 = var(18) := playerid(getplayerid(8)), ID
type = null

;This block will define which player IS Geese; first we assume no one is Geese.
[State 1, NoGeese]
Trigger1 = var(51) := 0
Trigger1 = var(52) := 0
Trigger1 = var(53) := 0
Trigger1 = var(54) := 0
Trigger1 = var(55) := 0
Trigger1 = var(56) := 0
Trigger1 = var(57) := 0
Trigger1 = var(58) := 0
type = null

; These blocks check if each player is Geese and will assign the vars properly
[State 1, IsGeeseHere]
trigger1 = playerid(Var(11)),Name = "Geese"
trigger2 = playerid(Var(11)),Name = "Geese Howard"
trigger3 = playerid(Var(11)),Name = "Geese H."
trigger4 = playerid(Var(11)),Name = "CVS Geese"
trigger5 = playerid(Var(11)),Name = "CVSGeese"
trigger6 = playerid(Var(11)),Name = "cvsgeese_normal"
trigger7 = playerid(Var(11)),Name = "cvsgeese_ex"
type = VarSet
v = 51
value =  playerid(getplayerid(1)), ID

[State 1, IsGeeseHere]
trigger1 = playerid(Var(12)),Name = "Geese"
trigger2 = playerid(Var(12)),Name = "Geese Howard"
trigger3 = playerid(Var(12)),Name = "Geese H."
trigger4 = playerid(Var(12)),Name = "CVS Geese"
trigger5 = playerid(Var(12)),Name = "CVSGeese"
trigger6 = playerid(Var(12)),Name = "cvsgeese_normal"
trigger7 = playerid(Var(12)),Name = "cvsgeese_ex"
type = VarSet
v = 52
value =  playerid(getplayerid(2)), ID

[State 1, IsGeeseHere]
trigger1 = playerid(Var(13)),Name = "Geese"
trigger2 = playerid(Var(13)),Name = "Geese Howard"
trigger3 = playerid(Var(13)),Name = "Geese H."
trigger4 = playerid(Var(13)),Name = "CVS Geese"
trigger5 = playerid(Var(13)),Name = "CVSGeese"
trigger6 = playerid(Var(13)),Name = "cvsgeese_normal"
trigger7 = playerid(Var(13)),Name = "cvsgeese_ex"
type = VarSet
v = 53
value =  playerid(getplayerid(3)), ID

[State 1, IsGeeseHere]
trigger1 = playerid(Var(14)),Name = "Geese"
trigger2 = playerid(Var(14)),Name = "Geese Howard"
trigger3 = playerid(Var(14)),Name = "Geese H."
trigger4 = playerid(Var(14)),Name = "CVS Geese"
trigger5 = playerid(Var(14)),Name = "CVSGeese"
trigger6 = playerid(Var(14)),Name = "cvsgeese_normal"
trigger7 = playerid(Var(14)),Name = "cvsgeese_ex"
type = VarSet
v = 54
value =  playerid(getplayerid(4)), ID

[State 1, IsGeeseHere]
trigger1 = playerid(Var(15)),Name = "Geese"
trigger2 = playerid(Var(15)),Name = "Geese Howard"
trigger3 = playerid(Var(15)),Name = "Geese H."
trigger4 = playerid(Var(15)),Name = "CVS Geese"
trigger5 = playerid(Var(15)),Name = "CVSGeese"
trigger6 = playerid(Var(15)),Name = "cvsgeese_normal"
trigger7 = playerid(Var(15)),Name = "cvsgeese_ex"
type = VarSet
v = 55
value =  playerid(getplayerid(5)), ID

[State 1, IsGeeseHere]
trigger1 = playerid(Var(16)),Name = "Geese"
trigger2 = playerid(Var(16)),Name = "Geese Howard"
trigger3 = playerid(Var(16)),Name = "Geese H."
trigger4 = playerid(Var(16)),Name = "CVS Geese"
trigger5 = playerid(Var(16)),Name = "CVSGeese"
trigger6 = playerid(Var(16)),Name = "cvsgeese_normal"
trigger7 = playerid(Var(16)),Name = "cvsgeese_ex"
type = VarSet
v = 56
value =  playerid(getplayerid(6)), ID

[State 1, IsGeeseHere]
trigger1 = playerid(Var(17)),Name = "Geese"
trigger2 = playerid(Var(17)),Name = "Geese Howard"
trigger3 = playerid(Var(17)),Name = "Geese H."
trigger4 = playerid(Var(17)),Name = "CVS Geese"
trigger5 = playerid(Var(17)),Name = "CVSGeese"
trigger6 = playerid(Var(17)),Name = "cvsgeese_normal"
trigger7 = playerid(Var(17)),Name = "cvsgeese_ex"
type = VarSet
v = 57
value =  playerid(getplayerid(7)), ID

[State 1, IsGeeseHere]
trigger1 = playerid(Var(18)),Name = "Geese"
trigger2 = playerid(Var(18)),Name = "Geese Howard"
trigger3 = playerid(Var(18)),Name = "Geese H."
trigger4 = playerid(Var(18)),Name = "CVS Geese"
trigger5 = playerid(Var(18)),Name = "CVSGeese"
trigger6 = playerid(Var(18)),Name = "cvsgeese_normal"
trigger7 = playerid(Var(18)),Name = "cvsgeese_ex"
type = VarSet
v = 58
value =  playerid(getplayerid(8)), ID

;Now comes the simplest thing: if the corresponding variables of Players 1 to 8 are zero,
; neither is Geese. And then we can bring up an explod that shows him.
[State 999, 1];Geese
type = Explod
Trigger1 = Time = 0
Trigger1 = IsHelper = 1
Trigger1 = Var(51) = 0
Trigger1 = Var(52) = 0
Trigger1 = Var(53) = 0
Trigger1 = Var(54) = 0
Trigger1 = Var(55) = 0
Trigger1 = Var(56) = 0
Trigger1 = Var(57) = 0
Trigger1 = Var(58) = 0
persistent = 0
anim = 30
space = stage
pos = -240,-60
facing = 1
vel = 0,0
bindtime = 0
sprpriority = -5
RemoveTime = -1
ID = 1
ownpal = 1
scale = 1,1

And that's it. IKEMEN's AttachedChar feature is one thing I would like to see used a lot more, since it holds huge potential for a lot of fun. See ya around.
For my latest stage pack release, go here:

For donations go to
Last Edit: October 15, 2021, 01:48:57 pm by Lasombra Demon
Re: IKEMEN: AttachedChar - stage interaction - In Depth Tutorial
#2  February 12, 2022, 03:23:46 pm
  • *****
  • IKEMEN Go interactive stage object creator
  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages
Interactive Stages in IKEMEN Go: AttachedChar Tutorial

                  tutorial v 1.0
                  by Lasombra Demon
                     for the IKEMEÑ Discord

For many, many years we have wanted to make stages with interactive objects
in MUGEN. Whether it's breaking Ken's barrels in SF2, the falling floor on
Wolverine's stage in Marvel Super Heroes, or facing the famous Deathmatch stages
of World Heroes 1 and 2, doing fatal blows on stages like in Mortal Kombat 2
(and Eternal Champions)...

Not so for Bonus Stages, since those are easily doable since the MUGEN DOS days
and it is not necessary to use this use this feature; you just program a normal
character to be the Bonus stage.

Why is it interactive stages have not been common and widespread, then?

=0.1: A history of interactive stages in MUGEN
=0.2: Remembering some elements of the stages
=1.0: What is AttachedChar (AC)?
=1.1: How to put a AC in a stage?
=1.2: Why do you use a ".CHR" extension?
=2.0: What should a AC have?
=2.1: The two types of interactive stages
=3.0: The only aesthetic interactive stage
=3.1: Putting deltas to character objects, the trick of PotS and Ricepigeon
=3.2: Imitating Sin.Y
=3.3: ModifyBGCtrl, the real interactivity with scenery
=3.4: The real challenge, layers and sprpriorities
=3.5: Using explods when you have to
=4.0: The fully interactive scenery
5.0: Using a single AC for many stages =5.
=X: What's to come
=6.0: Examples and references
=7.0: Special thanks

=0.1: A history of interactive stages in MUGEN
The short answer is because the engine at the time was clearly not made for that.
The long answer is that, until now, it was necessary to solve the lack of truly interactive
for stages in MUGEN by implementing code, graphics, animations and sounds in the characters,
which then had to detect which stage they were in, to then activate all those elements.
In the older times (WinMugen just released, back in 2004), p1startz and p2startz were used for
the characters to detect which stage they were in; the zoffset method. Electr0, Syn and others
did a lot of this. From MUGEN 1.0 onwards, stages could be detected by stagename and
authorname, specific triggers for this.
But this implied copying many lines of code, drawings, sounds and animations into each of the characters,
a solution far from the kind of global implementation that should be sought in something like
the MUGEN engine. Many times crucial variables or states were replaced, functionality was broken, and it
it was honestly a nuisance to modify all that if you had a significant amount of stages and characters.
On the other hand, using the common.cns, in the words of Syn (one of the authors of the most interesting
interactive stages), was not a good idea because the characters often overwrite those and use their own code.
Then IKEMEN Go and its AttachedChar enters the scene.

=0.2: Remembering some stage elements
The excellent basic tutorial for stage creation made by Cybaster made a few years ago is worth a read:
We are going to assume that the contents of that tutorial and the basic one by Elecbyte are already
familiar to the reader;

=1.0: What is AttachedChar (AC)?
"AttachedChar" is a functionality of IKEMEN Go to be able to generate a programmable entity neutral to the
fight between Player 1 and Player 2 teams. For identification purposes, if we are going to consider each team has
4 Players (Players 1 and Player 2), then we have 4 Players in each. Players 1, 3, 5 and 7 are one, and
2, 4, 6, and 8 are the other; then the AC will be player number 9. It can kill the other characters but cannot win
the round, nor continue or have a game over, nor be selected by anyone. It is only summoned when playing in the
stage where it is referenced. Nor does it appear in the "select.def". They are simply integrated into a stage.
ACs are, on the other hand, like any other character. For their creation there are plenty of
tutorials, and the basic steps to create those exceed the scope of this tutorial. Suffice it to know that
ACs have sprites, animations, sounds, code and definitions, like any other character. I don't mention palettes
because there can only be one AttachedChar per combat, therefore selecting varied palettes doesn't even make sense.

=1.1: How to put an AC in a stage?
If we want to add the AC to the game, it must be integrated into any stage.
To do this, we will write in the [Info] section of any stage a line with the parameter.
"AttachedChar=", and refer to the ".DEF" of our AC.
Example (without quotes):  "AttachedChar = KFMStageInteractive.DEF"

=1.2: Why do you use a ".CHR" extension?
When I noticed that the definition files of the interactive objects are .DEF, an identical extension to those of
the stages, I figured it would be a problem to differentiate one from the other. I decided then to use the extension
".CHR" for the ACs, and the file is still text. On the other hand, Winane's "Small" creation taught us that there is
no need to have a thousand files for each character. Small only had a .DEF file containing all the contents of the
CMD, the CNS, the ST, the DEF, and the AIR. The key is in the order; first the DEF, then the CMD, then the ST and CNS,
then the animations (the only detail is that if we work in ZSS this must go in a separate file, it cannot be mixed
with CNS in the same file).
This allows for two things: to compress almost all the AC to a single file, on the one hand, and to distinguish that
file from the rest.

=2.0: What should be in a AC?
The first thing that one should notice with the AC is that it does not use the character itself, but rather
helpers of the character itself. The character itself in fact is better not used, so we use the following
commands to guarantee it does not interfere with combat, in the -4 of the code.
-Assertspecial with invisible, noshadow, and noautoturn

Other SCTRLs that are highly useful:
-AttackDist = 0 so that characters in the fight don't try to block the AC,
-Screenbound to get out of camera, and the MoveCamera parameter according to the desired effect
(the best way to manipulate the camera is still to create a giant helper and move it),
-NotHitBy with SCA just in case,
-PlayerPush with 0 just in case.

When creating the Helper, it is important to use two new parameters of IKEMEN Go,
which are Immortal = 1 and Preserve = 1. The first one so that they do not kill our instrument of
interaction with the game world, the second so that when the intro is skipped it does not disappear,
and it remains from round to round.

=2.1: The two types of interactive stages
While this is a rather arbitrary distinction, it makes sense to start by thinking of at least two common types of
interactive stages; those that are interactive in a purely aesthetic sense (Darkstalkers, Street Fighter 2, King
of Fighters, Moral Kombat 2), and those that have elements that do affect the combat (items in Samurai Shodown 1
and 2, ring outs, World Heroes in Deathmatch mode). This type of distinction is crucial when designing and deciding
on aspects of the creation to be made.

=3.0: The purely aesthetic interactive stage
Let's think of a purely aesthetic interaction. The girls in the Boxer stage of Street Fighter 2 take off their hats
when the round is over. As a Trigger we will surely use RoundState = 3, so that at the end of the round we define
the change of animation of the girls.

This would involve using one of three strategies:

-Make the girls as Helpers.
-Make the girls as Explods.
-Make the girls as an element of the stage itself.

Creating them as Helpers has the advantage that it allows their absolute manipulation, because we have great control
of the helpers.
Creating them as Explods has the advantage that it consumes less resources, but their manipulation is
harder and more complex. But IKEMEN Go allows to change the animation of the Explods by modifyexplod, so we can at least
try. We should also use IKEMEN Go's unique IKEMEN Go exclusive parameter called "under", so that they are behind the
characters and life bars.
Creating them as objects on the stage has the advantage of allowing us to interact with "layers" of the stage in another way.

For the first two, we will need to use a complex trick to "simulate" the delta in a

=3.1: Putting deltas to character objects, the trick of PotS and Ricepigeon
One of the points that one observes when creating a helper or an explod is that it follows the same speed of movement
as the characters, i.e., it gives the impression of being in the same plane.
The elements of the scenery have an equivalent to that, which is called Delta.
It is enough to remember that a delta of 1 corresponds to the plane of the characters, and a delta of 0 is a
totally immobile object. In other words: the higher the delta, the "closer" the object appears to be.
But objects created by characters do not have this parameter, so we will have to craft an alternative.
The best thing to do is to create a helper with ScreenBound = 0, and constantly refer to the X Position of that
helper with the following formula(without quotes):
"x = ceil(helper(No Of Helper),pos x * 0.75); to simulate a delta = 0.75, 1."
This allows you to "follow" the extra helper (which functions as a reference point), without getting lost.
If you are going to do it with explods, it is necessary to remember to use "bindtime = -2" because the idea is to
follow the helper.

=3.2: Imitating Sin.Y
Another point that is a challenge is to imitate the speed of the elements of the stages.
If we are going to do something like this, it is important that the element has very high SuperMoveTime
and PauseMoveTime, in order to maintain synchrony with the elements of the background in case there is
a pause that allows movement of the stage (pause with pausebg = 0). The trick to imitate the Sin parameter of the
stages with a character, is to use the following formula.
Suppose the formula is "sin.Y = -10, 220"; then for the PosSet of the character you should use:
"y = - 10 * Sin ((2 * (pi) /220.0) * time)".
Special thanks to Whiplash for the mathematical help.

=3.3: ModifyBGCtrl, true interactivity with stages
So far we have used only Triggers and SCTRLs assembled for "normal" characters, and made them do stage
functionalities. But IKEMEN Go implemented a special SCTRL for the AttachedChars: ModifyBgCtrl.
It allows, by using a parameter called SCTRLID, to modify the values of a BGCtrl.
You probably remember clearly that BGCtrls allow you to do almost anything with the elements of a stage...
The list of what they can do is visible, enable, velset, veladd, posset, posadd, anim, sinx and siny.
The trick I use is to start by setting the BgCTRL to a null value, and change it via the SCTRL when I want.

I attach an example where I hide element 3 from the stage after 2 seconds.

This requires two parts, one in the stage itself (the element to hide has an ID of 3),
[BGCtrl 3]
type = Visible
time = 1,99999,-1
value = 1
sctrlid = 3

And one in the AC code
[State Hide]
trigger1 = Time = 120
supermovetime = 99999
pausemovetime = 99999
type = ModifyBGCtrl
SctrlID = 3
ID = 3
value = 0

And why complicate things like that?

=3.4: The real challenge, layers and sprpriorities
As any stage dev knows, the order in which the elements of a stage are drawn is static, and you start with the
objects furthest back and finish the file with those on top.
This kind of thing is unchangeable in IKEMEN Go... Unless we assemble duplicate elements and make them visible
or invisible at will. What is unchangeable for now, is that you can't intersperse stage elements (that are not
in a layer in front of the characters), with character objects. That is, explods and helpers. This demands extra
planning and care when developing each interactive stage.

=3.5: Using explods when you must
On the other hand, someone reading this tutorial may think I am discarding explods. Nothing could be further
from the truth. In my experience and as a piece of advice, it is almost always better to test an effect using an explod
and then start using other alternatives (especially if the effect doesn't need to be between the stage layers). Another
crucial example is when you make fatalities or animations that include the characters in the fight; in that case it is
practically mandatory to use explods because manipulating the character itself is more complex. You can simply use an
Explod and RedirectID to redirect the effect of the Explod to any player.

=4.0: The full interactive stage
This applies the resources used in the aesthetic stage.... But maximizes them. With what? With whatever
is needed. The first thing is that this will mean starting to use helpers with active collision boxes,
with frames, with LifeAdd and PowerAdd effects... And HitDefs.
Only here you can really start to glimpse the potential of IKEMEN Go stages even as a narrative tool.^

=5.0: Use a single AC for many stages
This trick is useful when working on a very large project ^^ It is best to simply create a single file with all the effects,
another one with all the sounds, and just one for code; and in the code file use a trigger that is
StageVar( to decide which effects to do. Then simply add the same AC to all the stages, and the AC itself
will detect which stage we are in.

=X: What's to come
Talking with IKEMEN Go devs over the past couple of years has filled me with excitement about the future of the engine.
Specifically, about stages and their interactivity, there's been talk for some time now about several improvements.
One of them could be something like "ModifyStageConst", allowing to "widen" the stages, for example.
This would make it possible to make MvC1's Honda's bathroom stage with real destructible walls, or
the Power Instinct and Rage of the Dragons stages where you break barriers before they expand.
The other big addition that has been mentioned is the ability to do platforming, something that would add enormous
possibilities to mimic Smash Bros type levels with more ease.

=6.0: Examples and references
^I made several stages of this type, from those of World Heroes in Deathmatch to Hikyaku from Samurai
Shodown, which throws items and bombs on the stage. The biggest stage so far, with several modes and changes
that was made, to my knowledge, is SFvsMK.

^^As I did with all the stages of the Double Dragon saga of Neo Geo.

=7.0: Special thanks
K4thos and Gacel for carrying the torch left to them by Suehiro.
Kamekaze and the Discord People of IKEMEN
Cyanide, 2OS, Cybaster, Whiplash and the Guild's Discord People
XGargoyle and the IKEMEÑ Discord People
For my latest stage pack release, go here:

For donations go to
Last Edit: August 04, 2022, 11:54:17 pm by Lasombra Demon
Re: IKEMEN: AttachedChar - stage interaction
#3  December 26, 2023, 12:07:54 am
  • **
  • Expert Noob
  • I am a lover and a fighter!
    • USA
Because the op didn't explain how to use tagout, the code that you need to put in the attached character is;

[State -2, TagOut]
type = TagOut
trigger1 = Time
value = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 1

I recently started experimenting with Ikemen Go Interactive stages and AttachedChar and had an issue with the other characters turning to face the AttachedChar. Was driving me nuts until I figured out the tagout code. Fighter Factory reads the code as a syntax error but it seems to work during play testing.
May you always win every round, both in MUGEN and Life. :)
Re: IKEMEN: AttachedChar - stage interaction
#4  March 07, 2024, 02:11:02 pm
  • *****
  • IKEMEN Go interactive stage object creator
  • WIP: Tons and tons of IKEMEN stages
A Tagout forced feature (via a Standby parameter) was added in 0.99, and all this was written for 0.98.2. I also cannot foresee future modifications that might render this outdated.

For a full updated videotutorial series, I made this:
For my latest stage pack release, go here:

For donations go to
Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 02:15:09 pm by Lasombra Demon