
Ryu wip (Read 37560 times)

Started by Memo, February 11, 2017, 07:17:22 am
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Ryu wip
New #1  February 11, 2017, 07:17:22 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Capcom V.S. The World 2 Ryu

Based of SFV ryu

ut attack
focus attack chargable

Read Me Move List

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 03:15:48 am by Memo
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#2  February 11, 2017, 07:37:54 am
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    • Russia
Well, for beta that really decent. But here is some problems:
-Try to taunt. You'll see, how funny this animation is.
-"WOOSH!" sounds in standing punches starts too late.
-And I think you need to tweak Standing Medium Kick somehow. Maybe add forward moving or use different sprites. Here is my suggestion, how it should look.

Yes, timing isn't perfect, I cen even call it bad, but flow itself now looks better, don't you think?
Also, now it looks like ALSO like perfect close attack.

All in all, char is nice, keep it up.
Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 07:41:44 am by Trololo
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#3  February 11, 2017, 07:54:14 am
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I frankensprited that medium kick, I need more frames for it so it looks better
Ill see if I can get some one to sprite me some, I only need like 2 frames so it
Looks more like sfv, the sounds I know I gotta fix too I forgot to mention that,
I forgot about the taunt lol I leave that for last cause its not important right now.
Thanks for testing let me know if you find anything else!
Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 10:41:16 am by Memo
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#4  February 11, 2017, 10:46:16 pm
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Hey who edited my read me? I just noticed that little change haha it was a
Funny surprise on my end, I forgot about those that should not be mentioned.
No worries though I thought it was funny.
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#5  February 12, 2017, 04:54:31 am
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Anybody interested in making ryu some smal and big ports
So this version looks different than pots?  Something SFV inspired.


Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#6  February 12, 2017, 05:22:14 am
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    • USA
really liking the concepts you have put into this ryu, it really reminds me of sfv. he feels a lot different from pots so theres no worry in that.

there isn't much I can put input on, he feels solid so far. nice work, can't wait to see more you can put into this
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#7  February 12, 2017, 05:45:37 am
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    • Puerto Rico
really liking the concepts you have put into this ryu, it really reminds me of sfv. he feels a lot different from pots so theres no worry in that.

there isn't much I can put input on, he feels solid so far. nice work, can't wait to see more you can put into this

Thanks dude, I'm trying my best to make him feel like SFV.  I got screenshots of
All his frame data and figured out how to use it put it into his normals so that's probably
Why he feels how he does.  My goal is to eventually have all his specials
Frame data too but its tricky, but ill get it close enough.

Not much to do besides finish the rest of his attacks, add a couple sounds and
I'm going to redo his minds eye so it mimics that frame data as well.
And also finish his focus attack.  Maybe get someone to sprite some frames for his MK too.
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#8  February 13, 2017, 01:44:05 pm
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Got some good stuff completed on ryu, his minds eye parry is recoded and
Uses sfv frame data, 3 tick start, 7 active and 29 of recovery.  If you connect
there's 4 frames of recovery, so yea you'll get punished for missing it.

Air tasumaki I completed with sfv frame data and can only be done jumping FWD.

And finally the focus attack got recoded and works now like a sfiv focus attack
Kept it like the original.

Now I just have to find some fxs and sounds for them..

Later ill finish tatsumakis ex variations and the critical art, add some sounds and he
Should be good to go.


Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#9  February 13, 2017, 06:17:43 pm
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    • USA
Air tasumaki I completed with sfv frame data and can only be done jumping FWD.

aw man you even went so accurate you included the worst part of the sfv nerfs! :(

hah its all good tho, nice to see this coming along
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#10  February 13, 2017, 07:45:01 pm
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Air tasumaki I completed with sfv frame data and can only be done jumping FWD.

aw man you even went so accurate you included the worst part of the sfv nerfs! :(

hah its all good tho, nice to see this coming along

Haha, yea that's a weird nerf but I kinda understand why it was done.  Plus he has other tools
To use in a jump back situation were your enemy is on your ass.  MK is nice and I've been using
MP alot for its 2 hits.  I've been seeing a lot of ryu lately in the releases so keeping mine up to
Date with capcoms current ryu will separate him from the rest that have more of a cvs style
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#11  February 13, 2017, 10:17:09 pm
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  • Screenpack Maker EX
Here is a little something, to get you going. Let me know how they turn out, in game. Haven't had time to test them, wanted to send you something

Disregard sm pic for being so zoomed in.

Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#12  February 13, 2017, 11:49:24 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 12:04:04 am by Memo
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#13  February 14, 2017, 12:19:16 am
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  • Master Relic Tech
  • Screenpack Maker EX
Happy to help, when I get home from work to night. I will do one more, for the road. Glade you like it, keep it rocking.
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#14  February 21, 2017, 07:03:38 am
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    • Puerto Rico
I got some things finished on ryu

Added new woosh and block sounds
Added sounds to moves that didn't have any
Finished airborne tatsu, tatsu ex and airborne tatsu ex
Recoded minds eye and has proper frame data
Recoded focus attack again.. It should work just like sfiv with dash canceling included
Re-did a couple clsn boxes
Changed velocitys in all normal attacks and added
Proper sfiv guardflags to them
Fixed the taunt animation
Changed the medium kick anim a little bit
Tweaked the Ai a bit

What's left?
Finish critical art metsu hadoken
Find fxs for minds eye and focus attack
Maybe find some new voice samples idk

I'll have a new beta up soon once I finish the critical art
For bug checking and feedback
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P. beta 2 2/21/17
#15  February 22, 2017, 03:37:40 am
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got the new update up. please download, test and leave feedback.
last post has info on the updates.
got the critical art finished, but i might re-code it idk yet..

edit* no grabs yet
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P. beta 2 2/21/17
#16  February 26, 2017, 05:28:39 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Got some stuff done today!

1) Grabs are in, I swiped them from Lost Avengers Ryu. Credits to L.A.

2) Added a temporary FX to minds eye.

3) Re-coded all my hadoken helpers because they had some issues, got em fixed now.

4) Senpu kyakku got some changes done to the ground hit times
so you cant combo it easily, combos on counter hit and has invincibility against crouching attacks

5) Fixed an issue with my EX tatsumaki's, added the "vaccum" helper from pots ryu to lock the enemy
into the attack.

All that's left is some testing on my end (since you guys aint giving me feedback lol) before the final release.
Double check all the damage outputs on Ryus attacks to make sure they match SFV frame data.
Finish implementing VANS reflector code.
Change the commands to VANS new buffering system. This will wait until I figure out Jesuszilla's tool and
I understand the code a little better.

I'm probably forgetting something like always, I'm not gonna post the new beta since there's no
point if I'm not getting many bug reports or feedback on stuff, everything must be good then right?

Final release coming in march them ill have my template ready for the rest of the characters in my roster.
Re: cvtw2 ryu stand alone mugen version W.I.P.
#17  February 28, 2017, 06:36:50 am
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    • Puerto Rico
A couple vids of me playing ryu, showing off some of his stuff

Ryu VS Vega by Froz

VS himself/ AI