
[Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread (Read 2885832 times)

Started by Formerly Hoshi, April 21, 2010, 09:53:18 pm
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1341  June 15, 2022, 03:18:40 pm
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Made this quick since tmnt shredder's revenge is coming out, wish I could do more but RL stuff and work keeps me busy lol
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1342  June 16, 2022, 04:03:54 pm
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Very awesome! It's good seeing you post here again
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1343  June 18, 2022, 10:07:10 am
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Thanks intrebucket :)

Hopefully I can animate them when i get the chance.
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1344  July 28, 2022, 12:07:56 am
    • Iceland
Hi, I'm new here, how can I upload a sprite? xD
by the way, very nice ninja turtles
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1345  July 28, 2022, 02:21:19 am
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Hi, I'm new here, how can I upload a sprite? xD
by the way, very nice ninja turtles

you have to use a third-party site to upload your image, like Imgur or something because the guild does not store images.

I have literally uploaded a visual instruction right now and using the steps below was able to display the instructions here in this post.

Hope that helped.
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1346  July 28, 2022, 01:53:24 pm
    • Iceland
Thank you Melcore. I'm not a spriter, but I really liked the manga, so I made these, although it took too long, maybe I'll also make Shingo and Kaya xD

well here: Magai Yasakani

and here: Yamato Kusanagi
I put the imgur links between the img parentheses and they didn't appear, so I put the links like this... could it be because I'm new?

Edit 2:
feel free to make any improvements if you see any missing details
Last Edit: July 28, 2022, 02:09:32 pm by starlord14
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1347  July 28, 2022, 04:14:44 pm
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That's the image page/gallery link. You want the direct image link.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1348  July 28, 2022, 04:27:37 pm
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Thank you Melcore. I'm not a spriter, but I really liked the manga, so I made these, although it took too long, maybe I'll also make Shingo and Kaya xD

well here: Magai Yasakani

and here: Yamato Kusanagi
I put the imgur links between the img parentheses and they didn't appear, so I put the links like this... could it be because I'm new?

Edit 2:
feel free to make any improvements if you see any missing details

Here I’ll help you.

Magai Yasakani

Yamato Kusanagi
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1349  July 31, 2022, 05:25:43 pm
    • Iceland
Hey thanks guys  ;)
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1350  September 24, 2022, 01:39:00 pm
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Live a Live characters
Highly recommend this game but it's best to go into it without spoiling yourself.

Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1351  September 26, 2022, 09:58:47 am
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Yo this is amazing. You nailed each character perfectly especially Oboro and Sundown.
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1352  September 26, 2022, 11:50:30 am
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  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Live a Live characters
Highly recommend this game but it's best to go into it without spoiling yourself.

Beautiful! so detailed!
You nailed it!

I'm glad to see you're still very good with spriting when you don't have pressure of a deadline or giant amount of frames to do.

With all my respect, your work here is way better than some of Final Vendetta animations.
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1353  September 28, 2022, 10:31:20 am
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Live a Live characters
Highly recommend this game but it's best to go into it without spoiling yourself.

Beautiful! so detailed!
You nailed it!

I'm glad to see you're still very good with spriting when you don't have pressure of a deadline or giant amount of frames to do.

With all my respect, your work here is way better than some of Final Vendetta animations.

Don't forget coming up with some of the designs and all the moveset too XD
No worries though, thankfully I came up with a way to draw these in a way where I can proof read them easily without squinting much

plus we might see more of oersted in the future ;)
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1354  October 01, 2022, 03:26:38 am
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Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1355  October 09, 2022, 01:14:28 am
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Professional designs, ShadowAOD!

Nice looking edits, starlord14.
Titiln said:
focus more and stop thinking about things like the internet or titties

Whatever happened to sex, drugs, and Rock. Nowadays, it's whores, AIDS, and Hip-Hop.
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1356  November 03, 2022, 08:33:22 am
    • Iceland
very nice! u have a great talent ShadowAOD... By the way, does anyone know about this chizuru? will it stop being private? it looks very nice tmb the design, it's the one from kof world I think
 and sorry for the change of topic of the sprites of shadowAOD xD
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1357  November 03, 2022, 11:09:03 am
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
This is for showing sprites, not general doubts or requests.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1358  November 13, 2022, 06:55:28 am
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Hi guys! Here os my atempt to "rip"  sprites from YouTube lol! An old edit of SFEX Kairi. IDK who is the author (its metal warrior's Kairi i guess). I was wondering if someone could turn this on real sprites.

Last Edit: November 13, 2022, 10:22:13 am by Mr.Karate JKA
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1359  December 29, 2022, 12:12:29 am
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Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1360  December 31, 2022, 11:41:34 pm
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