
How do I delete or cancel a mugen character move? (Read 5143 times)

Started by Kastsu, 4 years ago
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How do I delete or cancel a mugen character move?
#1  4 years ago
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    • Thailand
There's a character in my M.U.G.E.N that have a special move that will make a shield for itself. However, when she use that move, she never coming out of the shield, can't attack or neither move. So does anyone know how to delete the move?
Last Edit: 4 years ago by Kastsu
Re: How do I delete or cancel a mugen character move?
#2  4 years ago
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easiest way, open the CMD file, and delete or comment the state that refers to that move
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Re: How do I delete or cancel a mugen character move?
#3  4 years ago
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Or you can replace "type = changestate" with "type = null" for that move. Debug also helps you to know the state number so is worth mentioning.
Re: How do I delete or cancel a mugen character move?
#4  4 years ago
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    • Thailand
Thanks a lot guys! Now I can enjoy using the char perfectly fine!