
How do i upload pics from Imgur? (Read 5243 times)

Started by snowy997, 6 months ago
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How do i upload pics from Imgur?
#1  6 months ago
  • ***
  • A Fan of the Obscurity
    • Brazil
Everytime i put the link between the [img] boxes, the picture doesn't show. I am doing something wrong?
<------- Hall of Dancing
Re: How do i upload pics from Imgur?
#2  6 months ago
  • ****
  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
You're probably copying the post link, which is not an image and so the forum can't display it. After you upload your image, right click it and select "copy image link" (or "copy image url" depending on the browser), paste it between the [img] tags.
Your link should end with .jpg, .png, or .gif.