
[Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread (Read 2932927 times)

Started by Formerly Hoshi, April 21, 2010, 09:53:18 pm
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1321  May 31, 2021, 11:47:14 am
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My only "problem" is that I think he looks small, iirc he is really tall and probably will be a bit larger sprite.
He's not that small actually. He's about the size of Rugal. Should I make him even bigger?
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1322  June 01, 2021, 04:26:29 am
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I really like it, I think it is with the right size.
Loved the details.
That’s when I thought, “good grief”
Just ain’t my belief
Until I saw the holes
Inside his hand
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1323  June 01, 2021, 05:52:19 am
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Very awesome! I think the size is correct too, the wide shoulders might be tricking the eye but it matches the style really well imo.
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1324  June 06, 2021, 05:38:18 am
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It's a very good sprite, but I understand why people could say he looks small. It's not that he's the wrong amount of pixels, it's that his proportions look like you enlarged a smaller person to take up more pixels.

Look at his hands and head compared to Rugal, they're both much larger. It makes his body look smaller because of it.
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1325  June 07, 2021, 11:42:36 am
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Yeah, Im not sure what does make him look smaller, maybe the hands, shoulders or head, but there is something strange happening.

Maybe its because he looks bulkier by the pixel limitations, I dunno, the sprite is well done, but I think you can make it even better.

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1326  June 07, 2021, 12:09:00 pm
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Yes, this is definitely the matter of proportions. They differ a bit from official KOF sprites.
Thanks to all of you guys for feedback and good words. I appreciate it!
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1327  October 05, 2021, 10:11:58 am
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Isla from KoF XV in some NO RULE kof styled sprite.

I tried CvS but didnt work, not quite convinced but its good enough, that look and smile are hard to get right so small.

Feel free to modify it if you want.

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1328  October 05, 2021, 07:51:47 pm
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Isla from KoF XV in some NO RULE kof styled sprite.

I tried CvS but didnt work, not quite convinced but its good enough, that look and smile are hard to get right so small.

Feel free to modify it if you want.

Neat sprite, loving the details.
Since you mentioned the smile, I've observed it is done in a crispier way by keeping the darker shade only for the edge of mouth, so kind of breaking the line /diagonal or even  just the idea of the mouth with lighter shades. That's really odd to explain and you probably know it already but I hope I'm making some sense!
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1329  October 05, 2021, 08:51:59 pm
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I tried several ways, most of them make her look like the Joker because the mouth gets too large or also too serious (kinda reminds me Leona).

Wasnt able to get a good looking smile in other way, at least trying to be accurate at the screenshot I used for reference.

As I said, if you can fix her or make improvements go ahead, we are all here to learn and share.
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1330  October 05, 2021, 09:31:33 pm
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Isla from KoF XV in some NO RULE kof styled sprite.

I tried CvS but didnt work, not quite convinced but its good enough, that look and smile are hard to get right so small.

Feel free to modify it if you want.

Damn... she actually look good in 2D
I would definitely play such a character... even if the official KOFXV version is still very MEH for my own tastes...

Great job and details!
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1331  October 06, 2021, 09:26:47 am
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I tried several ways, most of them make her look like the Joker because the mouth gets too large or also too serious (kinda reminds me Leona).

Wasnt able to get a good looking smile in other way, at least trying to be accurate at the screenshot I used for reference.

As I said, if you can fix her or make improvements go ahead, we are all here to learn and share.

Oh sure, I wouldn't call this a fix or anything as yours is perfectly legible, just something I had a run in with and came to a personal standard you could say.
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1332  October 10, 2021, 02:11:07 pm
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After very long brake from pixel art I would like to share early WIP of Lady Mr. Big sprite from KOF All Star. Resized and basic cleaning done for now. There is great potencial for SNK spriters from that game :D
Help would be much appreciated, cheers!

Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1333  October 14, 2021, 04:28:13 am
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Made an edit of Andy's 2002 Portrait to make him look like his Pre 2001 design. Tell me what yall think

Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1334  October 15, 2021, 08:19:41 am
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Original by Sabockee, middle is my edit.

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1335  October 19, 2021, 06:19:05 pm
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After very long brake from pixel art I would like to share early WIP of Lady Mr. Big sprite from KOF All Star. Resized and basic cleaning done for now. There is great potencial for SNK spriters from that game :D
Help would be much appreciated, cheers!

If you need the 3d Model it should be right here. You just need 3d modeling programs like Blender or XPS to use it.

OK found it just click o the download page to get the model
Last Edit: October 21, 2021, 05:59:30 am by videoman
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1336  December 11, 2021, 11:26:13 am
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Decided to post this here since the new guy showed up
This was made in 2014

Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1337  December 14, 2021, 06:39:10 pm
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Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1338  April 19, 2022, 01:53:10 pm
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Elisabeth KoF XV costume.

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1339  May 03, 2022, 05:06:41 pm
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I love snk style sprite and this is my first time doing one of these. Sorry in advance if it has errors on it.

Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 05:23:45 pm by Peyo_15
Re: [Theme Thread] SNK/KOF Sprite thread
#1340  May 24, 2022, 03:39:27 am
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Last Edit: May 26, 2022, 01:49:33 am by GTOAkira