
Books (Read 579012 times)

Started by Sepp, September 06, 2004, 07:17:29 pm
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Re: Books
#61  September 14, 2005, 06:51:04 am
You have to be stoned and drunk. Otherwise they're not "connected".


The OLD Tom Clancy books, mainly Op Center series.
Samurai Executioner.
The Stranger by Camus.....


I remember a topic very similar to this. Linkage.
Re: Books
#62  September 14, 2005, 06:53:36 am
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They are connected within his life experiences, but they have no connection.

It's like reading about him & hearing a story at the same time.......
Re: Books
#63  September 14, 2005, 11:57:04 am
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Btw, I was wondering if any one of you guys ever tried/liked reading "Choose Your Own Adventure" series? (Or maybe anything similar?)  They were a blast to read when I was younger, since it was fun and engaging to be able to have some degree of control with the direction of its storylines.
你們為什麼要跟我做对?  是不是想找死啊?  好!  我会成全你們的!!
Re: Books
#64  September 14, 2005, 02:19:07 pm
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SIXTY-TWO THOUSAND years before the birth of Yeshua ha Notzri, whom later humans knew as Jesus the Christ, the Time Wars ended, for reasons which no sentient being now knows. With that ending, the Continuing Time began.
        In the Continuing Time of which I write, nearly a thousand years after the birth of the man named Trent, mankind had spread to the stars, and attained a position of pre-eminence among the known sentient species of the Continuing Time.
        In that time, four humans had come to be legend, legend so great that even non-human sentients knew of them, of the dreams and myths that had accumulated about their names.
        Those four were Trent; Daniel, who was the first November; Ola who was Lady Blue; and Camber Tremodian. It was said of Trent that he could walk through walls, and they called him the Uncatchable; it was said of November that he was insane even by human standards; and of Camber Tremodian that he was not human at all.
        Of Ola Blue they knew only that she had once lived, and died; that she was death itself, and sorrow.

-- The Name Historian
Looking Backwards from the Year 3000, published 3018 Asimov
Daniel Keys Moran
The Tales of the Continuing Time: The Long Run

Actually there were three books topics. Now it's an all-in-one. :)

Cong: Not in a loooooong time, can hardly remember. Trying to figure out what I've been reading since my last post . . .

  • Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Woodring Stover, who still happens to be one of my fav authors. I don't need to tell you that it's like the best possible case he got to write this novelization for a . . . well, it wasn't exactly a great movie. I can just pretend it never happened, and consider this book the real Episode III. It's been line-edited by George Lucas himself, even, so there. Gotta admit that it does less for me than Stover's other books, though. That's still a lot more than most other authors do.
  • Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. Woah, okay. I admit I read that one way too fast and didn't really get all of its greatness or brilliance. It's definitely there, however.
  • Robot Dreams by Isaac Asimov. Hands down, Asimov was not a great writer or stylist. His stories I find boring to read, most of the time only the one basic idea that inspired a short story is interesting and original. Sometimes not even that. Robot Dreams holds two or three stories which inspired the movie I, Robot. Like the story Robot Dreams, for example. Which is alone already better than the Hollywood movie. In the story, a robot claims to have dreams. In these dreams, there is a figure on the horizon, who comes to free the robots. The robot is asked who it thinks that figure is. It answers that it thinks it's itself. The robot is immediately destroyed after saying this.
  • Lord of Light by Roger Zelany. Delightful book, I liked it very much with its insightful and humorous way. I can't believe how . . . symphatic I found Takara.
            Hellwell lies at the top of the world and it leads down to its roots.
                    It is probably as old as the world itself; and if it is not, it should be, because it looks as if it were.
  • The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever. Holy fuck, these are damned good. And full of gay looks and ejaculations to boot! (In non-sexual meaning. Though there's sex also. Imagine: Books about an impotent leper who finds himself in a magical place called The Land, of course does no believe in it, and about the first thing he does after getting there is . . . ah read it yourself. :P) These books have pretty much the coolest group of warriors ever. Like all the shocktroops, ninjas, Jedi and Mandalorians of history and fiction in one, but better. I don't want to spoil the moments of dawning realization, but they are incredibly cool. Not to mention awe-inspiring and really scary. To me.        "We are the Bloodguard. We will suffice."
  • The Tales of the Continuing Time by the fantastic Daniel Keys Moran (whose Boba Fett story The Last One Standing I quote like every week). OMGWTFYES. Very very very close to brilliance, and beyond description. Look at these covers maybe.

I only found and read Emerald Eyes and The Long Run so far, so I'll absolutely have to do some more huting after The Last Dancer and The A.I. War (is this even written yet??) and whatever.

In the meantime, I ordered The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever. And The Godfather. And Lolita. Heh.

IN ALL TIMES there are legends. But before the legend, there must be some piece of sharp, shiny truth to catch the light of day and hold it glowing in the midst of night's descent.
        Legends are rarely gentle. Gentleness is not remembered so long nor so well as valor or love or greed or death. Great deeds alone do not insure legend, and their lack will not prevent it - the winds of myth can rise from the lowest deserts.
        I have known many of the Continuing Time's great. I knew Ifahad bell K'Ailli briefly, and I was there when a congress of well meaning Zaradin began the Time Wars. I was there when the High King Arthur died under Camber Tremodian's hand, and I grieved for him. I have known Shakespeare's mind as he wrote, and Erl Moorhe's as she composed her last and most popular sensable, the twenty-seven-hour Lord of the Rings.
        I have known well all three of the deadliest night faces the human race has ever produced: Shiva Curiachen, and Ola who was Lady Blue, and Camber Tremodian himself.
Of the long list of regrets that define my life, I most regret the fact that I never knew Trent the Uncatchable.

-- The Name Storyteller
The Tales of the Continuing Time: Emerald Eyes
Daniel Keys Moran
"Several times now, Achamian thought he had glimpsed golden haloes about Kellhus's hands. He found himself envying those, such as Proyas, who claimed to see them all the time."
--R. Scott Bakker
The Thousandfold Thought (2006)


Re: Books
#65  September 14, 2005, 06:23:11 pm
Oh, damn, I forgot about this one. America by Jon Stewart. Love it with all my heart. Best 20 bucks not spent on porn. :sugoi:
Re: Books
#66  September 14, 2005, 11:47:11 pm
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I recomend people to read Korn: life in the pit by leah furman....its interesting learning about jonathan davis when he's a kid, if you knew him by then you would of never guessed  he would be in korn.

"If TV"s so bad for you, why do they have one in every hospital room?"
Re: Books
#67  September 15, 2005, 01:05:01 am
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I think im going to read Kingdom of Fear by Hunter S. Tompson, but before I do can you give me a summary (not spoiler) on the book?
Re: Books
#68  September 15, 2005, 01:08:15 am
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Re: Books
#69  September 15, 2005, 02:13:43 am
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Sounds like a good story, I'm going to check it out at the Library. Some other books im looking at are...ScarFace and the God Father.

Sepp: Maby since there have been three different topics on books it could be a Sticky Topic, I understand that there are quite a few Sticky's as it is, but its just an idea.
Re: Books
#70  September 15, 2005, 07:48:52 am
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I'll wait till there's another page but I'll make it a sticky soon.......


Re: Books
#71  September 16, 2005, 05:45:12 am
Sounds like a good story, I'm going to check it out at the Library. Some other books im looking at are...ScarFace and the God Father.

Sepp: Maby since there have been three different topics on books it could be a Sticky Topic, I understand that there are quite a few Sticky's as it is, but its just an idea.

They have HST at your library???? Cool.

Just finished Hagakure (the shortened tranlation) today. Wow. Is there a version containing all 1300 articles?
Re: Books
#72  September 17, 2005, 04:14:53 am
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Ok I checked out Kingdom of Fear from the Library it looks good im going to start reading tomarro

BTW: If you want to make this a sticky, but think theres to many sticky as there is, I sugest maby geting rid of Technolgey, since its rarley posted on :P
Re: Books
#73  September 17, 2005, 04:36:39 pm
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i liked hiroshima, and learned how the u.s. bombed that place interesting story, anyone here ever read the celestine prophecy?
Wanna get laid? Why don't you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait?
Re: Books
#74  September 17, 2005, 08:18:51 pm
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I love to read Books by Stephen King and Clive Barker.
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Re: Books
#75  September 17, 2005, 08:24:03 pm
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I always loved Bram Stoker's Dracula :vampire:
Re: Books
#76  September 17, 2005, 10:59:18 pm
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Well I've started reading "Kingdom of Fear" and I dont get what he's saying here.

Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honey-dew bath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.

I cant make a word of this, please help if you can.
Re: Books
#77  September 19, 2005, 10:34:16 pm
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I like Tom Clancey the best  :sugoi:
Re: Books
#78  September 21, 2005, 02:47:08 am
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I pretty much only read reptile books.
I've been called many things before but nobody calls me a "Chinese smurf" and gets away with it! My PM box is full so please e-mail me if you wish to speak to "the headless wonder".
Re: Books
#79  September 22, 2005, 01:45:47 am
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Well I was hoping the HS.T could tell me what that quote ment but oh well. Anyway im really enjoing "Kingdom of Fear" thanks for recomending it to me HS.T (he lives in Kentucky, I live close to there, maby I can get his Autograph).
Re: Books
#80  September 22, 2005, 02:02:19 am
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Well I've started reading "Kingdom of Fear" and I dont get what he's saying here.

Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honey-dew bath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.

I cant make a word of this, please help if you can.

Never read that book but i will guess he has tasted something secret or considered taboo and now is afraid something is gonna happen to him.he has fed on something heavenly and drunk something heavily and now close his eyes in anticipation for whats gonna happen to him.

Just a guess.