
wrestling (Read 2438723 times)

Started by Titiln, August 28, 2007, 08:49:26 pm
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#1  August 28, 2007, 08:49:26 pm
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did anybody here watch summerslam? if so, were you utterly disappointed by cena retaining again? I MEAN COME ON

EDIT: mfg championship discontinued
Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 02:21:05 am by Titiln
Re: wrestling
#2  August 28, 2007, 08:55:22 pm
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HAHA! Cena retained?! That's fantastic! Everyone was saying he would lose since they are actually mentioning the fact he wins all the time now.

I figured he would win just because of how much they were pushing how much he wins. He'll lose soon now, probably not on a payperview. I think WWE just did this to shake everyone up that was so sure Cena would finally lose.
Re: wrestling
#3  August 29, 2007, 12:14:36 am
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No Cena will drop on a PPV.  Dropping a title reign for a year on regular TV?  I don't think so.  There's really nobody left to beat Cena except HHH and Kennedy.  Everyone else has pretty much had a chance.

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.
Re: wrestling
#4  August 29, 2007, 12:19:47 am
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I think if they focused on HHH, then he'll get it just by feuding with him.
If Kennedy's in this, He will get it by McMahon intervention. After all, people are claiming that Kennedy's the illegitimate son
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Re: wrestling
#5  August 29, 2007, 05:05:26 am
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The last news I heard was of Orton winning the strap sometime soon, and then feuding with a turned Trips up to WM24.

I've been out of the loop with work for months... so I'm not sure if that plan was scrapped.
Re: wrestling
#6  August 29, 2007, 07:33:11 pm
  • Girly Girl.
I used to watch WWF/E but I don't anymore. I stopped watching it after they changed the name.
You should start watching federations like; ROH, Chikara Pro, IWA Mid-South and CZW.
Tho I don't like those anymore either, I only watch Japanese wrestling now like NOAH and Dragon Gate.
Re: wrestling
#7  August 29, 2007, 08:44:48 pm
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...  I watch RAW, ECW, Smackdown, TNA, used to watch ROH, and I sometimes watch AAA on univision.

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Re: wrestling
#8  August 29, 2007, 11:00:43 pm
I never heard of AAA or ROH.I've seen TNA and Wrestling Society X.But the WWE is best.I'm glad Cena Retained his belt.But he isn't going to have it forever.John Cena's going to have to take a vacation like Triple & Rey did.Then when he's on his vacation he'll have to give up his belt to someone.Might as well let it be Orton.
Re: wrestling
#9  August 30, 2007, 08:01:18 am
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I never heard of AAA or ROH.I've seen TNA and Wrestling Society X.But the WWE is best.I'm glad Cena Retained his belt.But he isn't going to have it forever.John Cena's going to have to take a vacation like Triple & Rey did.Then when he's on his vacation he'll have to give up his belt to someone.Might as well let it be Orton.

AAA is a mexican wrestling federation, and ROH is an independant circuit where Samoa Joe, Jamie Noble, and CM Punk rose to fame.  I don't like Cena because the WWE gives him long championship reigns; I don't have any problem with him not holding a belt from time to time but a year of him as champion makes me sick.  IMA John Cena, yer a ham sammich, and I'll overcome teh odds!

FYI, it's a coyote... not a wolf f00! :Mr-T:
*Orton Poses*


Re: wrestling
#10  August 30, 2007, 04:11:05 pm
Wow everyone hates how Cena keeps the belt.You have a point though Cena has retained his belt for a long long time and against guys like Umaga,the Great Khali,& Randy Orton.Who does he have to defend his belt against Next Mark Henry?If it was Mark Henry i bet he'd keep his belt too.
Re: wrestling
#11  August 30, 2007, 05:01:49 pm
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Wow everyone hates how Cena keeps the belt.You have a point though Cena has retained his belt for a long long time and against guys like Umaga,the Great Khali,& Randy Orton.Who does he have to defend his belt against Next Mark Henry?If it was Mark Henry i bet he'd keep his belt too.

Let me say this again...  IMA OVACOME TEH ODDZ!!!

The WWE plays him as a regular guy overcoming the odds against the biggest, baddest, and the meanest of the superstars in the WWE, but it's getting really old, and his moveset is so predictable with his 5 moves of doom:\  Kayfabe sucks and is unbelievable when the works are done with crappy writers.  I miss Russo

FYI, it's a coyote... not a wolf f00! :Mr-T:
*Orton Poses*


Re: wrestling
#12  August 30, 2007, 05:17:59 pm
You are right the The FU is really old.He's had since he first got into the WWE the Five Knuckle Shuffle is old too.And the STFU is an imitation of Chris Benoit's Crossface.I think John Cena needs to lose that belt now.It's getting boring how John Cena comes out every Monday night with his belt.Seriously Triple H should take the belt from Cena.   
Re: wrestling
#13  August 30, 2007, 06:09:29 pm
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FU = doesn't hurt but is implimented as the most devestating move to hit the WWE.  Lame ass fireman's carry powerslam

Kayfabe wise

FU>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RKO

In an actual pain comparison

RKO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FU

Do you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

FYI, it's a coyote... not a wolf f00! :Mr-T:
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Re: wrestling
#14  August 30, 2007, 06:37:14 pm I think it's pretty gay how John Cena stil won after three RKOs even one against the chair.I tell you they let John Cena cheat.
Re: wrestling
#15  September 04, 2007, 05:20:56 am
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kennedy is not the son?!?! who could it be, then?!

it would be cool if his son was aj styles, from tna. he's a great wrestler and i hope he signs with wwe soon. maybe he will go to new japan and become champion there before going to wwe, who knows. i can already imagine aj styles beating up john cena
Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 12:59:33 am by Titiln
Re: wrestling
#16  September 04, 2007, 05:34:02 am
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Cena Will Lose to Orton the feud isnt over..
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Re: wrestling
#17  September 04, 2007, 05:53:08 am
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Orton will have to drop it right after he gets it though (probably to HHH).

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.


Re: wrestling
#18  September 04, 2007, 05:55:08 am
We're going to find out next week.
Re: wrestling
#19  September 04, 2007, 06:02:41 am
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HHH has abs again :o


FYI, it's a coyote... not a wolf f00! :Mr-T:
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Re: wrestling
#20  September 04, 2007, 06:04:37 am
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PSN / XBLA - ViewtifulSuxx