
Lala Yoshida - Character Page (Read 21628 times)

Started by CRASHEM8000, January 27, 2016, 05:47:05 pm
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Lala Yoshida - Character Page
#1  January 27, 2016, 05:47:05 pm
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Mari "Lala" Yoshida

Vital Info

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Win Quotes

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Voice Acting Lines

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NEW Gameplay Synopsis

Lala is, at her purest form, a damage sponge and a rushdown character. Whereas most rushdown characters have high Attack and low Defense, Lala plays it by her own tune, sporting the lowest Attack and highest Defense in the game (although, in a mirror match, these values are adjusted)!
Lala is quick, lightweight, and easy to pick up and play. Her movelist is shallow, but each move has a specific use, and can be used to create potent combos and pressure. However, the vast majority of her attacks involve her charging headstrong toward the opponent, and as a result, she's left wide-open fairly often. Good thing she can take a hit.
If Lala can press the advantage and score a hard knockdown, she can reset the opponent with her Koha Kick attack! Whether she wants to chain it into a special move for extra combo damage, or play a tricky setup, the Koha Kick is always available to her, so long as the opponent is lying prone.

  • Can take lots of damage without worry
  • Quick, simple, and accessible
  • Wide variety of gameplans and setups

  • Absolute lowest Attack value in the game
  • Telegraphs her special moves
  • Absolutely needs to be in her opponent's face, or at poke range to be effective
Have you tried "Season 2" Kitty yet?
Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 08:18:09 pm by CRASHEM8000
Re: Lala Yoshida - Character Page
New #2  January 27, 2016, 07:40:01 pm
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Visual Command List


Command Normals

Yakuza Kick - +

Koha Kick - (Downed opponent) +

Special Moves

Aerial Attack - + (Also In Air)

Hellcat Rising - +

Thunderclap Assault - +

Super Moves

Three Wheels - +

Murderous Demon Cat Rising - +

Destructive Cross (Level 3) - ++ (Same Strength)

Have you tried "Season 2" Kitty yet?
Last Edit: March 10, 2018, 06:42:50 am by CRASHEM8000
Re: Lala Yoshida - Character Page
#3  February 27, 2016, 10:03:32 pm
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Have you tried "Season 2" Kitty yet?