
Coding help wanted in the future (Read 27710 times)

Started by Iced, October 27, 2015, 09:28:00 pm
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Coding help wanted in the future
#1  October 27, 2015, 09:28:00 pm
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Guys, Hdbz consumes a lot of resources, and sometimes we need coders for little jobs( and sometimes larger jobs!)  and fixes that we dont all have time to perform.

If you want to enlist to be on a list that we go to when we need to, please post bellow with the level of involvement you would be willing to give.
"Sup Im iced, ive done some characters before and Im willing to do little fixes to hitboxes"

"Hi, Im iced2 and im willing to code stages and bonus characters if you guys need"

"Hi im iced3 and im willing to code characters and fix bugs"

Thanks to anyone interested in helping.
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#2  November 19, 2015, 07:48:18 pm
  • **
  • Spriting takes so long! I'm decent at it though!
    • USA
Hey, this  might be a joke, but I've done a character before, and have edited hitboxes on a few, I'd be willing to do some small hit box edits
Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 08:03:31 pm by GOD984
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#3  November 20, 2015, 05:06:18 pm
  • ******
  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
Sup, I'm Cybaster, I've done some Z2 characters before and ...  :knife:
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#4  November 20, 2015, 08:32:07 pm
  • ****
    • USA
Hi, I'm DJ HannibalRoyce. I've coded a bunch of characters and i would be willing to help. My strong points are hypers, intros and wins . I also like long walks in the park... :)
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#5  January 01, 2016, 07:07:41 am
  • *
    • USA
Hello, I'm Biff McGheek and I play lots of fighting games and understand how their fundamentals from a design/kinda technical standpoint. I can help with editing hitboxes, frame data, and I'm learning spriting and animation.
Also happy New Year  :party3:
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#6  January 02, 2016, 08:28:43 pm
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#7  January 08, 2016, 12:40:20 pm
  • ****
    • USA
sorry for the late response...i have free time these couple of weeks so i can help.
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce


Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#8  January 08, 2016, 06:25:32 pm
  • ***
  • Ignorin'U
    • Switzerland
Hi I'm Amy and I've done plenty of stages, which most weren't really on the IGN/10 level but I offer my help if it's needed.
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#9  June 21, 2016, 12:57:57 am
  • ******
Yo, who wants to code a HDBZ character? We have some extra stuff in the works. We would like to have 1 more full time coder. You don't have to have a ton of coding experience but you need to really want to learn if you don't have experience.

If you don't have experience and religiously read help threads and Mugen class soaking knowledge we won't mind taking you under our wing.

For both experienced and inexperienced we demand a drive for quality and an understanding of fighters and mechanics.

Who wants to become part of the backbone to our team?
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#10  June 21, 2016, 11:52:39 am
  • ******
I could try that.
I've coded and edited some characters. The ones you can download and are released are pretty old, those do not represent my coding skills because I'm always getting better.
I understand helpers, variables, but for more complex stuff I'll have to ask you.


Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#11  June 24, 2016, 10:03:06 am
  • *****
    • USA
i may be of use. i may not know how to do stuff like kame but i have completely re-coded several characters who were in the lacking department.

i have a good general knowledge of what makes a solid character overall so that can be of use. im constantly editing any character i find to make sure the recovery frames, startup frames, unsafe frames, etc. are all put in check. basically i strive for quality in all overall areas.

im good with helpers and coding normals, specials and supers but i have a hard time with vars, custom states and grapple states. im willing to learn alot and i'll have to ask questions at times.
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#12  July 06, 2016, 02:51:07 pm
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  • i am loyal to you unless you disagree with me
    • UK
Hey, I'm Veanko, I have done a few characters before and I tend to extensively edit characters I download (not sure if that's worth knowing or not). I'm willing to do bug fixes and code AI if you need that.
something looks a little off...

My youtube channel:
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#13  August 08, 2016, 03:56:23 am
  • ******
I want to bump this to ask if myself or someone else finally got back with everyone that responded. If you only got a "wait for later" message that counts as a NO because everyone should have been contacted with a definitive answer on their projects now. So PM me or message here.

I got really busy and I'm not sure if anyone else got with folks so I want to be sure. Thank you
Re: Coding help wanted in the future
#14  September 13, 2016, 10:07:18 pm
  • ***
  • Getting better, still a long way to go
    • UK
I am no master, but i can get things done. Would be willing to help if it is needed