
Kula retouch (Read 27055 times)

Started by Rhythmholic, October 12, 2024, 07:21:33 am
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Kula retouch
#1  October 12, 2024, 07:21:33 am
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 I was working on a kinda CVS Kula project a long time ago, for the DW character. It's been on a long hiatus, but recently decided to get back to it. This is a retouch of her XIII version.

WIP: some frames need to be retouched.

More to come soon...
Re: Kula retouch
#2  October 12, 2024, 11:32:21 am
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Man, this Kula isntotally AMAZING. I'm jealous of your skills!!

EDIT: Which proportions did you follow to decrease her size from XIII to CvS? Thanks!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Last Edit: October 12, 2024, 12:21:26 pm by FeLo_Llop
Re: Kula retouch
#3  October 12, 2024, 12:23:36 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Absolutely awesome!
The CVS feeling is great here!
I never been a Kulan fan, but I'm really impressed and glad this is possible.

I say that, because usually the XIII->CVS conversions keep mostly the 3D aspects of XIII.
And also strange proportions sometimes.

But here, this is absolutely flawless!!!

Would you show few steps of your conversion in a single sprite ?
I"m very curious about your process... visually...
Re: Kula retouch
#4  October 12, 2024, 05:17:29 pm
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That's a very good looking Kula. There's just a few things I'd recommend tweaking. After comparing her standing sprite to the CvS and KOF sprites, I feel like her legs are just a pixel too long, and I'd advise to be careful with not making her head too big. In this animation, all you'd need to do is bring the top of her head down by a pixel and it'd be good. Only other thing that I feel didn't translate quite well from XIII to CvS are the leg proportions, with her legs looking very skinny. CvS sprites tend to emphasize the shapes of a characters proportions a good bit, so at the very least, I think her leg shape would be closer to how it was in the older KOF Kula sprite design.

Quick edit I made to help showcase what I'm suggesting, if you'd like to use it.

Re: Kula retouch
#5  October 12, 2024, 08:15:31 pm
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Thanks Ned, Felo_Llop and MotorRoach, I really appreciate your kind words :D

Which proportions did you follow to decrease her size from XIII to CvS? Thanks!
50/50, I was a bit lazy, to be honest, but it looks pretty good to me, lol.

Would you show few steps of your conversion in a single sprite ?
Sure, Ned. Actually it's a simple/fast process. (And maybe I would have liked to know it earlier)

1st frame: Original Sprite
2nd frame: Reduce colors by applying a cs patch
3rd frame: Decrease the size by 50%
4th frame: Apply the tweaks to the sprite.

Oh Interesting, really liked the change you made to the sprite, thank you. I'll consider applying these changes to all of them. Thanks for the feedback :)
Last Edit: October 12, 2024, 09:35:57 pm by Rhythmholic
Re: Kula retouch
#6  October 13, 2024, 12:21:58 am
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Thanks Ned, Felo_Llop and MotorRoach, I really appreciate your kind words :D

Which proportions did you follow to decrease her size from XIII to CvS? Thanks!
50/50, I was a bit lazy, to be honest, but it looks pretty good to me, lol.

Hmm, I see. That's the exact same resize I used for Ash(finished sprite sheet), but I thought, specially when comparing to official cvs sprites, that maybe he was a bit tad big. I think I saw a more accurate image showing the perfect proportions else where.

Whatever!! Thanks, man!! I hope seeing more of you! :) !!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Kula retouch
#7  October 13, 2024, 03:00:25 pm
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Re: Kula retouch
#8  October 17, 2024, 06:14:41 pm
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Looking good. :) I was in the opinion of the bigger head translation from XIII but I didn't notice the legs that Roach pointed out. They're subtle changes but they look nice. I'm looking forward to more progress. Good luck with everything.
Re: Kula retouch
#9  October 27, 2024, 02:05:42 pm
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Thanks all of you :D

I have applied the changes to all the sprites I had done suggested by MotorRoach, and also modify the shading of the hair so that it looks a little cvs

Last Edit: October 27, 2024, 08:34:34 pm by Rhythmholic
Re: Kula retouch
#10  October 28, 2024, 01:01:54 pm
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  • Formerly DeathScythe
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This is looking really good!
I noticed her right hand in the new version is now a different color in the comparison gif, don't know if it's intentional?
Anyway, I'll be keeping an eye on this project!
Re: Kula retouch
#11  November 12, 2024, 03:00:36 am
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I noticed her right hand in the new version is now a different color in the comparison gif, don't know if it's intentional?

It's intentional, some anims I had made had a different process and broader CS. But, when I restart the project, I opted for a simpler process since the previous one took too long.
Re: Kula retouch
#12  November 12, 2024, 06:04:52 pm
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Wow, those look absolutely outstanding, dare say that the face in yours looks better than the official sprite or at least a really solid transition into the style :D Definitely looking forward to this big style, if you need help with coloring this Id be more than happy to do this
Re: Kula retouch
#13  November 12, 2024, 08:57:44 pm
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Those look pretty fluid, ngl! Nice job on them! I can't imagine how long it takes to do all of this, when a single sprite takes me 3 months lol. x_x

As per usual, I must ask: Will you be adding any other custom states to her? : V (Also interesting Midnight Bliss, wonder what that's based on. Curious if you'd be interested in giving her any based on a couple outfits from KOFAS like the ice skater and Halloween ones for alt Blisses too~)
Re: Kula retouch
#14  November 16, 2024, 12:39:34 pm
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Great job, Great progress.

To be honest, I feel like in her idle stance you reduced the upper part of her head a bit too much.
I would have reduced by one pixel not 2 pixels. (Just my feeling)

Also, when giving bigger thighs to Kulo, try to avoid making them "staight"
You should try to keep it a bit "defined", but just thicker to match Capcom style.

Overall, I love everything you did.
Very promising.
Re: Kula retouch
#15  December 07, 2024, 09:39:37 pm
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Thank you all! :D

Oh that's good to hear, I'll keep it in mind :D

Actually, the upper part is reduced by one pixel. Maybe it's confusing since I also reduced a pixel at the bottom part (legs)
About the thighs, as example, I defined them in the run anim shown below, is it an improvement?.

Yeah, but most of the fluidity comes from the original XIII sprites hehe. About her custom states not sure but maybe I'd leave it for last.


I only have a couple of anims left to finish the basic ones.

On the other hand, not sure if the proportions of her torso are correct, mainly the shoulders. So, I made some edits to her stance, including the shading. I slightly separated her shoulders, reduced the sole of her left shoe by 1 pixel, and reduced her left leg by 1 pixel. Not sure if these changes are worth it to then modify what I was doing

Last Edit: December 08, 2024, 02:06:30 am by Rhythmholic
Re: Kula retouch
#16  December 08, 2024, 02:54:07 am
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Great work with Kula! I think I see newer torso better than old. But there's ONLY ONE think I can not stop seeing. Breast area. Not because me being a pervert(sorry, but I am not!),  there's a small mistake. It looks SO short cut. Instead, you can play a bit withthis (I coloured yellow the missing area, so you can replace it with clothing's colours.

Have a nice day and congratulations with this amazing job on Kula <3
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Kula retouch
#17  December 08, 2024, 11:52:57 pm
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Great work with Kula! I think I see newer torso better than old. But there's ONLY ONE think I can not stop seeing. Breast area. Not because me being a pervert(sorry, but I am not!),  there's a small mistake. It looks SO short cut. Instead, you can play a bit withthis (I coloured yellow the missing area, so you can replace it with clothing's colours.

I agree. The more defined shoulders are nice and with that, her breasts do need the extra pixels to round them out. Nice find. Great work Rhyth, I look forward to more progress. :thumbsup:
Re: Kula retouch
New #18  December 14, 2024, 06:51:02 pm
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Thanks guys, really appreciate your words :D
Sorry for the delay... As I told you, Felo, you made an excellent edit, those three pixels made it much better. So I was applying those changes before to some of the anims made so far.
Last Edit: December 15, 2024, 05:04:49 am by Rhythmholic