
ClayFighter 1/TE Taffy has been released!! (Read 12377 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, August 24, 2023, 12:13:04 am
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ClayFighter 1/TE Taffy has been released!!
#1  August 24, 2023, 12:13:04 am
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Unexpected, isn't it?? I bet it is :mlol:
Long-short story: Looking for references for my 63 1/3 Taffy, I found various versions of CF1/TE and didn't like none of them or don't make justice of the mean spirited ball of solid sugar. So, meanwhile I was finishing Taffy and the Beta 2, I started a version of the first game just because... and now it's finished. Here's what you'll find here:
  • The base is the same of 63 1/3 chars, but it's 100% based on the first game
  • All his moves, voice, FX and even the announcer from CF1 and Tournament Edition
  • 3 new supers based on his CF1 moves
  • 12 palettes, 4 based on CF1/TE and 8 originals
Spoiler: Screenshots (click to see content)

I hope you like this version that I hope finally makes justice for Taffy, as my 63 1/3 version did it. And before you ask... no, he won't be included on Infinite Clayfare as an EX Taffy, this is another outta-nowhere experiments of mine, so he's on the Non-Canon section with the AF chars (Orochi Sumo Santa and HoboCop) and SC High Five. But... maybe I could make versions like this for Helga and Blue Suede Goo, accurate to the first game, won't be a bad idea ;)

Yeeaah, wise guy!!
Chars -> ClayFighter
Re: ClayFighter 1/TE Taffy has been released!!
#2  August 25, 2023, 03:09:24 pm
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Oh my... Nice &Funny ontinues. Thanks a lott! 
Hey, can i help, or maybe i need help