
How do i add more characters insids the slots? (Read 3012 times)

Started by snowy997, March 04, 2025, 07:09:46 pm
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How do i add more characters insids the slots?
#1  March 04, 2025, 07:09:46 pm
  • ***
    • Brazil
I've heard there is a feature in Ikemen Go where you can add more characters inside the slots. How i do that?
Re: How do i add more characters insids the slots?
#2  March 04, 2025, 07:23:40 pm
  • ****
  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
It's literally explained in the select.def itself:

 ; - slot
 ;   IKEMEN feature: Slot parameter, which allows to assign multiple characters
 ;   into a single select screen slot, uses special syntax: declaration starts
 ;   with a line containing only 'slot = {'. The next and following lines have
 ;   characters added using the standard syntax. Closing '}' bracket in a new
 ;   line ends current slot declaration. Characters added this way can have few
 ;   extra parameters assigned:
 ;   - select: Set the paramvalue to the command that selects this character.
 ;     If multiple chars in this slot have the same paramvalue assigned, they
 ;     will be selected randomly.
 ;   - next: Set the paramvalue to the command that swaps the current slot
 ;     character with the next character that shares the same paramvalue.
 ;   - previous: Set the paramvalue to the command that swaps the current slot
 ;     character with the previous character that shares the same paramvalue.
 ;   Commands use the same syntax as mugen CMD files (comma is permitted)

 ; slot = {
 ;      kfm, stages/mybg.def, previous=d, next=w
 ;      SuaveDude, previous=d, next=w, select=/s+a
 ; }
Re: How do i add more characters insids the slots?
#3  March 07, 2025, 09:51:59 am
  • ****
for this part:

;      SuaveDude, previous=d, next=w, select=/s+a

i don't think there is a need to assign the select=/s+a parameter because this was like assigning the character to select only by pressing start then followed by a button to select the character and not selecting the character on any button press such as one of the example that I found in os farram's Ikemen Go Fighting Collection in the select.def file:

slot = {
      Iori-KOF98/_Ikemen_GO.def, stages/kof-XIII-KOF`95-Remix_Stage.def, includestage=0, order=7, ordersurvival=7, previous=d, next=w             ;yes-stage;yes-music ;Author:"ikaruga"
      Yiori/_Ikemen_GO.DEF, stages/kof-XIII-KOF`95-Remix_Stage.def, includestage=0, order=0, ordersurvival=0, previous=d, next=w, select=/s+a            ;yes-stage;yes-music ;Author:"[Yagami+ihoo1836]"
      Yiori/_Ikemen_GO.DEF, stages/kof-XIII-KOF`95-Remix_Stage.def, includestage=0, order=0, ordersurvival=0, previous=d, next=w, select=/s+b            ;yes-stage;yes-music ;Author:"[Yagami+ihoo1836]"
      Yiori/_Ikemen_GO.DEF, stages/kof-XIII-KOF`95-Remix_Stage.def, includestage=0, order=0, ordersurvival=0, previous=d, next=w, select=/s+c            ;yes-stage;yes-music ;Author:"[Yagami+ihoo1836]"
      Yiori/_Ikemen_GO.DEF, stages/kof-XIII-KOF`95-Remix_Stage.def, includestage=0, order=0, ordersurvival=0, previous=d, next=w, select=/s+x            ;yes-stage;yes-music ;Author:"[Yagami+ihoo1836]"
      Yiori/_Ikemen_GO.DEF, stages/kof-XIII-KOF`95-Remix_Stage.def, includestage=0, order=0, ordersurvival=0, previous=d, next=w, select=/s+y            ;yes-stage;yes-music ;Author:"[Yagami+ihoo1836]"
      Orochi_Iori/_Ikemen_GO.def, stages/ken_sfa3.def, includestage=0, order=0, ordersurvival=0, previous=d, next=w, select=/s+z                  ;yes-stage;yes-music ;Author:"Ahuron"

like if I want to select orochi_iori, i have to go to iori-kof98, press the d or w button to reach him and if his big portrait shows up, I have to only press start and z button to select him and not with other button press, here is another that I saw in another ikemen go game that there is no need to have this select=/s+a parameter where I believe I can choose my character after pressing d or w button with any button from a, b, c, x, y or z or even holding start by pressing a, b, c, x, y, z to select the character which I think it works:

slot = {
96-Ralf, stages/ikari96.def, music=sound/Rumbling on the City.mp3, order=2, previous=s, next=s
ralf94, stages/KOF94-BrazilStage.def, music=sound/JUNGLE BOUNCER.mp3, order=4, single=1, previous=s, next=s

correct me if I am wrong, I don't have the time to test :P but that's how I felt when I was reading some of the select.def of those ikemen go games

My real life is coming soon........!