
Work Shop (Read 295027 times)

Started by Koop, November 17, 2014, 09:51:03 pm
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Work Shop
#1  November 17, 2014, 09:51:03 pm
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New developments are on the way. System has been remade and characters are being updated. Beta is planned for Christmas. This thread will show various pieces and bits that are made during development. Some may make it into the game, others won't. So without further ado:

A quick talk with websta said:
[19:37:54] Websta: on the topic of that....
[19:38:04] Websta: you've been messing with svc quite a bit right?
[19:38:20] Websta: did you notice that "thing" in the 2nd last stage?
[19:38:29] KoopaKoot: the lighting thing?
[19:39:47] Websta: yes
[19:39:58] Websta: (amazed that you know what I'm talking about)
[19:40:35] Websta: that shit must be in gals, or I won't forgive you
[19:42:19] Websta: then again I have no idea how you would do that

What he is vaguely referring to is the lighting effect that appears on characters in the Guardian Dogs stage in SVC Chaos.

After messing around for a few minutes I was able to code it

Not sure where to use it in Gals though
Re: Work Shop
#2  November 18, 2014, 01:44:23 am
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Maybe if Shermie had an Orochi Mode with her respective 97 stage, the effect could be used for lightning effects, or something like CVS Pro's Conflagration, or Yuri's stage being exactly SVC Guardian Dogs Temple (and have her use a default palette with Dark Red tints that works out better), or the old Temple 98 in flames Stage we used to use for shots (that wa supposed to be in a full game that was never completed, this could be its full game debut), or the shopping district at night from KOF 2000...

So, you'd be doing stage interaction? ... SO MANY IDEAS THAT INVOLVE WATER  ;_;
Re: Work Shop
#3  November 18, 2014, 02:04:56 am
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Maybe if Shermie had an Orochi Mode with her respective 97 stage, the effect could be used for lightning effects, or something like CVS Pro's Conflagration, or Yuri's stage being exactly SVC Guardian Dogs Temple (and have her use a default palette with Dark Red tints that works out better), or the old Temple 98 in flames Stage we used to use for shots (that wa supposed to be in a full game that was never completed, this could be its full game debut), or the shopping district at night from KOF 2000...

So, you'd be doing stage interaction? ... SO MANY IDEAS THAT INVOLVE WATER  ;_;

Koop's vision of SNK Gals Fighter + Stage interaction + water = That really weird but sexy SNK Gals Beach Volleyball thingamajig game.
Anyway, my two cents are nothing more than what walt just said. I'm glad to see that this project hasn't died. Keep up the good work, and good luck with everything else ;)
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Re: Work Shop
#4  November 23, 2014, 10:57:50 pm
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Another update. This time showing off the projectile reflection. Maybe it would be more impressive with two different characters with projectiles and reflectors, so I'll upload such a thing at a later date.

This video just shows how it works
Re: Work Shop
#5  November 23, 2014, 11:00:11 pm
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Holy shit yes.
Re: Work Shop
#6  November 23, 2014, 11:02:53 pm
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tennis idea is great! i hope that makes the cut! great job koop
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Re: Work Shop
#7  November 23, 2014, 11:11:33 pm
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Not really an idea so much as the implementation. Every fighting game I've seen that has reflectors allows this.
Re: Work Shop
#8  November 23, 2014, 11:15:57 pm
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Not really an idea so much as the implementation. Every fighting game I've seen that has reflectors allows this.

well i havent seen it reflect the same thing so DONT U DOWNPLAY MY COMMENT DAMMIT. i still love u JZ...XD! lol
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Re: Work Shop
#9  December 05, 2014, 08:05:13 pm
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Update time again. Because my past standards are less than substandard compared to my currents standards (I'm not gonna say "standard" again for a while), Shiki was recoded from scratch this week.

The boring SDM I made for her normal mugen release has been replaced by an auto combo based off the version from SS64

Here is a video showing both versions.

She also uses SS5 slash sound effects. Also I removed blood sparks since later instalments of the games that I like don't have blood.
Re: Work Shop
#10  December 05, 2014, 08:11:04 pm
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Nice work with the "tennis effect".
Re: Work Shop
#11  December 16, 2014, 04:42:11 pm
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Update time again. Progress is going slowly but surely. A certain purple haired alien with a bunch of weird moves (not Athena) is taking precious development time in order to be coded correctly. Ahem...this post is just to show that some of the get hit animations are more KOF like since I'm able to use more custom states than I normally would for regular mugen conversions.

And here's a webm.

Re: Work Shop
#12  December 17, 2014, 01:36:50 am
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I wouldn't call Akari an alien.
Re: Work Shop
#13  December 17, 2014, 01:59:41 am
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^Way to contribute something to the thread :V

That spinning fall is awesome, I feel extremely bad that I've never heard of her until now, and I've played a lot of KOF but never one with her in it. That move looks pretty cool though, totally sidetracking but since I draw a lot of inspiration from my own game from kof\snk, what game was she in?
Re: Work Shop
#14  December 17, 2014, 02:13:15 am
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The Last Blade. Go play it. NOW.
Re: Work Shop
#15  December 17, 2014, 03:30:44 am
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now I feel even stupider I've played LAST BLADE a shitton of times ffs.....

* Neocide is embarrassed 
Re: Work Shop
#16  December 17, 2014, 03:35:34 am
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You were probably just fortunate enough to not have anyone do the Akari loop on you!
Re: Work Shop
#17  December 17, 2014, 03:39:07 am
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now I feel even stupider I've played LAST BLADE a shitton of times ffs.....

* Neocide is embarrassed 
You are now sentenced to 10 hours of either Last Blade 1 or 2. This is non-negotiable and failure to comply will result in immediate disintegration.
Re: Work Shop
#18  December 17, 2014, 03:43:27 am
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I blame @Cyanide: we always play each other in snk games, and I don't think either of us used her much....
Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 03:47:18 am by Neocide
Re: Work Shop
#19  December 19, 2014, 06:50:29 pm
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oh my goodness.
This is the best lookin NeoGeo styled gameplay Ive seen so far, even IF its just a wip :)
Re: Work Shop
#20  December 19, 2014, 09:50:01 pm
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Update time. Added the automatic dash when activating max mode during a normal move. This was seen in KOF 13. Not going to add activation in the air though.

Here's a video of it in action

That being said, I'd like to spice max mode up a bit. Maybe make it unique for for all characters.