
Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed  (Read 1484709 times)

Started by Cong Fu Man, March 13, 2020, 01:36:56 am
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Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#1  March 13, 2020, 01:36:56 am
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Hey all, I live in Kansas City Kansas.  The Midwest state (wizard of oz) in U.S.  Here it hasn’t hit us nearly as bad yet, with only 4 cases reported and no deaths. Unfortunately, The mayor had just declared a state of emergency, banning all gatherings larger than 1,000.  I manage a restaurant, and we are bracing ourselves for a major reduction in foot traffic as well as the ever likelihood of being infected ourselves.  Please share with us where you live right now, what your situation is like, and how you are coping with this disaster looming in the foreseeable future.
你們為什麼要跟我做对?  是不是想找死啊?  好!  我会成全你們的!!
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#2  March 13, 2020, 02:40:13 am
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 I personally think people are overreacting. Sure, it has victimized a large number of people, but the media is overhyping it to being the next Black Plague. Thousands is nothing compared to the dozens of millions who died to the latter. Also, my mother asked me to lend her $3,000 last week to stock up, but I flatly said no because that's like a month and a half of my work wages being blown over overhyped bullshit.

 Either way, being the quiet city with a relatively small population that is Erie, Pennsylvania... the worst that happened here are face masks being out of stock.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#3  March 13, 2020, 02:45:34 am
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I live in S. Korea... Enuff said...
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#4  March 13, 2020, 02:49:22 am
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If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#5  March 13, 2020, 03:09:04 am
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 I mean, that is still small change compared to over 60% of Europe literally gone in less than a decade, even with comparing hundreds a day being factored in.

 Not saying it isn't tragic and alarming, but I do think it's being overblown to the point that it's causing more harm than good at times.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#6  March 13, 2020, 03:13:07 am
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I was sent home from work today to make sure our warehouse was prepped for it. I'm in Livermore, CA and I don't think it's as bad as the black plague but thinking it's no big deal is what is making it spread more. It's not really the virus itself it's more the number of cases overwhelming the medical field in sustaining it. Italy literally closed down a lot of their businesses too. And from the trajectory we're on (pretty similar to Italy) we can all be out of work for a bit, and those of us who live paycheck to paycheck will be hit the hardest.

Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#7  March 13, 2020, 03:18:23 am
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Valencian, but living in Madrid(Spain). A woman from my work was set into quarantine and a possible positive in my sector(a guy who literally works less of 3 meters from me, ouch!).

Also, people is overreacting, at least here in Spain.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#8  March 13, 2020, 03:44:11 am
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Its not as bad as the Ebola virus that hit Africa a couple of years ago, that had the mortality rate of 80%.
It was however horribly quarantined and handled. Some countries that have it are refusing to declare that because they're afraid of scaring their tourists away which is even more horrible.
And the media's coverage of is even worse, I agree. Pharmacies are now fooling people into buying overpriced shitty masks, and canned food is on shortage because some idiots are stockpiling it. While the virus is basically just a glorified Swine flu with no vaccine. Speaking of vaccine, hopefully once its developed, all this hype will die down.
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#9  March 13, 2020, 03:49:57 am
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I personally think people are overreacting. Sure, it has victimized a large number of people, but the media is overhyping it to being the next Black Plague. Thousands is nothing compared to the dozens of millions who died to the latter. Also, my mother asked me to lend her $3,000 last week to stock up, but I flatly said no because that's like a month and a half of my work wages being blown over overhyped bullshit.

 Either way, being the quiet city with a relatively small population that is Erie, Pennsylvania... the worst that happened here are face masks being out of stock.

I don't think that people are deliberately overreacting, its just that its easy for the dumb masses to fall for the typical mediatic fear mongering. We've seen this movie before.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#10  March 13, 2020, 06:53:23 am
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In New Zealand we have 5 cases. That said I'll be taking this seriously. Keep myself clean, stay home if I get sick.

Don't need to pay attention to media to do that.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#11  March 13, 2020, 07:33:24 am
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I'm in Belgium. They closed all school yesterday until 3 april. I'm a teacher so I don't really know what will happen..
To be honest what I fear (as a biologist first) is that a new mutation arise, something more dangerous. If you read carefully about reports, 2 viral strains are already know (and in china they discovered 149 mutations already). So... Basically the more the people will be infected, the more the likelyhood of it to happen will increase.
That's not something we should have fun with, even here in Europe. In Italy it's urgent to block virus progression aand it's the same here in Belgium.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#12  March 13, 2020, 08:24:02 am
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The virus has arrived recently here in India. Considering our population and state of affairs on cleanliness, it's gonna be a nightmare if extreme measures of quarantine and cleaning drives aren't taken up. I live in Mumbai which is the best city here but it's still crowded and not as clean as it should be. It's gonna be an uphill task keeping people safe so I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#13  March 13, 2020, 01:08:07 pm
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Ok, my workmate gave positive. I'm not affraid at all, just follow rhe indications and such.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#14  March 13, 2020, 01:39:51 pm
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Well, I live in Norway, in Agder, and yesterday the 12th of March all schools, universities and kindergardens are closed until the 26th and will get a new evaluation at that time. So, I don't have Uni lectures for two weeks, so I left Agder and went home to family.

First death confirmed yesterday too.
People are fucking up for others by gathering way too much things; soap, canned food, toilet papers ... why? The shops will all be open. The bus is free (but you have to enter the back door, since you must not be closed to the driver). Those are some of the things affected here.
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Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#15  March 13, 2020, 01:54:14 pm
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indonesian here. i haven't been keeping tabs on news but last time i heard two people were diagnosed positive with the virus which they contracted from a japanese man they met at a party. there hasn't been any reported case of it in the small island town i live in so i won't freak out just yet. that, and you can't possibly get infected if you confine yourself within the walls of your room 24/7 like i do.

my hope goes out to all the sufferers that they get a speedy recovery.

Add me at Kazagami#7568 for an invite link to the WaifuLaifu Discord Server

Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#16  March 13, 2020, 02:30:48 pm
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We don't have a confirmed case yet but the government is in full damage control mode, banning the entry of yuros and guanacos. A woman just mysteriously died after showing signs of fever, so it's probably too late already.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#17  March 13, 2020, 02:39:56 pm
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Philippines got a full blown Case of Coronavirus, 3 were killed, which made the fatalities rise to 5.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#18  March 13, 2020, 03:11:38 pm
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I live in Southwest Washington (state) and I am in the middle. To the north is Seattle, which is ground zero for the COVID-19 outbreak in the states. To the south is Oregon, where there are cases starting to pop up.. and here I am in the middle.

On a physical level, it hasn't affected me yet. But, on a mental level... woof. I'm a big sports fan and with all the sports (save for one I loathe in NASCAR) being either suspended or outright cancelled, it sucks on a massive level.

All I can do is go on with my life and put my focus elsewhere.
Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#19  March 13, 2020, 03:31:39 pm
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Re: Corona virus...where do you live and how have your life changed
#20  March 13, 2020, 03:40:50 pm
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New York, they're going crazy over. They're switching to online classes this semester