Well, after watch this char in the "does this exist" and the "HD Dante" release threads, i think this char deserve his very own thread. So here isImage (same of the other post): Link: http://hi.baidu.com/upsaup/blog/item/b5ebe04f679a18ebd0c86aed.html?timeStamp=1341914128941 (click in the hyperlink, then in the green button)I test it, and i think is a very cool character, nice voice rip, very quick and all the "sprites" (i'm really sure if this is a proper term) make it very well animated (es un personaje fluido, eso quiero decir )So, this is it. If this post is wrong and must be deleted, go ahead. If it's not, let's talk. BTW, I thinks Poison it's the first char ripped from SFXT released for MUGEN. So, let's make history!! XDGreetings!
Just like every other FIRST character, a supreme lack of care is evident here. Various animations still have dust attached or even miles away from the sprite basically showing it's not cropped.Some alignment is terrible (back dash for eg)Certain things could have had trans applied and improved but that wasn't done eitherCode in certain attacks is dishy and she misses. qcfx2+K 3rd hit doesn't make contact.Didn't go further. Could potentially be good but only if the person picks it up right now and does a little editing to seperate FX and realign things.
oh i don't doubt that at all, but was it really that broken to where she's completely invincible during jump?
I think this character is bad because of a lack of polishing in every single area.Didn't go much further than seeing the alignment was horrible and the specials felt bad.
I've had her since I requested her, and I know It's a small thing, but It bothers me that the creator didn't use her default colors for her sprites. Also I noticed that some sprites have transparency in places where there shouldn't be.
Well for starters, nice job on making it not lag on Mugen 1.0m, secondly...this character really needs some work. It is kinda for show, but not really gonna go into detail. The character sucks balls. XD