
What actually triggers the Demon/Animal transformations from SVC Chaos Chars? (Read 2121 times)

Started by Agoeb, March 18, 2025, 07:21:32 am
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What actually triggers the Demon/Animal transformations from SVC Chaos Chars?
#1  March 18, 2025, 07:21:32 am
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  • Hey it's me, Alex G!
    • Canada
Hey All,

I've got your favorite - absolutely niche character questions that are probably way too specific to solve. But I thought I would take a swing here. Namely, I am talking about a few specific characters, all from SVC chaos. Two notably, are Goddess Athena by Warusaki3 and Red Arremer by H'', which both transform their defeated foe after they win the final round. Athena into an animal, and Arremer into a Demon or monster.

I downloaded Vega, also by H", and sure enough he turned into a bird when beat by Athena, and a Demon when beat by Arremer. I wanted to look and see if I could figure out what actually caused this effect, though. It seems to only be on SVC chaos characters made by these two devs, and I was wondering if there was a way to add it to new characters in the future.

I had a look through all of their .cns files searching for "vega" to see if I could find the trigger based on his character name, the way special intros work, and didn't find anything off the bat. I also opened them in Fighter Factory, but couldn't discover anything other the animations, 5965 for Athena's Animal Transformation, and 5960 for the Arrimer's demon transformation. However, adding these animations to a character didn't trigger the transformation when they were defeated, so I am assuming it must be something in Athena/Arremer that does it.

Any help would be appreciated, I know this is a bit of an odd one.
Re: What actually triggers the Demon/Animal transformations from SVC Chaos Chars?
#2  March 20, 2025, 03:39:51 pm
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  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
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It depends of 2 things to make this possible in MUGEN:
- The character that converts the opponent into something has to get in the code that can turn the opponent in that specific state. In this case Athena/Arremer has to get the 5960/5965
- The objetive character has to get that anim in the AIR. I mean, not necessary has to get it in SFF (in this case when he converts into an animal or a demon, it has to) but obligatorily has to get that specific anim in the AIR.

Let me explain you easily with this:

5305 -> Pre-Claytality pose
A state based on what I did with Earthworm Jim and later with Blue Suede Goo, it's a simple anim you can add in your character to make him/her compatible with the pre-Claytality state (for normal chars, it goes to 5300/dizzy state BTW). Only 2 sprites getting down with time 5-6 and the last one on its knees with time -1, all of them with clsn2. If it's a KOF/CVS char, you can use part of the cheap KO sprites to make the anim, but always you can improvise as I did with BSG.
PS: It was originally the 5301 but it clashed with the dizzy sparks anim, so I changed to 5305 instead. But there're some exceptions like Kong's Pocket Fighter chars that have the dizzy sparks on 5305. If there're more chars to use 5305 as dizzy sparks, maybe change it to 5310.
I made this for my ClayFighter chars, but anyone who can add it to their chars is welcome to use it. I got various chars with this added to the SFF, but also there're chars from the first 2 ClayFighter games for SNES I added it by reusing other sprites. But the idea is the opponent has this anim in their AIR to make it work, and as I said there, if it's a CVS/KOF char, you can also make the 5305 anim by using some of cheap KO sprites, but in your case, if the SFF has an animal or a demon previously, you can modify the AIR to get the state work ;)