
Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016] (Read 32278 times)

Started by Noctis, May 19, 2016, 08:10:48 pm
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Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 24th, 2016]
#21  May 26, 2016, 03:38:18 am
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yeah i had did all that and fixed it. it just didnt save like id stated before. so looks like its back to the drawing board and seeing what saved and what didn't. thanks for the feedback, staub!
So I fixed that all already. Now I have to see what else there might be that didn't save. This is where I regret not keeping a diary of everything I did and being lazy instead. Personal reasons mostly, but it might be a while before I update again. Sorry!

For those who can't wait. Open Mai's config and simply change var(17) to var(25).

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Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 03:56:59 am by Noctis
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 24th, 2016]
#22  May 26, 2016, 06:02:59 pm
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Okay, while I had the chance I decided to update them with their fixes and whatnot.
And thanks again for all the feedback. Highly appreciated!

Also, so I can keep track of how many times I've updated them and for everyone else. They go up a .1 point. 2.1 > 2.4 > 2.6 etc. Every time I do an enormous game-changing update, they go up a 1.0 point. That's the reason for the numbers. Nothing related to the Mugen version.

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Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#23  May 26, 2016, 10:07:16 pm
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Thank you for the updates Noctis. Really like your work.
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#24  May 26, 2016, 10:34:49 pm
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These chars slows my mugen down.. Any way to make them smaller?? Jw
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#25  May 26, 2016, 11:59:01 pm
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These chars slows my mugen down.. Any way to make them smaller?? Jw

Smaller as in their filesize? I mean I could, but it'd be a lot of work and only get you about 1-5 mb's. That's just my guesstimate. It'd probably be even less than that. Maybe half a mb.
Basically, no.

And thanks again, Staubhold! Your feedback was awesome.

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Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#26  May 27, 2016, 12:45:56 am
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Would love to see more chars in your CVS2+ Style Noctis.

Who´s next?
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#27  May 27, 2016, 08:54:49 pm
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Ohhh hehe. Good question. I actually discovered this character, Blaze Fielding? And I never understood why no one just edited her sprites to make a quick CVS styled Tifa Lockhart. I'm no spritist, but I'm CS'ing her in the hopes to make her look just like Tifa and I think I'm gonna try that out. Just...consider it a different look for her. Everything's the same but the top. She has no shoulder straps and she has no garter belt so she's the same for the most part.

It's just a thought though. Nothing set in stone. Mainly because I HATE CS'ing.

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Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#28  May 27, 2016, 09:46:32 pm
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Oh shit! Actually it may work pretty well, but I think it would need some more edits than only CSing Blaze's sprites (fixing hair, boots etc).

Great work on Mai and Alena BTW!
Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 10:02:19 pm by sabockee
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#29  May 28, 2016, 02:46:47 am
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Oh shit! Actually it may work pretty well, but I think it would need some more edits than only CSing Blaze's sprites (fixing hair, boots etc).

Great work on Mai and Alena BTW!

Great! Just do that to the rest of her sprites and we're a go! xD
No, I actually might edit in the garter belt, but the shirt would require some shading and depth which I'm clearly no good at. I'm not a spritist. Even the garter belt would require it a bit. Maybe 2 different colors, but it wouldn't be as difficult. Then again I could hide the shirt straps under the garter.... Her shirt is actually hidden pretty well under the garter in her original appearances. WE'LL SEE!

As for her hair. Imagine it's her AC hair with an outfit change. There. Hair's done. As for her shoes and belt...nothing a simple palette editing and CS'ing won't fix.

It's been 7 minutes and I've already decided I'm not editing her sprites. It would take me months. I'll pay someone to do it down the road if anyone'd be willing to, but not me uh uh hell naw. xD

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Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 02:54:37 am by Noctis
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#30  May 28, 2016, 05:06:08 am
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What about Yamakichi's Tifa Lockhart sprites? They look pretty good to remake her.
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#31  May 28, 2016, 06:36:59 am
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What about Yamakichi's Tifa Lockhart sprites? They look pretty good to remake her.

They're not very CVSish. They're more "these were obviously fanmade" mediocrely shaded sprites. No offense to Yakamichi. He's an awesome spriter, but you know what I mean.

To your question earlier, Staub since everyone's stuck on this Tifa consideration D:
What I WOULD like to do is a CVS Ibuki. Which sprites of do exist for and I'm already working on her. Her separated hair sprites should be fun....

Anywho, I'm done talking about these things for now since this is a topic for Alena, but thanks for the help, everyone!

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Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#32  May 28, 2016, 07:39:11 am
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I like how Alena came out and your cvs2 style
I need more PSN friends
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#33  June 07, 2016, 03:23:04 pm
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Thanks! I've added a few other things since and I'll update when I release another character soon. I hope it's for the better.

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"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#34  June 07, 2016, 11:37:30 pm
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I like your characters.
Your Mai is a good variation and Alena is great aswell, very nice port in CVS style
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#35  June 08, 2016, 12:26:17 am
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hope you future character comes out great like your others
I need more PSN friends
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#36  June 08, 2016, 05:58:18 am
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I like Alena (and Agrias Oaks) quite a bit, both are really excellent (I still have to try Mai), but I was just wondering if you would consider an option to be able to use a smaller version of the morale bar, possibly without all of the yellow around it? I get that it's supposed to make it look all CvS-ish, but it takes up a lot of room on the screen, and since most characters don't have bars like that, it bothers me a bit. Of course that's not your problem, just thought I'd ask.

I have to try editing bars like this to see if I can make them somewhat transparent.

On a super quick side note, If you do one day want to do that Tifa, you should definitely consider using Delweynes edit of Blaze, Elweyne. She has a few added moves and sprites, she is color seperated, and her sprites have been edited in a way that (I think) looks a bit more like Tifa, and a little less like Blaze. Mostly I'm talking about her cup size, ha. You can get her here:
Here she is on (your) right (best pic I could easly find):

 If you do decide at some point to go any further with it, I would be very happy to help you edit the sprites in any way I can. I apologize if I'm going too far off topic.
Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 06:01:33 am by rhiggatwat
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#37  June 08, 2016, 06:35:58 am
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>: O
Thank you!
As for the editing... All she needs is the garter belt strap and where they connect, but I'm definitely not doing it and I don't see the need to waste anybody else' time doing it unless they want to. There's no doubt it'd look great either way. As for that "payment" part. I'm poor as shit right now. That's why I said down the road if ever :P

Either way, I'm definitely making a Tifa with this. And thanks for the compliments!

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Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#38  June 08, 2016, 06:59:44 am
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Yeah, I don't think that the suspender straps (that's what you mean by garter belt, right?) are absolutely necessary, and someone could always add them later if they really wanted to, but some slight editing to her hair might be nice to help separate her a bit more from Blaze. I really like what Sabockee did there. But using Delweynes edit is a huge jump to making her less Blaze-like.
Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 07:06:15 am by rhiggatwat
Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#39  June 08, 2016, 07:16:28 am
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Let's not forget that I'm not a spriter. I have neither the skill nor the patience for something so meticulous. It's very hard work.
While I agree she could use a bit more to separate her from the rest, I think her frackin' Z cups are job enough. I will edit out a lot of pointless ass shots though. I find them tacky and off-putting.

And yes, not garterbelt. Lol I had the wrong area. Tifa with a garterbelt would be kinda hideous, too.

Also I will point out that I will ATTEMPT to edit her somewhat for the straps, but that's all. I'm not saying it will happen and that it will be finished.

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Re: Alena Tsarevna & Shiranui Mai Updated - (CVS2+ Style) [May 26th, 2016]
#40  June 08, 2016, 07:59:36 am
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I'm just offering if I can try to help with the hair, that's all, I'm definitely not telling you to do anything. I was agreeing that the straps are not needed, and maybe I could try and see what I could do to help edit the hair a touch the way Sabockee did because his sprite looks great. That's it, spriting is extremely hard work, and I REALLY do NOT want to try and make your life any harder, ha. I just like what you do, and love the idea of a Tifa. Please don't think I'm trying to give you a hard time or asking for anything.

I've gotten you way off topic, sorry about that. Back to how great Alena is!