
TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released! (Read 255748 times)

Started by Dcat, February 03, 2013, 01:45:12 pm
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TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#1  February 03, 2013, 01:45:12 pm
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Hey guys this is my mega TMNT characters update. Shredder and Krang aren't at 100% yet but I've been having pc issues that may make it quite some time before I'm able to properly complete them so I may as well show what I've got.
All of these characters are only for Mugen 1.0, there may be bugs or errors still as well. Please let me know.

-All include Custom AI by Veanko

-Special thanks to Enscripture, Iced, RobotMonkeyHead, Saikoro, Reza, Rolento, Jmorphman, Thomas Hsieh, Ruben, O Ilusionista, Halfshell, Shockdingo, DivineWolf, BowserKoopa, MaxBeta, Cybaster, DeeDevilBat, Balthazar, MalaDingDong, Rukifelith for providing ample support, resources, feedback, & contributions to the characters. Really you guys have done way too much for me to mention here in the time I've been allotted to make this post so please if I've forgotten anyone here, just let me say thank you for all your help!

-It may be a while before I'm able to address any of the bugs/issues with the characters or even to respond to this post since my pc is on the fritz. Just wanted to thank everyone for their patience with regards to these characters I know it hasn't been an easy wait for some, thanks for your time.


Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 09:02:16 pm by Dcat
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#2  February 03, 2013, 01:48:30 pm
  • ****
  • I see you.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#3  February 03, 2013, 01:49:05 pm
  • ******
  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
Can't wait to test these and see all that was updated since the last private betas.

Thank you so much for such dedication and talent into bringing TMNT in their full glory to Mugen. :)
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#4  February 03, 2013, 01:53:56 pm
  • ***
I will test after I get home today!
New MUGEN Forum Opened
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#5  February 03, 2013, 01:58:33 pm
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  • "Za Warudo" user
    • Russia
Congratulations Dcat, on finally releasing all of your awesome characters :)
I'll be sure to test them and report all issues I find, but I'm sure most of the stuff was fixed since the last beta.
Anyway, thank you for your hard work and dedication, I wish your PC a soon recovery :D
I will sure be waiting with anticipation for 100% completion of Shredder and Krang, I really hope this day will come in the nearby future :)
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#6  February 03, 2013, 02:00:51 pm
  • **
  • Half Mutant, Half Saiyan
Yahoooooo!!!! Downloading this six-pack right now!!! Thanks for all the releases DCAT!!!!
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#7  February 03, 2013, 02:18:39 pm
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  • Do the Mario!
    • USA
Awesome man!
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#8  February 03, 2013, 02:27:22 pm
  • ******
  • Portrait Prodigy EX+
And... here... we... GO!!

It was an absolute pleasure having these characters for testing purposes for all of that time. Seeing them as an official release is simply fantastic. Everyone on Guild is in for a real treat here, no doubt about it.

Dcat, your characters have plenty of charm and character. I love your stuff. I have already reserved a vote for 2013's characters of the year. Yup, Shredder and Krang are that awesome.

Thanks so much for sharing. :lugoi2:

All of your Mugen Portrait needs may be found HERE.

I'd like to report two robots on the MFG forums: One is EXShadow. The other is Saikoro.
There should be a Saikoro plugin for Photoshop.
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#9  February 03, 2013, 02:35:43 pm
  • **
  • Making stuff is hard
Amazing work DCat.  Thank you for releasing these characters!
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#10  February 03, 2013, 02:45:01 pm
  • ******
  • Limited time to use Infinite power !
    • France
Quick Shredder feedback :

- DIVE KICK can also be performed with HP+HK. Not said in the readme.
- You forgot to add Air Super FOOT STORM in the command list.
- I guess Air Super FOOT STORM is just a beta for now, as it seems highly unpolished compared to the other moves ?
   + P2 afterimage disappear too late.
   + When P2 goes up in the air on a black BG, would be nice to actually have speed lines.
   + P2 is in the middle of the screen, then he starts getting hit by the ninjas. Between the moment he's static and the moment he gets hit, you can clearly see some misalignment on P2.
   + The hit animation you're using for P2 is not great. On POTS' Ryu it looks like he's getting a ground hit, on Goku Z2 like he's getting a crouch hit. You should be using air gethit animation.
   + At the end of the move, P2 flies down too slowly IMO. Personal taste though.
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#11  February 03, 2013, 02:51:52 pm
  • **
  • Losing isn't an exception
your characters are amazing and shredder rocks dcat. fantastic job and sorry about your computer bro i know what you mean about computer issues.
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#12  February 03, 2013, 03:02:11 pm
  • *****
  • Hick-spanic
  • the dawn away
    • Puerto Rico
When Shredder is beaten it tends to linger sometimes. Like something is supposed to happen but it doesn't.

This doesn't happen when he's beaten in his super form.
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 03:16:38 pm by Roman55
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#13  February 03, 2013, 03:37:24 pm
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  • Musician-Stage creator-Spriter-IFF Combat adviser.
    • Indonesia
Hell yeah! Can't wait to try these out! Thanks DCat! I know lots of time and care went into these... :yippi:
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#14  February 03, 2013, 03:45:35 pm
  • ***
Yes! Yes!  The long awaited release is here!  Thanks much DCat, hope you get the computer issues resolved!
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#15  February 03, 2013, 04:03:05 pm
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  • Sexo con condon ?, haber comete un tamal con hoja.
    • Mexico
This is so fucking epic, was waiting for these two so much time but the long waiting is well deserved, thanks's dude  :2thumbsup:
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#16  February 03, 2013, 05:54:22 pm
  • ****
  • green tea
Finally the villains are ready to kick some turtles butt.
Nice releases.
No breaks! No breaks!
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#17  February 03, 2013, 06:38:57 pm
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  • This big boy spitting out 250 rounds a minute!!!
    • USA
D-CAT......(Bison YES) YES!!!!! YES!!!! YEEEEEEEEES!!!!!

So you finally released them huh! NICE!!!! ANd they are 1.0.... The R@CE is so PLEASED!!! I'm about to try them out right now dude!
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#18  February 03, 2013, 07:24:20 pm
  • ****
    • Mexico
Yeeesss! just saw the news on FB and came here right away! thanks Dcat! :woeh:
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#19  February 03, 2013, 08:13:04 pm
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  • Go and download my improved creations!
  • I AM ZIM!
    • UK
As GIR would say, "Finally!!!!"
Currently: Jenny "XJ-9"
Soon: Some of my OCs, remaking Zim and Courage, and JASON!
Re: TMNT By Dcat Updated to 1.0, Shredder + Krang released!
#20  February 03, 2013, 08:25:18 pm
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  • a.k.a DuckSS
AAAAAA oh yeah a feel a goddd whahahahahahahaha!
Thanks man you are master!