
add004basic (Read 1663039 times)

Started by Shiyo Kakuge, June 18, 2014, 05:46:41 pm
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Re: add004basic
#1501  August 19, 2020, 05:33:39 am
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So the goto-assist should look like this right?
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

and like this for run-anim2?
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

This is what I tried again, and they still run in
Also tried just blocking/deleting this and they would still run in, so I'm not sure. Thanks for all your help so far btw~
#if (anim=[41,46]) {
#if (pos y>=0) || ((pos y+vel y>=0)&&(vel y>0)) {
# changestate{value:190195}
Re: add004basic
#1502  August 19, 2020, 05:53:29 am
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So what font did add004 use?
Re: add004basic
#1503  August 19, 2020, 07:02:48 am
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So the goto-assist should look like this right?

everything is good except your first changed example, this should be disabled:

if !time && roundstate=2 && selfanimexist(100) { changeanim{value:100} }

Re: add004basic
#1504  August 19, 2020, 09:55:26 pm
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I disabled that and they still run in, for their assists unfortunately
Re: add004basic
#1505  August 20, 2020, 04:23:42 am
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i might just give you my edited file lol. did you do any heavy modifying in yours? if not i can just give you a clean edited version.
Re: add004basic
#1506  August 20, 2020, 04:51:38 am
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Lol, I've been going crazy cause I double checked, tried with the deleting as well as #symbols and again thanks for guiding me through that, like I said it fixed the issue where assists/tags would come from the players' front which was nice, because it meant they would at least come in from behind the player so that itself was really nice lol.

I actually didn't edit it at all until I was going through the bits you mentioned to fix it, so it was just a clean version of the file, if you could send that, I'd appreciate it tremendously lol
Re: add004basic
#1507  August 20, 2020, 05:37:49 am
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Re: add004basic
#1508  August 20, 2020, 06:33:55 am
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 Thank you so much! It works, I realized my mistake suddenly lol. I was editing the wrong version this whole time :zombie:, I forgot that the tag file was set up in the save/config file, for some reason I was convinced that it was from the fight.def file. I copied and pasted it into the folder where I thought it was reading from...and I forgot there was another one in the default "res" folder, copied and pasted into that one and tested it and immediately realized my mistake.

Gosh I'm so sorry for all this trouble but I genuinely appreciate all the trouble and help you've given. You seem pretty knowledgeable about the system considering the work on your full game. Now that I'm on the right version, I have one last question for now. I usually use this method to add a assist move to my characters' ST file, however I notice that characters

1) stay on screen too long and I'd like them to leave sooner since they seem to sometimes perform supers, the AI (against CPU players) will just activate and basically stay on screen for a while and just behave like normally instead of just popping in and out

2)how do I choose which animation I want for the assist? I think by default most characters I've used only have 1 state number (like 1000, 1100, 1200, etc) for every variation of a light/medium/heavy attack. Whenever I add their number (like 1000) to them I think it usually defaults to their light versions, I wasn't sure if there was a better/proper way of implementing specific animations for assists instead.

Again I'm sorry for all the trouble but I appreciate all the help you've given, thanks for your patience.

; Partner Attack
; land>roundover
; ??>??????
[statedef 190195]
[state 0]
   time=8 ;;<-options
[state 0]
[state 0]
[state 0]
[state 0]
   trigger1=(animtime=0) && (roundstate=2) && (sysfvar(4)>0) && (sysfvar(0)>0) && playeridexist(floor(sysfvar(0)))
   value=1000 ;;Change this to set support move
   anim=150 ;; guarding anim for stateno-checking

; ex-change (for safety)
; ???
[state 0]

Re: add004basic
#1509  August 20, 2020, 06:59:08 am
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I was editing the wrong version this whole time :zombie:,

goddamnit.....jk. Its all good, shit happens. I dont really understand the assist question I guess, because you can't do this

[state 0]
   trigger1=(animtime=0) && (roundstate=2) && (sysfvar(4)>0) && (sysfvar(0)>0) && playeridexist(floor(sysfvar(0)))
   value=1000 ;;Change this to set support move
  >>>> this thing should not be here >>>>  anim=150 ;; guarding anim for stateno-checking

The animation is stuck to whatever state is calling it, I mean technically you can change animation in state -2 but that would mess up the move. For example if your assist attack is statedef 1000, statedef 1000 will probably start something like this

[Statedef 1000]
type = S
movetype = A
physics = S
ctrl = 0
>>> this one anim = 1000
So whatever anim is put there is the one its going with, is that what youre trying to say? Either way, you might have to change hitdef triggers if you change animations and check for correct hitboxes.

So in add004, sysfvar(4) designates what type of tag state you are in. =1 triggers the assist, =2 triggers the tag cancel. CPU seems to like to stay on for both of these.

 I tried doing a global state -4 where if sysfvar(4) = [1,2] then cpu cant do any other moves thannthe moves in assist state and tag cancel state. For some reason it still didnt work.

What ended up happening was, I went through EVERY character's AI file and added a triggerall to each changestate EXCEPT for their assist state they are assigned:

triggerall = sysfvar(4)!= [1, 2]

The only characters this happens on is with characters with custom AI. So yes, youll painstakingly go through all the AI changestates and add that trigger as long as its not the assist state. Leave that. For the assist state your AI calls, add the trigger triggerall = sysfvar(4)!=  2 instead, this means dont do it if tag cancelling.

I know this is a convoluted way to do it, but I tried globally putting in the statedef -4 in the common zss that "if you are in assist mode and your stateno=0, or you are hurt, or you are not in your assist state or you previously fell ,or are in guard state, switch back out" and it would never completely stop it. This was the only thing that completely stopped it. So it might take a while.

Example, usually var(59) is the AI trigger youll see if its set to 1, or greater than 1

[State -1 AI]
type = ChangeState
triggerall = !NumPartner || NumPartner && (sysvar(4) != [8,9]) && (sysvar(4) != 12) && (StateNo != [1251109,1251114])
value = 200
triggerall = sysfvar(4)!= [1,2]   <--------I added this to every AI changestate, but on the assist state used in state 190195, I put triggerall = sysfvar(4)!= 2
triggerall = stateno!= 3000
triggerall = var(59)>0 && roundstate = 2          <----this means trigger when AI is on
triggerall = p2statetype != L && P2BodyDist X = [0,30]
triggerall = random <= 500
trigger1 = statetype != A
trigger1 = ctrl && p2movetype != A

Unotag doesnt have this problem because it autopatches all the AI to not trigger when tagging or assisting, but for these youll have to do it manually. There is an easier way to do it but for some reason doesnt completely stop it. Doing it this more convoluted way should squash it, althought you might wanna put a trigger all in each character, that when their sysfvar(4)=1 and trigger1 is prevstateno = (whatever assistno they  are) then selfstate into 190190. They might assist twice if the AI wants since technically AI can call the assist move since you arent telling it to change state in that state, so this measure is just detecting if it was done twice.

Though, this is only a problem in FULL CPU teams.

Re: add004basic
#1510  August 20, 2020, 07:33:17 am
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Ah ok, as far as the assist attacks thank you, I figured there wasn't really a simple way, I know the way most CVS-style characters like the ones I use normally just have 1 number for each attack animation, like hadouken being 1000, shoryu being 1100, etc. I wasn't sure if there was a way to force an animation number to trigger instead. I know from what I recall most MVC-type characters I used with unotag in the past usually had separate values for each strength of the attack, like light version would be 1000, then medium would be 1010, and heavy would be 1020. Thanks for clearing that up though!

Hmm, shame there isn't a universal way to prevent them currently, I may try to see if I can work it into at least the more problematic AI characters at least to start with, as it can be annoying when they tag in and suddenly it becomes a simul battle for a bit lol. Last question, as I assume it can be done but I'm not sure but when you call an assist, can you make a character jump and then perform an assist, (for example, Akuma coming in, jumping and then performing a Zanku Hadoken/Aerial hadoken). Again thanks for all your help it's very appreciated, I'll try and mess around with some of this in the mean time.

Also I didn't realize the video creator of this replied, idk if this was posted before but adding stage transitions is possible and it's pretty straight forward to incorporate apparently

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 07:43:05 am by XANDERAC
Re: add004basic
#1511  August 20, 2020, 09:07:32 pm
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ahh ok i get it, there are probably some moves that have a changeanim trigger that triggers if something is met, like if you select a different groove or whatever. Just look at the state, see what changanim is triggering, see if their are any corresponding hitdefs that trigger because of it, and add a trigger seperate from whatevers triggering it that is "trigger(whatever number is not taken)= sysfvar(4)=1 and itll trigger when you go into assist

Re: add004basic
#1512  August 21, 2020, 06:16:05 pm
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hmm I'm not quite sure I understand, but that's ok, thank you for helping out again.

I was wondering if there was a solution for this problem.
It's for Buckus' Dudley as well as the edits by Mr.Ansatsuken/Mark85(<this being I know I used) I used to experience similar problems with some characters here and there when I used to use add004 for mugen, and could sometimes fix it by deleting/blocking their AI states in their system/cns files
I've tried that, even just seeing if blocking the line that appears in the error message but then another one causes the same error with a different line being referenced.
Last Edit: August 21, 2020, 06:27:38 pm by XANDERAC
Re: add004basic
#1513  August 23, 2020, 10:50:53 am
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I know I'm taking the risk of sounding like a complete noob (which I am by all means) and that this has probably been answered more than once in the maze of the 70+ pages of this thread. I'm sorry.

How can I implement the tag system in my own mugen? The instructions on the link are a bit vague for my tiny brain, and the fact that the folder has "ikemen" on its name confuses me. Which files do I need to install on my mugen to make it work, and do I need to replace/edit something? Do I need to also edit the characters? Also, am I "forced" to implement also the lifebars and stuff, or can I just have the tag system and nothing else?

Many thanks and many good things in life to whoever wants to explain this to me.
Re: add004basic
#1514  August 23, 2020, 09:36:07 pm
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@XANDERAC maybe you kept some garbage code in there or didnt delete some state fully, idk its kind of case by case each character is too specific but thats a general idea

@ziltoid apparently the author stopped making add004 for original mugen, and has since only release for ikemen. Delete whatever you downloaded, and I believe a few pages back someone posted a link to the latest mugen add004 pie on, youll have to use that version. You can disable add004 lifebars etc its not mandatory (can be disabled in one of the common cns i think, i kind of forget how the original mugen one works) but also I think you have to patch characters too for mugen....I think thats what the add004 pie is for.
Re: add004basic
#1515  August 24, 2020, 12:39:37 am
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I would suggest looking up a tutorial, for the mugen version the download should come with a thing called add004pie which you will have to use to patch your characters, it's usually better to patch them manually as you go, but from what I recall you can just go to your select.def I think and just patch it from there. Just be aware I think this just gives everyone a default state for their assist move and you'll probably have to manually fix this yourself as you test characters out.

The Ikemen version isn't compatible with mugen as airforce111 said, that's for Ikemen which is a different engine from mugen, and that one doesn't require patching of each character, it works slightly differently and has more features but...if you're not familiar with Ikemen it might be more difficult to set up initially.

@XANDERAC maybe you kept some garbage code in there or didnt delete some state fully, idk its kind of case by case each character is too specific but thats a general idea

ah ok, I mean I might just go through process of elimination and delete/block the line that triggers it to close due to an error and just try again, until it might work, not really as familiar with the coding, but that still helps so thank you

Re: add004basic
#1516  August 25, 2020, 07:07:06 pm
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Thank you both for your answers!

@ziltoid apparently the author stopped making add004 for original mugen, and has since only release for ikemen. Delete whatever you downloaded, and I believe a few pages back someone posted a link to the latest mugen add004 pie on, youll have to use that version. You can disable add004 lifebars etc its not mandatory (can be disabled in one of the common cns i think, i kind of forget how the original mugen one works) but also I think you have to patch characters too for mugen....I think thats what the add004 pie is for.

I see, that's why the link had only the Ikemen version. I'm not (currently) interested in switching to Ikemen so that's unfortunate.

I believe you're talking about this link, am I right?

I would suggest looking up a tutorial, for the mugen version the download should come with a thing called add004pie which you will have to use to patch your characters, it's usually better to patch them manually as you go, but from what I recall you can just go to your select.def I think and just patch it from there. Just be aware I think this just gives everyone a default state for their assist move and you'll probably have to manually fix this yourself as you test characters out.

Thanks! How can I patch them manually? I dug up the codes of a character already patched and I found some codes on the Statedef -2. Should I copypaste those codes or there's something more to do?
Re: add004basic
#1517  August 25, 2020, 10:18:50 pm
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those should be the correct links, as far as patching characters to work for mugen, that add004pie exe file is what you'll use for that

when launched it will look something like this
Re: add004basic
#1518  August 26, 2020, 06:29:06 pm
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Got it, thank you so much! I'm a bit hesitating in using a tool to update them, because my chars are heavily edited and I don't wanna risk to lose my edits or having them replaced (also, I'm a control freak). Maybe I'll try with one and see what changed. EDIT: nevermind, I found the stuff in the .ini file.

Last question (hopefully): I managed to make the tag system work, but my partner is CPU controlled unless I press ctrl+3. Is there a way to make it playable by default?
Last Edit: August 26, 2020, 06:36:45 pm by Ziltoid
Re: add004basic
#1519  August 26, 2020, 06:39:45 pm
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There is a restore tool as well, otherwise just make backups of your characters, if you're using Mugen specifically the folder should have included all these files right? basically they correspond to different lifebars/systems as some allow things like universal just defends and other functions, think of them kind of like CVS Grooves/Ism's from Alpha 3, you'll notice the lifebars look different but should also offer slightly different functionality depending on which one you go with if I remember right.

Long story short, pick one of the launchers with P1 if you want P1 side, P2 for P2 side, VS if you want to disable the AI so 2 human players can play, and I think the ones without an addition just leave the AI like normal, apologies if I make a mistake but I haven't used the mugen version in a while
Re: add004basic
#1520  August 26, 2020, 07:07:14 pm
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I must also say never ever edit a patched character,when you restore it all changes will be erased,learned it the hard way