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Re: B-kun's ClayFighter fullgame (just ideas by now)
#21  January 04, 2022, 03:37:14 am
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Since most of CF names for the games (cancelled betas included) are parodies of famous names, maybe I could get pun ideas from there, and MK names would be a good inspiration for this fullgame... I'll be thinking about it ;)

How about calling the project ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare?
The Dragon is here!
Re: B-kun's ClayFighter fullgame (just ideas by now)
#22  January 04, 2022, 02:14:33 pm
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ClayFighter: Fighting Clay?
Hey, can i help, or maybe i need help
Re: B-kun's ClayFighter fullgame (just ideas by now)
#23  January 07, 2022, 03:49:05 am
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Those names sound well, especially the "Infinite Clayfare". I'll think about it...

I made a poll in the WIP thread so you can vote there for what should I do next. I'm gonna experiment with storyboards (mostly intros), maybe for the screenpack I'd do for this fullgame (if I learn how to make a proper screenpack, of course)

Oh, these ideas give me more ideas to revive the Anti-Gouki Project... oh, the memories...
Last Edit: January 07, 2022, 11:08:15 pm by Basara Huffman
Re: B-kun's ClayFighter fullgame (just ideas by now)
#24  April 17, 2022, 01:22:25 am
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A little update on my possible project:
-Working on Lockjaw Pooch and High Five (for the Arrange ver.), if I can get them, I can release both at the same time, I hope so in the next months (not enough advance to post it in my CF WIP thread)
-Updating Sumo Santa (making him more complete) as well most of my chars to add them the Knock Off Top Half and Squeeze claytalities on them, working on that right now
-I'm back with my lifebars, getting back to fonts and other stuff and making it mostly for 1.0 instead of the original version for WinM, also seeing how to modify the default screenpack to make mine
-Since the idea I got is with 3 columns in the select screen, I changed from 22 to 21 the selectable characters, with one of them becoming a secret char, you can see the update in the first post

As you see, nothing of this is important right now, but as alays, I want to get this recorded so I can make them in a future :P
Re: B-kun's ClayFighter fullgame (just ideas by now)
#25  April 17, 2022, 06:39:49 pm
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A little update on my possible project:
-Working on Lockjaw Pooch and High Five (for the Arrange ver.), if I can get them, I can release both at the same time, I hope so in the next months (not enough advance to post it in my CF WIP thread)
-Updating Sumo Santa (making him more complete) as well most of my chars to add them the Knock Off Top Half and Squeeze claytalities on them, working on that right now
-I'm back with my lifebars, getting back to fonts and other stuff and making it mostly for 1.0 instead of the original version for WinM, also seeing how to modify the default screenpack to make mine
-Since the idea I got is with 3 columns in the select screen, I changed from 22 to 21 the selectable characters, with one of them becoming a secret char, you can see the update in the first post

As you see, nothing of this is important right now, but as alays, I want to get this recorded so I can make them in a future :P

Some nice progress.
Re: B-kun's ClayFighter fullgame (just ideas by now)
#26  April 26, 2022, 04:43:27 pm
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Updated the first post with the planned list of stages used for my fullgame, which will belong from all games. Of course all SNES games have their stages done (all by Cenobite53), as well the stages by Xandegraf (Houngan's and T-Hoppy), so all the others I'll try to make them by myself by using modified screenshots to make them MUGEN stages.

And, starting to work on the screenpack and remaking the lifebars for 1.0, I realized that the 1.0 system is totally different to WinM, so I'd have to make them from scratch again, wish me luck to make that, probably will be tougher than make the full CF roster IMO u_u
Re: B-kun's ClayFighter fullgame (just ideas by now)
#27  April 27, 2022, 06:22:35 pm
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Re: B-kun's ClayFighter fullgame (just ideas by now)
#28  May 08, 2022, 01:27:38 am
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Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#29  May 11, 2022, 06:10:23 am
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Today I decided to focus all my energy and time to work on the screenpack and finally I can show you part of my work on it, this is my very first SP I made for MUGEN and I think I finally got it. It's still on works, but I made good part of what I wanted to do.

And with the screenpack on works, now I can say this project is no more part of Idea Engineering and now I can consider it as a real project of mine. Saying this, I move this to Projects with the Fullgame brand, because now this deserves it :buttrox:

How about calling the project ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare?
And yes, I adopted the "Infinite Clayfare" name for the fullgame. Thanks for your great idea ;)
Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#30  May 11, 2022, 09:55:37 am
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Today I decided to focus all my energy and time to work on the screenpack and finally I can show you part of my work on it, this is my very first SP I made for MUGEN and I think I finally got it. It's still on works, but I made good part of what I wanted to do.

And with the screenpack on works, now I can say this project is no more part of Idea Engineering and now I can consider it as a real project of mine. Saying this, I move this to Projects with the Fullgame brand, because now this deserves it :buttrox:

How about calling the project ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare?
And yes, I adopted the "Infinite Clayfare" name for the fullgame. Thanks for your great idea ;)

Oh this is nice, also the name is intresting since i  its a refrence to call of duty infinite warfare which clayfighter tried to parody once in their cancelled DS game called "Call of putty"
Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#31  May 11, 2022, 08:47:22 pm
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Oh this is nice, also the name is intresting since i  its a refrence to call of duty infinite warfare which clayfighter tried to parody once in their cancelled DS game called "Call of putty"
Indeed, that's why one of the reasons I prefer to use that name, and it looks great on the shots :8):

And well, since now it's part of Projects, I'll make my advances of chars from my CF thread only there instead of here, just leaving this for the general projects and related stuff: screenpack, lifebars and stages. And about the latter...

I finished Kiln's Laboratory and also got shots to make Tribal Tower and Boogerhenge stages, when O got them ready, I'll release the 3 of them and I'll update the release thread to make it the oficial one instead to make a lot of them everytime I made a new stage for the game. Also, seeing if I remake the Xandegraf stages into my way (Happy Harry's Hut and Camp Claynaveral), since I don't get enough satisfied with them, that will be seen
Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#32  May 26, 2022, 04:02:13 am
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At last!! My CF lifebars now are functional on M1.0+!! (all the past screenshots were made in WinM)
The main 1v1 is ready, now working on the rest of variants (Turns, 2v2, etc) and the lifebars will be ready to be released :D
Also working a bit more on the screenpack, I think I'm advancing a lot in this, I hope this works ;)

EDIT: Updated first post with the release threads of every of my CF chars in Characters section. Every new ClayFighter made by me will have his link there too
Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#33  May 27, 2022, 12:55:26 am
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just a question, if you decide to make the Tureen Toilet stage from Clayfighter 63 1/3/Sculptor's Cut, will it have a stage claytality? I remember this was hinted at when 63 1/3 was in development but it was never implemented.
Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#34  May 27, 2022, 06:30:44 pm
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I don't think so, that's more a work of Ikemen than MUGEN. Eventually in a future I could convert my game into Ikemen and try to make that, but that's impossible for me right now. Not even to make the stage for MUGEN (for this game at least)

And about the fullgame...

It looks beautiful, don't you think? :joyful
I still have to make the fonts for the game... I know now it's easier since can be done with a sff, I'll see how I can do them with it...
Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#35  June 21, 2022, 08:51:49 pm
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Since most of CF names for the games (cancelled betas included) are parodies of famous names, maybe I could get pun ideas from there, and MK names would be a good inspiration for this fullgame... I'll be thinking about it ;)

how about "Clayfighter Remolded" as a pun on reloaded? (Also are you going to include a story mode and can i find some guest fighter for your project? Everybody knows a fighter game has to include 1 or 3 guest fighters that people might remember!)
Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#36  June 21, 2022, 09:14:58 pm
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That select screen is really nice looking. I love those random icons!
Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#37  June 21, 2022, 09:34:47 pm
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how about "Clayfighter Remolded" as a pun on reloaded? (Also are you going to include a story mode and can i find some guest fighter for your project? Everybody knows a fighter game has to include 1 or 3 guest fighters that people might remember!)
Sounds cool, but you could suggest it months ago, since now I got a definitive name for the fullgame (Infinite Clayfare it's a reference for Call of Duty AND the cancelled CF game for 3DS Call of Putty). And about the guest fighter, the series already have 2 of them (Earthworm Jim and Boogerman) and with Kung Fu Man I already got the 3 for the fullgame ;)

That select screen is really nice looking. I love those random icons!
Thanks man :D the random icon comes from 63 1/3, I love it too so I've to include it to my screenpack totally. Also, an update for that screenshot I didn't show it here:

I already got the fonts for my fullgame, also come from 63 1/3, they're almost complete, but I've to add some more symbols to the small ones to get it with the dialogs like winquotes, as well a B&W version. If I finish tem, probably I'd release separately of this screenpack so all can get these clayfonts :8):
Re: B-kun's ClayFighter fullgame (just ideas by now)
#38  June 24, 2022, 04:32:02 pm
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Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#39  June 25, 2022, 12:14:04 am
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how about "Clayfighter Remolded" as a pun on reloaded? (Also are you going to include a story mode and can i find some guest fighter for your project? Everybody knows a fighter game has to include 1 or 3 guest fighters that people might remember!)
Sounds cool, but you could suggest it months ago, since now I got a definitive name for the fullgame (Infinite Clayfare it's a reference for Call of Duty AND the cancelled CF game for 3DS Call of Putty). And about the guest fighter, the series already have 2 of them (Earthworm Jim and Boogerman) and with Kung Fu Man I already got the 3 for the fullgame ;)

That select screen is really nice looking. I love those random icons!
Thanks man :D the random icon comes from 63 1/3, I love it too so I've to include it to my screenpack totally. Also, an update for that screenshot I didn't show it here:

I already got the fonts for my fullgame, also come from 63 1/3, they're almost complete, but I've to add some more symbols to the small ones to get it with the dialogs like winquotes, as well a B&W version. If I finish tem, probably I'd release separately of this screenpack so all can get these clayfonts :8):

Actually, i was thinking of including guests for the full game itself. Something like these guys:

Skunk (Skunk Fu!) -

Yang (Yin Yang Yo!) -  https://BLACKLISTED

Toxie (Toxic Avenger/Toxic Crusaders) - https://BLACKLISTED

Homer (The Simpsons) -

Foxy Roxy (Brutal: Paws of Fury) -

Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner (Animaniacs) -https://BLACKLISTED

Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget) -

Some of the actors on CF 631/3rd worked on some of these shows so it would be a treat for fans of those shows.

I also found some stuff you can use in your fullgame:

Story Mode Maker -https://BLACKLISTED

MugenHook 0.4.2 by ermaccer -

A 2-part tutorial on making a intro -
Last Edit: June 25, 2022, 12:48:07 am by Smegboi2004
Re: ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare (B-kun's CF fullgame)
#40  June 25, 2022, 01:00:54 am
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how about "Clayfighter Remolded" as a pun on reloaded? (Also are you going to include a story mode and can i find some guest fighter for your project? Everybody knows a fighter game has to include 1 or 3 guest fighters that people might remember!)
Sounds cool, but you could suggest it months ago, since now I got a definitive name for the fullgame (Infinite Clayfare it's a reference for Call of Duty AND the cancelled CF game for 3DS Call of Putty). And about the guest fighter, the series already have 2 of them (Earthworm Jim and Boogerman) and with Kung Fu Man I already got the 3 for the fullgame ;)

That select screen is really nice looking. I love those random icons!
Thanks man :D the random icon comes from 63 1/3, I love it too so I've to include it to my screenpack totally. Also, an update for that screenshot I didn't show it here:

I already got the fonts for my fullgame, also come from 63 1/3, they're almost complete, but I've to add some more symbols to the small ones to get it with the dialogs like winquotes, as well a B&W version. If I finish tem, probably I'd release separately of this screenpack so all can get these clayfonts :8):

Actually, i was thinking of including guests for the full game itself. Something like these guys:

Skunk (Skunk Fu!) -

Yang (Yin Yang Yo!) -  https://BLACKLISTED

Toxie (Toxic Avenger/Toxic Crusaders) - https://BLACKLISTED

Homer (The Simpsons) -

Foxy Roxy (Brutal: Paws of Fury) -

Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner (Animaniacs) -https://BLACKLISTED

Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget) -

Some of the actors on CF 631/3rd worked on some of these shows so it would be a treat for fans of those shows.

I also found some stuff you can use in your fullgame:

Story Mode Maker -https://BLACKLISTED

MugenHook 0.4.2 by ermaccer -

A 2-part tutorial on making a intro -

I think basakun can just stick with the regular stuff okay?>