
[Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread (Read 5539474 times)

Started by Formerly Hoshi, April 21, 2010, 09:51:37 pm
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#41  July 02, 2010, 12:08:14 am
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Here's my attempt:

I didn't attempt the boots, yet, but opinions and comments are more than welcome. My attempt is to randomly make CvS versions of Dead Dance, Evil Zone, and originals.
Accusare nemo se debet nisi coram Veridis
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#42  July 05, 2010, 05:12:19 am
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You need to make more use of all of your colours
Formerly LunchPolice aka Quack
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#43  July 05, 2010, 03:47:43 pm
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SFA-style shock sprites that I made for my current project. I just scaled Chun-Li's shock sprites from SFA3 to CvS proportions; the bracelets have been reduced in size to match her CvS2 sprites and the lower parts of her dress were likewise extended to match her CvS2 sprites. This is the first time I've done this kind of sprite editing, so feedback would be greatly appreciated. Looking at it right now, the shading on the first image's upper right leg seems kinda wonky.
Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 09:59:50 pm by Jmorphman
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#44  July 06, 2010, 10:25:31 pm
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 Here's Dutch.
From and Old WIP. I got some work done on him but I just got too lazy to finish.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#45  July 06, 2010, 10:29:23 pm
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Trying to make a comeback
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#46  July 06, 2010, 10:30:33 pm
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  • im finally just like everyone else

fucking bad poster asshole that home32 bitch
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#47  July 08, 2010, 12:11:03 am
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Shading on artist's right arm looks too SNKish.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#48  July 11, 2010, 05:16:28 am
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Did this a while back so yeah just thought about posting up here

More stuff Get ready for the best yusuke ever!!

Check out my youtube for more fun stuff!
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#49  July 13, 2010, 06:14:38 pm
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Keith Wayne from Power Instinct 1.

B.Jenet from Garou: Mark of the Wolves

Trying to make a comeback
Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 09:06:46 pm by Banxman3
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#50  July 14, 2010, 12:23:16 am
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Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#51  July 14, 2010, 06:35:58 pm
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Trying to make a comeback
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#52  July 14, 2010, 07:36:51 pm
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  • im finally just like everyone else
She has one tit.

fucking bad poster asshole that home32 bitch
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#53  July 14, 2010, 08:58:53 pm
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Of course that's the least of that sprite's problems... sloppy proportions, Jenet should not look muscly at all, and what is up with the shading on the torso? SHE IS SUPPOSED TO BE TENDER SWEET JUICY T&A IN A SLIM BODY
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#54  July 15, 2010, 01:08:29 am
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O.K. At least i got some feedback this time.
i will totally re-do the sprite so that it fits your description.
Mind you, i have never seen this character in my life until I tried to convert her, so thanks for the feedback.
i will make it better, I promise. :sugoi:

Trying to make a comeback
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#55  July 15, 2010, 01:13:02 am
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  • Fuck You.
i have never seen this character in my life until I tried to convert her

Ah this is the problem

Come on mane you gotta do research. I mean you do work well but you gotta know a little something about em specifically her you cant be screwing up B. Jenet
i cant count the reasons i should stay

one by one they all just fade away...
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#56  July 15, 2010, 04:46:29 pm
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That's the thing. I did do a little research on Keith but, I just rushed through B.Jenet.
I just like to stay in my own area with like CAPCOM and stuff like that.
The only time I really branch out is when I do stuff that I am interested in or when people request stuff.
I will research stuff before I do it now.
Thanks for the advice.


Trying to make a comeback
Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 08:19:45 pm by Banxman3
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#57  July 19, 2010, 10:18:32 pm
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  • Figuring things out, one sprite at a time.
<- Simple fancy pants edit.
Got around to writing up an in-depth study for CVS sprites like the ones that I wrote for KOF, XII+, and SF2HD sprites. It can be found at under the Sprites Discussion section.
Onju's post of bad CvS Sprites
#58  July 23, 2010, 09:04:02 pm
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NB: These sprites probably suck  ;P

- Gai Tendos Leg CvS Styled (actually the newest sprite
- My first edit ever (only the legs done)
- Ash Crimson
- My second sprite ever after a year of pause (looks like an "apeman")
- This one's actually my favourite (and probably the best) sprite, although the face looks bad and the "connection" between the images isn't good either. But still, i'm proud of this one cause it made me feel kinda epic when i finished it.


This one is the actual (cleaned) Robert Garcia sprite (I accidentaly uploaded an old verision)
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#59  July 23, 2010, 09:07:45 pm
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  • Fuck You.
robert looks cool
i cant count the reasons i should stay

one by one they all just fade away...
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#60  July 23, 2010, 09:15:31 pm
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Finally somebody that doesn't say that they suck XD