
[Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread (Read 5535873 times)

Started by Formerly Hoshi, April 21, 2010, 09:51:37 pm
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#61  July 27, 2010, 05:14:11 am
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  • Figuring things out, one sprite at a time.

Classic Leona, not so classic Clark. Also have some images of these frames in progress on my site, which can be reached from the link in my signature. They are  in the CVS Study for the curious.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#62  July 27, 2010, 05:22:21 am
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Dat Leona looks weird, yo. D:
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#63  July 27, 2010, 08:08:27 am
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  • Sunglasses Security Guy is watching you necrobump.

Classic Leona, SUPER classic Clark.

Fixed. Ralf's and Clark's XII looks come from the original Ikari Warriors, which predates the entire KOF series by several years.

On another note, Leona's face could benefit from being a tad more feminine.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#64  July 27, 2010, 04:10:33 pm
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  • Figuring things out, one sprite at a time.
Vegeta: It's actually a mix up of old and new; Ikari Warriors Ralf and Clark weren't exactly big on shirts or vests back then, and both wore headbands rather than their now trademark bandanna / cap and shades. As for Leona's face, some more experimentation couldn't hurt, although I'm not quite sure where to go with this particular head aside from a cop-out like removing detail.

<- Redid the face and belt, and made the XII version of her and Ralf for the sake of completion. All within the 16 color limit.
[edit] And a minor change to Ralf's jaw for good measure.
Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 04:03:41 am by Rolento
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#65  July 30, 2010, 05:08:56 am
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I did this one a while ago. It's suposed to be Ultimate Spiral. I've got better stuff, just not online yet.
Spriting is hard.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#66  July 30, 2010, 05:12:24 am
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Artist's bottom-right arm looks smaller at the wrist, but other than that, it looks great!
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#67  July 30, 2010, 09:17:55 am
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A Cvs Cody design I came up with.

Another character of mine Symbiote Genocyde
Spriting is hard.


Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#68  July 30, 2010, 09:23:48 am
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Cody's upper body looks small compared to his lower body. And his neck looks huge.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#69  July 30, 2010, 06:04:11 pm
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@MalaDingDong yeah I see what you mean, I didn't define where his deltoid ends and I wanted his pants to look baggy.
Spriting is hard.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#70  July 30, 2010, 06:30:44 pm
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.... I can already tell you're a pro at this shit.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#71  July 30, 2010, 06:54:04 pm
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Awesome work you got there.
I really like the Symbiote Genocyde. The motion is very fluid.

Trying to make a comeback
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#72  July 30, 2010, 08:48:45 pm
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Spriting is hard.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#73  July 31, 2010, 12:45:03 pm
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  • The Yatagarasu will be coming in any moment.
Very nice topic! ;D I really love this! Hey. I have a Vulcano Rosso I'm tryna work on from a 3D to CVS.

Here's my first start:

I understand the way of the light source but I'm struggling in lighting and shading 'cause I get confused with colors to choose from. Anyway, Kojunho sprited the shadings and lightings for me, which I can try to start to sprite for Mugen. :)

This is Kojunho's shading/lighting and I thanked him for it. ;D
Titiln said:
focus more and stop thinking about things like the internet or titties

Whatever happened to sex, drugs, and Rock. Nowadays, it's whores, AIDS, and Hip-Hop.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#74  July 31, 2010, 06:17:54 pm
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Spriting is hard.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#75  July 31, 2010, 07:09:52 pm
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Trying to make a comeback
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#76  July 31, 2010, 07:11:45 pm
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cyborg plz
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#77  July 31, 2010, 11:35:11 pm
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For some reason I had a lot of trouble on Robins legs. I might post an updated on later. Robin should fight like Bruce lee.
Cyborg was just difficult al around. Those damn blue parts don't make any since. Cyborgs a shoto as far as I'm concerned.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spriting is hard.
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#78  July 31, 2010, 11:38:41 pm
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    • UK
Nice work, loving that Cyborg.
All you gotta do is thin those legs on Robin and you're all good.
Kinda strange but I woke up today and her hand was on my ass cheek
I won't suspect anything though I'll take it she was sleeping and didn't notice
you should have flipped over slowly
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#79  July 31, 2010, 11:58:26 pm
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..... THAT CYBORG..... IS.... AWESOME!
Re: [Theme Thread] CVS Sprite thread
#80  August 01, 2010, 12:28:28 am
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How about this one?

Glad you like it jesuszilla.
Spriting is hard.