
Fighter Factory 3.0.1 (Read 1572306 times)

Started by VirtuallTek, December 16, 2011, 11:37:46 pm
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Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 6
#701  July 17, 2012, 01:37:41 pm
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    • UK
when using image editor and i go to resize a sprite that is 1280x720 to 640x480 and use the filter HQ + Nearest Neighbor or HQ + Bilinear it crashes, is that filter only for sizing up sprites
Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 6
#702  July 18, 2012, 03:48:26 pm
  • ***
    • Brazil
Found out the problem. Its with localcoord in def file
It does work for
localcoord 	= 	320,240
But doesn't for
;Added space after ','
localcoord = 320, 240

PS. FF3 crases if you use offset viewer when you don't have any AIR opened

when using image editor and i go to resize a sprite that is 1280x720 to 640x480 and use the filter HQ + Nearest Neighbor or HQ + Bilinear it crashes, is that filter only for sizing up sprites
Fixed. Yes, it's only for sizing up.

After i finish some things i'm implementing now, a new update will be released.

Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 6
#703  July 18, 2012, 11:31:46 pm
  • ******
Would it be possible to have an option to reorganize groups within the sff? As someone just making my 1st sff with FF3 I've already messed up the placement of several groups. To help with productivity it'd be really nice if I could simply move them around in the sff.

Not super important but I think it'd be nice. Thank you
Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 6
#704  July 19, 2012, 06:19:58 am
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  • Fuck Windows 8!!!! I use adult OSes to work!!!
    • Mexico
Have you tried the organizer man? you can move groups of sprites in there, or use the auto organize so they are organized automatically...

Is that what you mean?
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Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 6
#705  July 19, 2012, 11:56:41 am
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    • Russia
FF3 thinks, that log trigger should have 1 argument
Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 6
#706  July 19, 2012, 01:40:45 pm
  • ******
Have you tried the organizer man? you can move groups of sprites in there, or use the auto organize so they are organized automatically...

Is that what you mean?
I couldn't find it (was looking in the sprites area though). I had made a topic in the help section asking about it. Cyanide said you couldn't move whole groups. Now that I found it I see you can hold shift to select more groups! :) Awesome!

EDIT: Is there a way to make new animations of all groups? Using the group number to make the number for the animations? I found how to make a whole group an animation but with the way I set up the sff it'd be a lot simpler to just create animations from every group. Even if I have to delete all the extra anims made from required sprites. Which brings me to this. There should be a way to delete animations and sprites in the organizer by highlighting the sprites/anims you wish to delete and right clicking. It'd also be neat if you could rename sprites and anims with this feature. By group, index, time, and name.
Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 04:32:31 pm by Just No Point
Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 7
#707  July 20, 2012, 02:05:24 am
  • ***
    • Brazil
Update 7 on the first post.

- Problem with SFF v1 (same sprite with different palettes being linked)
- Updated the issues/error system
- Fixed the offset viewer bugs
- Fixed the scale down for HQ and EPX filters
- Errors and warnings are checked only for the current version of the project, or minor.

Next time i'll update the syntax. About it, some observations:
- var(x):= xx as a parameter will be kept as error (you can remove the extra ":" and this way is more standardized)
- var(exp) = xx (i need to implement an exception for this case)
- attributes like SCA, CSA (i'll think something, is difficult to cover this case [arbitrary order without repetitions])
- sprpriority in hitdef (docs?)
- log (fixed)

EDIT: Is there a way to make new animations of all groups? Using the group number to make the number for the animations? I found how to make a whole group an animation but with the way I set up the sff it'd be a lot simpler to just create animations from every group. Even if I have to delete all the extra anims made from required sprites. Which brings me to this. There should be a way to delete animations and sprites in the organizer by highlighting the sprites/anims you wish to delete and right clicking. It'd also be neat if you could rename sprites and anims with this feature. By group, index, time, and name.
No, but possible using Lua.
Delete from the organizer can be implemented, but rename is odd for multiple items.

Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 7
#708  July 20, 2012, 02:28:06 am
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  • Fuck Windows 8!!!! I use adult OSes to work!!!
    • Mexico
Update 7 on the first post.

- Problem with SFF v1 (same sprite with different palettes being linked)
- Updated the issues/error system
- Fixed the offset viewer bugs
- Fixed the scale down for HQ and EPX filters
- Errors and warnings are checked only for the current version of the project, or minor.

Next time i'll update the syntax. About it, some observations:
- var(x):= xx as a parameter will be kept as error (you can remove the extra ":" and this way is more standardized)
- var(exp) = xx (i need to implement an exception for this case)
- attributes like SCA, CSA (i'll think something, is difficult to cover this case [arbitrary order without repetitions])
- sprpriority in hitdef (docs?)
- log (fixed)

EDIT: Is there a way to make new animations of all groups? Using the group number to make the number for the animations? I found how to make a whole group an animation but with the way I set up the sff it'd be a lot simpler to just create animations from every group. Even if I have to delete all the extra anims made from required sprites. Which brings me to this. There should be a way to delete animations and sprites in the organizer by highlighting the sprites/anims you wish to delete and right clicking. It'd also be neat if you could rename sprites and anims with this feature. By group, index, time, and name.
No, but possible using Lua.
Delete from the organizer can be implemented, but rename is odd for multiple items.


var(x) := xx is an asigment notation, this way you assign values automatically to a variable without using varset sctrl (Cyanide and Messatsu covered a tutorial using this way with the ctrl trigger to assign var values in time = 0 at the beggining of any state) in this case, when used in a varset sctrl you basically tell this:

var(5) := var(4) = 0

var(5) gets var(4)'s value that will be zero

this economizes the use of 2 varsets... in that example, this statement is taken as invalid when used in varset, which is not. This is why I consider this an error in the sintax checker.

By the way, sprpriority in hitdefs is NOT CORRECT (My bad, it's ALL my fault) the correct is p1sprpriority as well as p2sprpriority, already included in sintax highlighting as well as the checker...

In the case of Hit atribbs like SCA, just leave it highlighted normally and don't chck for the error, since you can use S, C, A, CS, SC, CA, SA, AS and many other combinations of it, this is very variable and should not be checked (coder needs to debug that type of stuff)

BUT... Nice release, as always!!!!!!!

See ya!!! :D
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Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 6
#709  July 20, 2012, 02:33:58 am
  • ***
  • Fuck Windows 8!!!! I use adult OSes to work!!!
    • Mexico
...There should be a way to delete animations and sprites in the organizer by highlighting the sprites/anims you wish to delete and right clicking. It'd also be neat if you could rename sprites and anims with this feature. By group, index, time, and name.
At least for renaming a whole group you can always use the button "Rename group", works perfectly as well as remove group button...
I guess you are not using the "Neo" interface, which has all the buttons and options in the left panel, like this two. But looks like deleting from the organizer sounds reasonable ;)
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Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 7
#710  July 20, 2012, 02:44:41 am
  • ***
  • Fuck Windows 8!!!! I use adult OSes to work!!!
    • Mexico
Reporting a critical bug... whenever you save a sff v1, the version is written incorrectly into the header file, it says is version instead of, leading FF3 to never open the sff file because of unsuported sff version...

It does that with new sff files as well as editing existing sffs, happens when adding sprites or deleting and just when saving the sff file...

See ya!!! :D

P.S.: Because of this the sff file is rendered useless... I got a backup of the file I was working so no problem here, just letting you know this as is a critical bug :S
P.S. 2: Tested more, it also happens with sff v2...
P.S. 3: Added a video showing the bug...
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Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 04:01:43 am by FerchogtX
Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#711  July 20, 2012, 04:22:50 am
  • ***
    • Brazil
My god. I f** another SFF  :P. At least we can hexedit to fix  ;D

New update to fix the SFF bug. Thanks again by the quick reply  :sugoi:

var(x) := xx is an asigment notation, this way you assign values automatically to a variable without using varset sctrl (Cyanide and Messatsu covered a tutorial using this way with the ctrl trigger to assign var values in time = 0 at the beggining of any state) in this case, when used in a varset sctrl you basically tell this:

var(5) := var(4) = 0

var(5) gets var(4)'s value that will be zero

this economizes the use of 2 varsets... in that example, this statement is taken as invalid when used in varset, which is not. This is why I consider this an error in the sintax checker.
Yes, i know about the assignment operator. I don't know the fact that it can be used as a parameter, that sounds strange. Then this is valid for varset only?


EDIT: Confirmed the problem with save all that sometimes doesn't save the file. I'm investigating now.
Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 04:29:59 am by VirtuallTek
Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#712  July 20, 2012, 04:36:03 am
  • ***
  • Fuck Windows 8!!!! I use adult OSes to work!!!
    • Mexico
My god. I f** another SFF  :P. At least we can hexedit to fix  ;D

New update to fix the SFF bug. Thanks again by the quick reply  :sugoi:
Don't worry, I'm aware we are still in RC state and bugs may happen, that's why I always backup my stuff, I'll test the update inmedia ;)

var(x) := xx is an asigment notation, this way you assign values automatically to a variable without using varset sctrl (Cyanide and Messatsu covered a tutorial using this way with the ctrl trigger to assign var values in time = 0 at the beggining of any state) in this case, when used in a varset sctrl you basically tell this:

var(5) := var(4) = 0

var(5) gets var(4)'s value that will be zero

this economizes the use of 2 varsets... in that example, this statement is taken as invalid when used in varset, which is not. This is why I consider this an error in the sintax checker.
Yes, i know about the assignment operator. I don't know the fact that it can be used as a parameter, that sounds strange. Then this is valid for varset only?
He... I thought the same, but works for example this:
type = varset
trigger1 = Time = 0
var(5) := var(4) = 0
ignorehitpause = 1
Is valid and works, and this...
anim = 33210
ctrl = 0 + (0 * ((var(4) := 45) + (var(5 := 600)))
is also valid...


EDIT: Confirmed the problem with save all that sometimes doesn't save the file. I'm investigating now.
NICE!!! :D
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Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#713  July 20, 2012, 04:46:01 am
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  • Fuck Windows 8!!!! I use adult OSes to work!!!
    • Mexico
Tested Update 8, ALL PERFECT, SSF v1 and v2 modules are back to normal and working, also, the "similar pallete" bug is gone!!!!

Nice job, I hope I didn't give you a headache XD...

See ya!! :D
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Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#714  July 20, 2012, 04:51:59 am
  • ***
    • Brazil
If you want to fix the SFF, just hexedit the four bytes after the first 12 ("ElecbyteSpr"0).

About the assignment operator, then the "parameter" way is only for varset. OK.

Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#715  July 20, 2012, 04:55:47 am
  • ******
Delete option would be great! I know about the ability to add whole groups as animations. I would like the ability to auto create animations from every group at once. Group 0 creates anim #0, group 5 creates anim#5, group 20 creates anim#20

All the animations within those groups would be added into the animation. The only downside is that it'd create anims for the required groups as well. But those could easily be deleted out with the delete feature in the organizer. Or better yet have an option to disregard certain groups. Like groups 5000-8000.

No biggie. Just a time saving suggestion :)
Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#716  July 20, 2012, 05:11:02 am
  • ***
    • Brazil
I will add the delete option to the organizer.
About the animations, i will think something, probably a Lua script.

Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#717  July 20, 2012, 05:59:24 am
  • ***
  • Fuck Windows 8!!!! I use adult OSes to work!!!
    • Mexico
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Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#718  July 20, 2012, 06:00:48 am
  • ***
  • Fuck Windows 8!!!! I use adult OSes to work!!!
    • Mexico
If you want to fix the SFF, just hexedit the four bytes after the first 12 ("ElecbyteSpr"0).

About the assignment operator, then the "parameter" way is only for varset. OK.

Yeah, Im aware of that, anyway I had a backup with the exact file I damaged, so no harm was done and I just replaced the sff ;) funny issue XD
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Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#719  July 22, 2012, 12:28:19 am
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  • Gamer extraordinaire
    • USA
    • Skype - Shadow0X3
I'm probably making an idiot of myself, but is there no way to handle file associations within FF3? I realize this has almost no functionality for editing/making chars and/or stages, but it's a nice little add-in that I really miss from (I think :???:) FFC

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Re: Fighter Factory 3 RC4 + Update 8
#720  July 22, 2012, 02:34:34 am
  • ***
    • Brazil
File associations are not supported by FF3 because i'm trying to keep FF working without elevated privileges (aka UAC).
But if you do it manually, will work because FF3 can open files passed as first parameter.