
The Do-It-Yourself Art School (Need your opinions on this thread idea) (Read 5973 times)

Started by hatter, November 02, 2015, 03:18:50 am
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The Do-It-Yourself Art School (Need your opinions on this thread idea)
#1  November 02, 2015, 03:18:50 am
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  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss

I'm posting this here on the suggestion of the venerable Jmorph, so I'll cut to the chase.

Recently, I found a post on my Kyo XIII thread that went something like this:

Sorry, Maybe I come wrong place, but can you tell me how to make Animation sprite and separate color like your amazing work?

I've noticed that there've been people posting on the graphic/sprite project threads of established artists on this forum, such as Chamat and zero de armentis, asking the same question. And then it clicked: A thread dedicated to answering these questions.

Here's how I would envision it:

-The thread would bump-able at anytime and anyone is free to post and participate in it, as long as it is to post a tutorial, or to ask a question, where anyone can answer it at anytime if possible.

-The thread would have tutorials (either created by members of the Guild, or recreations of previous tutorials [maybe provide explanations to to points that may be difficult to understand, or add new things to it]) dedicated to pointing new artists in the right direction.

-The thread would tackle topics regarding:
   -Digital art, e.g. digital painting advice, color blending, line art, lighting, color theory, etc.
   -Pixel art, e.g. in-depth style studies of corporate sprite styles (fighting [CPS3, JJBA, CvS], platformer [2D, 2.5D], RPG, miscellaneous (HUD related items, scenery]), pixel animation, starting with pixel art, etc.
    -Traditional art, e.g. Proportion, anatomy, perspective, pencil shading, inking, colored pencil coloring, etc.
    -3D modelling (if possible), e.g., making 3D scenery, learning the interface of 3D programs, 3D animation, 3D character design, etc.

I'm posting here imploring you all for suggestions and ways to improve this idea, as I feel it can be beneficial to new artists, and it can be a way for established MFG artists to share their experience universally. What ways do you think this idea can be improved? What do you think is missing?

Please let me know, and feel free to throw a suggestion my way.
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Re: The Do-It-Yourself Art School (Need your opinions on this thread idea)
#2  November 06, 2015, 03:01:48 am
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I'm not 100% sure this would work well as a single thread. It's worth a shot but most people tend to make these as new threads. Basically I don't see the momentum to keep it going or for people to locate it and add to it.

I'm not saying you shouldn't try it. Have you contacted some of the sprite artists to see if they will want to get in on this? That's what I'd do. See if you could get a unified idea going.

I have been tinkering with an idea to make some filter icons and combine the code library and tips, tricks, tutorials boards. Sprite making tutorials could be a potential filter for this.
Re: The Do-It-Yourself Art School (Need your opinions on this thread idea)
#3  November 06, 2015, 03:57:14 am
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  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss
I have been tinkering with an idea to make some filter icons and combine the code library and tips, tricks, tutorials boards. Sprite making tutorials could be a potential filter for this.

That.... actually sounds great.

And for this, I think I'll tag some well known sprite artists and implore their opinions:

@Bastard Mami:
@Sean Altly:

I'm sorry for this massive tag (IDK if I missed anyone), but I'm tagging you to ask your opinions on this, if it's worth a try or if it can be augmented as to be a more efficient way to give pointers to beginners who want to teach themselves art, but don't know where to start.

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Re: The Do-It-Yourself Art School (Need your opinions on this thread idea)
#4  November 06, 2015, 04:43:23 am
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    • USA
Im down, I could use some good anim tutorials for myself anyway
Re: The Do-It-Yourself Art School (Need your opinions on this thread idea)
#5  November 06, 2015, 04:55:18 am
  • ******
  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss
Im down, I could use some good anim tutorials for myself anyway

Animation tutorials seem to be something everybody wants, so I'd definitely go with that. And I'm glad you like it. Shoot any suggestions for ideas on how it can be improved, I'm all ears.

I think waiting to see if JNP combine the code library and tips, tricks, tutorials boards would be a good idea. In the mean time, I think I'll go and talk with the person whose post actually inspired me to do this. See if there are particular things she would like to learn about digital/pixel art.
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Re: The Do-It-Yourself Art School (Need your opinions on this thread idea)
#6  November 06, 2015, 02:05:18 pm
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    • Spain
Ill share one of my favourites animation articles concerning fighting games:

It help me alot and still does even on today, gotta remember the 12 principles of animation, and what better examples than darkstalkers!
I would recommend to begginers to download a gif program and open up many gifs from fighting games, and study them a bit.
Re: The Do-It-Yourself Art School (Need your opinions on this thread idea)
#7  November 06, 2015, 02:10:22 pm
  • ******
  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
  • ey b0ss
Ill share one of my favourites animation articles concerning fighting games:

It help me alot and still does even on today, gotta remember the 12 principles of animation, and what better examples than darkstalkers!
I would recommend to begginers to download a gif program and open up many gifs from fighting games, and study them a bit.

That sounds good, there are times that beginners may some stuff difficult to understand/apply (I know I had a hard time with some aspects of animation described in the article), so picking this apart will be nice.

Thanks Daeron!
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