
Capcom X Snk  (Read 858859 times)

Started by 2Dee4ever, September 09, 2014, 06:08:18 am
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Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#361  October 10, 2015, 08:23:18 am
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Stop trying to one up me god dammit!!! haha
Aye so how is that Geese coming along? I have a guy that literally asks "me" on all of my videos for something "you" are doing come on now son. Get it togetherrr. You have people waiting on you as well. I'm lonely.. I have no friends on the forum lol. Aye also, I want to fix Batsu up, or will you?

Well "Grandmaster" Rei, there are things in this world that are different for each individual and its called Life

School, Girlfriend, Work, Friends, Parties, Other Hobbies, Netflix....ehhhh you get the point. Anyway, as for my chars I have fixes on my end already but with him there are still some other things I am doing. Patience is the key tho oh great "Grandmaster" lol

You should tell your friend that good things will come to those who wait. Sorry your lonely tho, I can't do anything about that lol but I'm sure you can cook some more chars up so you wont be for long lol
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#362  October 10, 2015, 08:53:08 am
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Stop trying to one up me god dammit!!! haha
Aye so how is that Geese coming along? I have a guy that literally asks "me" on all of my videos for something "you" are doing come on now son. Get it togetherrr. You have people waiting on you as well. I'm lonely.. I have no friends on the forum lol. Aye also, I want to fix Batsu up, or will you?

Well "Grandmaster" Rei, there are things in this world that are different for each individual and its called Life

School, Girlfriend, Work, Friends, Parties, Other Hobbies, Netflix....ehhhh you get the point. Anyway, as for my chars I have fixes on my end already but with him there are still some other things I am doing. Patience is the key tho oh great "Grandmaster" lol

You should tell your friend that good things will come to those who wait. Sorry your lonely tho, I can't do anything about that lol but I'm sure you can cook some more chars up so you wont be for long lol

Ah not the time speech. Life essentials are obvious, that boring answer.  We make time for what we want to make time for. There is no interest in mugen so why would you make it a priority? idk why you guys don't just say that. I'm working two jobs, in the military, boo-thang etc. My girl actually hates me doing anything related to me being on the cpu haha.  I personally don't care about anyone making anything anymore no offence, its not my friends its the people on here that want you back. I only have a few months left though & then I am done. Which is why I've been at it. 
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#363  October 10, 2015, 09:08:35 am
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Ah not the time speech. Life essentials are obvious, that boring answer.  We make time for what we want to make time for. There is no interest in mugen so why would you make it a priority? idk why you guys don't just say that. I'm working two jobs, in the military, boo-thang etc. My girl actually hates me doing anything related to me being on the cpu haha.  I personally don't care about anyone making anything anymore no offence, its not my friends its the people on here that want you back. I only have a few months left though & then I am done. Which is why I've been at it.

I don't know about these "other guys" you speak of but the reason I didn't say that was because I meant exactly what I said. Now to elaborate, I only spoke of those things to explain why I haven't been as productive as I usually am. How much time we choose to spend on certain things is different depending on the person, and like others, I have my own select time. I make time for it, just not as much as you or anyone else does.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#364  October 10, 2015, 11:34:00 am
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  • The other Indian
    • India
@~Hale "R@CE" Caesar~: I can't speak for others but I consider myself one of the "other guys". When you were making characters earlier, you were on a roll and made some really fun stuff. I, for one, miss your and infinite's creations. Quickfist and Chazz succumbed to similar pressures and have stopped creating. Jmorph is around but I'm not sure if he's working on anything.

So when Shinrei took the initiative it was very gratifying and I use and enjoy almost every single character he has released. I've rambled along this far to say that a lot of users here have appreciated what you create and will continue to do so. Time is a factor that affects creators, no doubt but interest is the biggest factor. One will always make time to pursue something that interests him/ her and time will always be made for it. So I do agree with Shinrei's when he says that a loss of interest is what deters creators from creating and not a lack of time per say.
Last Edit: October 10, 2015, 12:35:48 pm by YugaCurry
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#365  October 17, 2015, 04:13:57 pm
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i second that notion.
When christans be on thot patrol...

whores need to learn to keep their legs closed.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#366  October 22, 2015, 02:38:13 am
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Man, love the game... was wondering if you could add an official Goku?
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#367  October 22, 2015, 04:00:45 pm
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  • The other Indian
    • India
I doubt the dude is gonna respond here anymore and what's an "official Goku"?
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#368  October 22, 2015, 09:33:44 pm
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m sorry lol, I meant like an official one for this game... maybe snk style?... I've been practicing for my first battle with this game... honestly the possibilities of online mugen intrigues me.... I wish there was a lobby  or something though.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#369  November 18, 2015, 11:34:42 pm
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Because no ever reads anything ever.. The link is & has always been for a while now.. "In the description of the video in the first page". READ! READ! READ!
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#370  December 07, 2015, 06:37:49 am
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Only 3000/5000 more special intros to go.. Lmfao

Of course this is nothing to some people, but the day 1 guys & those still working with me, Thank you.
(Just to keep you updated if you dont follow on youtube, or salty)
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#371  December 07, 2015, 07:06:20 am
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So how'd you get Beni?
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#372  December 07, 2015, 07:35:37 am
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    • Brazil
Only 3000/5000 more special intros to go.. Lmfao
Of course this is nothing to some people, but the day 1 guys & those still working with me, Thank you.
(Just to keep you updated if you dont follow on youtube, or salty)

Holy shit, are you going to do 3000 especial intros? That's a lot of work, good luck on that man.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#373  December 07, 2015, 07:40:53 am
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  • Raging Fist
btw,are u getting my messages on youtube rei?
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#374  December 07, 2015, 07:49:19 pm
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I recently just hit the 2000 mark after forever. Yes, yes very long process as this includes the pre-fight dialogue & canon/custom rivalries intros. Those of you that sent me dialogue, I'll be posting your videos soon.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#375  December 08, 2015, 06:36:58 am
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I recently just hit the 2000 mark after forever. Yes, yes very long process as this includes the pre-fight dialogue & canon/custom rivalries intros. Those of you that sent me dialogue, I'll be posting your videos soon.

So... you already finished the roster?
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#376  December 15, 2015, 04:31:51 am
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Yeah. I just have to go over & clean.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#377  December 15, 2015, 06:06:02 am
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  • 2D Fighting games forever!
    • Brazil
Yeah. I just have to go over & clean.

Holy Shit!!

This is so nostalgic and awesome, that Terry tho!
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#378  December 15, 2015, 03:34:25 pm
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Good job dude, looks awesome, also ikemen looks awesome is it active in development ?
I hope you release the update, I cant wait to grab this. That CRT filter though :P Its sad we have to use sweetFX for stuff like that I hope ikemen adds filters.
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#379  December 15, 2015, 06:29:49 pm
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    • USA
Good job dude, looks awesome, also ikemen looks awesome is it active in development ?
I hope you release the update, I cant wait to grab this. That CRT filter though :P Its sad we have to use sweetFX for stuff like that I hope ikemen adds filters.
It is still being worked on, they just haven't released it to the public. They post updates everyday actually. As for the sweetFX, I prefer it this way since it's toggle-able & it's pre-loaded anyway not like you have to configure anything, works online as well. It's only cosmetics, but for any of you that actually play on bigger displays I suggest using it. It does give it the real game/arcade feel not to mention it looks beautiful 1080p with zoom. I remember we used to always rattle over the pixel issue, but this is a smart fix without having to go through all the trouble of editing each sprite individually. Did I mention it looks sexy?
Re: Capcom Vs. Snk Universe!
#380  December 15, 2015, 09:50:55 pm
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I am using it on my main mugen build aswell, even on 1280x1024 looks awesome and the performance loss is almost 0 for me and my pc is meh.
Keep up the good work, the game looks awesome.