
STREET FIGHTER III 4th Assault - Future of Fighting (Read 2690228 times)

Started by Mastertkof, January 07, 2017, 12:32:10 am
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Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#141  August 09, 2017, 08:52:28 pm
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Super and Ultra Galactica Upper
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#142  September 03, 2017, 08:52:36 pm
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3rd strike tests
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#143  September 06, 2017, 12:33:36 am
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only resize without any manual adjust, only for tests


Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 02:02:16 am by Anderson Masters
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#144  September 06, 2017, 08:27:42 pm
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manual adjusted sprite in sf3 style test
pure blender render (left) manual edit over the render (right)
the method work pretty fine for spinning and rolling moves, or other moves with a big variation between the frames, but for stands and walks and other minor moves, will need more manually improvement

Blender tests on 3rd strike proportions, without any manual adjusts
it suposed to be 75%~98% done in cg, so, something like 2%~25% of the sprite need to receive manual drawing
IMO, if i decide to keep sf3 style, maybe i change hand, head and feet proportions.
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#145  September 06, 2017, 10:02:26 pm
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Those look pretty sharp.  Nice work!

Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#146  September 07, 2017, 01:10:23 am
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Those look pretty sharp.  Nice work!
Thanks sir.
i love sf3 sprites, and aways ask myself if can have some way more fast to do it, without do full manually 1200~2000 sprites pixel by pixel
i really preffer the result of do all the pixels by hand, but i think we can try to use some resources to help us with the most repetitive part of the work
and with this, make the projects more "realizables" cause alot of people in mugen comunity have alot of talent and skills, but just no have free time, cause need to work with other things.
some more tests (pure blender, no manual edits)

Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#147  September 07, 2017, 09:21:42 pm
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Hey man, it's going great, congratulations, I'm looking forward to seeing her in action... :)
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#148  September 08, 2017, 12:42:39 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Keep it up!
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#149  September 21, 2017, 02:35:04 am
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Hey man, it's going great, congratulations, I'm looking forward to seeing her in action... :)

thanks man! i still don't know but i thinking in have a low res version too
i really love 3rd strike, but the sprites just don't have the same style, cause sf3 outline is in alot of colors, "sometimes 3"
and mae project have one fixed color for shadow line, and other for light line, but maybe we can do it

Keep it up!

Thanks Ned

something like and pre-alpha version, is just an infinity kung fu man from divinewolf with her sprites and some changes in codes and animations

Front Jump

Back Jump
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#150  September 23, 2017, 01:13:29 am
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jumping kicks

Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#151  September 24, 2017, 12:10:09 am
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Original Palete finished!
the result that i have in mind when i create the shader with 7 shades
*light line
*light color
*3 fade in shades
*shadow color
*shadow line

this is based on original ideas and SF3 and KOF XII references

Intro 1 beta (need fix leg and skirt)

Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#152  September 24, 2017, 10:14:23 am
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
I'm not fan of her jump light kick, but other are OK!! :)
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#153  September 24, 2017, 09:29:19 pm
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I'm not fan of her jump light kick, but other are OK!! :)

totally agree man! but in game it seems more common cause it keep on screen something like 20 frames or less (she is really a fast char)
anyway after i finish all sprites and release as a 0.1 version, i will rework some graphics things, and this kick really will be on the list ;)


Last Edit: September 24, 2017, 09:34:50 pm by Anderson Masters
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#154  September 27, 2017, 08:03:28 pm
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[img width=600
Keep it real, keep it original
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#155  September 28, 2017, 08:21:09 pm
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Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#156  September 29, 2017, 12:59:04 am
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Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#157  September 29, 2017, 08:49:50 pm
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Crounching Punchs

Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#158  September 30, 2017, 03:11:26 am
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Other girls still no named, shader updated
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#159  September 30, 2017, 03:53:12 am
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Good luck with this project and I see that you are devoted to getting her finished.

However, if you want to improve your animations, I suggest you don't ignore animating the shoulders/collarbone. Also, if you animate her face a bit to show the stress and power in some moves (even blinks and half blinks can be good) then I can guarantee you'll be on the next step to making her a great character.

There are still a lot you should learn about how the human body moves but working on the shoulders and the face will be a good start. If you have trouble with this then try doing some motions with your own body yourself and pay attention to what is happening to your body. You can also film yourself or use a mirror as that is also helpful.

Well done so far, though.

Revanto ;P
3d rocks!
Re: Mae Jae ORIGINAL CHAR (3D rendered sprites with Manual edit)
#160  September 30, 2017, 10:31:22 pm
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Good luck with this project and I see that you are devoted to getting her finished.

However, if you want to improve your animations, I suggest you don't ignore animating the shoulders/collarbone. Also, if you animate her face a bit to show the stress and power in some moves (even blinks and half blinks can be good) then I can guarantee you'll be on the next step to making her a great character.

There are still a lot you should learn about how the human body moves but working on the shoulders and the face will be a good start. If you have trouble with this then try doing some motions with your own body yourself and pay attention to what is happening to your body. You can also film yourself or use a mirror as that is also helpful.

Well done so far, though.

Revanto ;P

Thanks bro!   i will repose some moves, and others will receive manual edit
still have 2 months, and i think it will be improved (not all frames) but, alot of things will be better when release

Other tests, and projects
no named character develop in SF3 size and test
sf3 have lines in 2 or 3 colors, and my shader just, don't do it, aways the outlines will have the same color in lighting side, and other color in the shadow side, but it can't use 2 colors on the same side

what you thing about it guys? is OK to do a SF3 char without the line color variation?
or it seems strange or whrong, cause is out of the style of SF3?

Pure blender (left)   manual edit over render (right)

Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 01:11:16 am by Anderson Masters