
Project Catch 'Em All (Read 803800 times)

Started by Ryon, September 12, 2013, 02:52:20 am
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Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#661  November 12, 2018, 11:19:37 pm
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Welp this is the next version of Dunsparce. I've added in those sound effects and changed Ice Beam to be 90 base powerish even if it is a very high amount of damage (might make Dunsparce not terrible for once haha).

Also one more thing that I'd like you to give me some feedback on if possible please. This is the charatcer I've been working on for the majority of the past few days over the weekend and its finally in a stage where it is playable. The animation of the first move is temporary and the other moves could probably be doing with a bit of an improvement too but let me know what you think:
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#662  November 13, 2018, 01:24:36 am
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Welp this is the next version of Dunsparce. I've added in those sound effects and changed Ice Beam to be 90 base powerish even if it is a very high amount of damage (might make Dunsparce not terrible for once haha).

The non-looping sound needs the time to activate be set to the same as the looping sound, or otherwise:
trigger1 = time = 10

Also one more thing that I'd like you to give me some feedback on if possible please. This is the charatcer I've been working on for the majority of the past few days over the weekend and its finally in a stage where it is playable. The animation of the first move is temporary and the other moves could probably be doing with a bit of an improvement too but let me know what you think

Feedback for the "other" Pokemon:

1a. It's a pure Flying type. If this is the Pokemon from Red/Blue/Yellow, it should also be part-Normal, as its resistances are wrong.
b. Its base stats are also wrong as well, as I can't find a reference of it from any other website at this time.

2a. Water Gun's droplets have a huge collision box for its size, nearly triple the size of the projectile itself.
b. It also moves slowly, and breaks apart and disappears after a very small distance. At its best, it won't even hit the opponent unless they move forward or they're Steelix.

3a. Double-Edge has a "woosh" sound that plays before the opponent is hit, and no sound plays upon hitting the opponent.
b. There's a huge ground-shaking effect after hitting the floor for some reason.

4a. Submission has no recoil damage for the user at all.
b. The attack is very bizarre; when hit, the enemy slides around in a semi-circle while floating (???) for a long time before they finally land, complete with a dust effect that trails the user, then flies off and goes away for whatever reason??? Play Rough would've been a better interpretation of this attack, but ignore this if it's intentional.
c. Sometimes, the user fails to complete the move; it hits the opponent, but then goes back to its original spot while the enemy just stands there. This is because of a "ChangeState" code that activates before the user can put the opponent in the relative states.
d. The sound playing when the opponent is hit doesn't need to be that long; Rather than make a long .WAV file, a small sound effect of a "swoosh" sound can be made to play repeatedly just by code alone.

5. Sky Attack has collision problems at the end of the attack, in that they don't cover up the Pokemon at all.

So the Pokemon plays like a glass cannon...that has only one wheel. And has the weirdest moveset I've seen yet. It needs a lot of work as it's a complete mess, but I'm willing to drop much of its aesthetics if this is part of its glitchy nature.

Also, as far as I remember, Samus is meant to be super slim, enough to be flexible and morph into a ball inside her suit. You gave her a huge ass that makes it impossible to imagine it being done.
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#663  November 13, 2018, 03:57:34 am
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This is random but im here on is forum cause I have this plusle and minun and they just attack by themselves for some reason. Yeah this is a dumb request
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#664  November 13, 2018, 09:28:03 pm
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After seeing the comment about Plusle and Minun, I decided to try my hand at creating the old system i wanted implemented, which was to allow the two to attack simultaneously like the Ice Climbers from Smash Bros. I was going to do it after finishing the two characters I'm currently working on but after seeing the current system wasn't exactly a popular pick, I spent some time trying to see if i could actually make my original concept work, and I actually did it!!! I'm just going to adjust some things as I want Minun to have a slight delay but shortly I will release the updated Plusle and Minun where they attack simultaneously at the press of a button. I don't think I've felt this happy creating a character yet!
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#665  November 13, 2018, 09:48:15 pm
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Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 10:09:16 pm by poiuygfd
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#666  November 13, 2018, 11:35:03 pm
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Last post (for now), no more spam I promise, but just in regards to the "other" Pokemon:
  • I accidentally put Defence and Special Attack the other way around, as well as miscalculated the Defence stat, both problems have been fixed
  • The typing issue was fixed. I had the neutrality to fighting, I just forgot the ghost immunity.
  • Submission's animation is intentional. It was meant to represent the gen 3, but more 4/5 animation of the opponent spinning in a circle with the cloud effects. The final animation will probably be faster as well as having the user spinning too, making it closer to the games as well as logical for the recoil to be there (I will also fix that issue too). However, if the animation is unpopular and it would be preferred then i will switch to a Play Rough like animation instead.
  • Double-Edge's shaking screen effect was intentional, both because of the glitchy nature and to emphasise the power of the impact of the move (kinda hard to do with the Pokemons appearence). I have slightly toned down how much the screen shakes however.

I've still got to do some of the stuff mentioned as well as other stuff such as adjusting Water Gun, so no new release yet, but it shouldn't be too long until i make the next release.
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#667  November 14, 2018, 03:23:33 am
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Heres an updated version of Plusle and Minun with the new old system in place. Its still far from the final version as I'm sure there are changes I can make and it also lacks palettes but its a major step in the right direction I feel.

Plusle Minun Feedback:

1. The Pokemon's name is too long for the game itself. If you play Simul with them, the name will overlap or be cropped by the lifebar graphics. "PlusleMinun" is a better alternative to this.

2. Its base stats are wrong. Its Attack/Special Attack is swapped with Defence/Special Defence.

3. The implementation of Minun is weird and full of little problems. Here's a list:
a. It doesn't come out of a pokeball, nor does it appear when Plusle appears; It just stands there. It would be great if it walked on the stage as Plusle was being released, as if it's calling for help from its twin ally.
b. Minun becomes jarring to watch whenever Plusle moves, because Minun has to follow its ally at the exact spot to stand next to Plusle, and any small changes to that causes Minun to jerk itself while moving between standing and walking.
c. Its also completely immune to attacks. Even if this is intentional, at least make it fret over his ally being hurt rather than do nothing but chase them.
d. While attacking, it ignores what the ally is doing even if they get hit out of the move they're performing, making its moves uninterruptible. Due to how the code works, this will happen even under paralysis or Spiritomb's Torment.
e. Minun doesn't perform its win pose with its ally.

3. Because both Pokemon are attacking with the same attacks, you should halve the base power of both moves or reduce the number of projectiles by half, because both Pokemon are effectively dealing double damage.

4. Sometimes, Signal Beam may cause clones of Plusle to appear when it clashes with other projectiles.

Also, as far as I remember, Samus is meant to be super slim, enough to be flexible and morph into a ball inside her suit. You gave her a huge ass that makes it impossible to imagine it being done.
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#668  November 14, 2018, 10:52:29 am
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Alright, just wanted to say a few things about Plusle and Minun:
  • Firstly, most of the changes you mentioned were on my list, so don't worry about that.
  • However, when it comes to the base stats, those stats are Plusle's stats. Yes, for Minun, they are the wrong way around but I don't even know how I could even implement Minun having its own base stats.
  • The idea was for them to both attack therefore dealing double damage, as it makes them a kind of glass cannon where they have awful defences but hit hard. That is also why I went with moves like Spark and Swift as opposed to Thunderbolt or other more powerful moves, to kind of counteract this otherwise ridiculous power. For now, I have just made the ATB take longer to charge for each move but if you really think the character would be too good otherwise, then I could halve the base power, just let me know
  • I actually already have an intro animation for Minun created, where it was sleeping on the ground and wakes up once Plusle is sent out (I just hadn't figured out how to add it in), but again if you think it running in from the side would be a better intro then i will change it.

Also, I notice you didn't give any critique on Dunsparce and the moved sound, does this mean the sound is good enough for Dunsparce to be finished?

edit: i forgot to mention a point
Last Edit: November 14, 2018, 11:41:24 am by poiuygfd
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#669  November 14, 2018, 01:17:18 pm
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Alright, just wanted to say a few things about Plusle and Minun:
  • However, when it comes to the base stats, those stats are Plusle's stats. Yes, for Minun, they are the wrong way around but I don't even know how I could even implement Minun having its own base stats.

Since the two are together, why not combine and then average out both stats, or give the character their strongest stats of the two? With the two of them, they could have Plusle's higher Attack, and Minun's higher Defence.

  • I actually already have an intro animation for Minun created, where it was sleeping on the ground and wakes up once Plusle is sent out (I just hadn't figured out how to add it in), but again if you think it running in from the side would be a better intro then i will change it.

I honestly think it would be better that way, as it would look like Minun is being called out, rather than it following the trainer and then waiting until Plusle comes out.

Also, I notice you didn't give any critique on Dunsparce and the moved sound, does this mean the sound is good enough for Dunsparce to be finished?

Yes, its good enough at this point. Although in the move to the full roster, I may add in their abilities and do some small bug fixing and fiddling with aesthetics on my own, it's just to iron out things I didn't see originally.

Also, as far as I remember, Samus is meant to be super slim, enough to be flexible and morph into a ball inside her suit. You gave her a huge ass that makes it impossible to imagine it being done.
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#670  November 14, 2018, 01:46:01 pm
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Thats fine, do what you will to Dunsparce as I frankly haven't a clue as to adding its abilities in.

As for Plusle and Minun heres the next release. They are still far from completion but this is a slightly more stable version
Also I'm including a changelog here because i feel like i should point out the changes.
  • Minun's intro (the sleeping one for now) has been added as well as a victory animation (same as Plusles)
  • Minun has a "hurt" state, which it enteres whenever Plusle enters a hurt state, stopping what it is doing and preventing it from attacking (its still a bit buggy but its a start at least).
  • Minun also has gravity now because i noticed it would get stuck in midair sometimes.
  • Again as mentioned before I've increased the recharge time on every move
  • Again as mentioned before I've increased the recharge time on every move
  • The stats have been adjusted. I decided to go the route of combining and averaging the stats, as I don't want to make them too good

There are still a few things I haven't figured out, namely why Signal Beam creates copies of Plusle when collided with, and why Minun is still a bit jerky, and it still lacks palettes. Another thing i noticed was when Clefable used Body Slam on it the Plusle copies were also created, so i really have no idea what the trigger is for that occuring, but its a much more stable build overall.
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#671  November 14, 2018, 02:24:41 pm
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There are still a few things I haven't figured out, namely why Signal Beam creates copies of Plusle when collided with, and why Minun is still a bit jerky, and it still lacks palettes. Another thing i noticed was when Clefable used Body Slam on it the Plusle copies were also created, so i really have no idea what the trigger is for that occuring, but its a much more stable build overall.

The problem is, you're using a helper that links to "Statedef 513" called "Signal Beam Effect", but its animation is invalid, so it defaults to one that has collisions, causing the problem. Because the original user (Manaphy) had eye effects that isn't present here, either get rid of the helper, or add in the correct effect for it.

One other thing: A debug flood of "Player ## has no root" appears throughout the fight. Also, Plusle's cry doesn't play, and there's no cry for Minun.

Also, as far as I remember, Samus is meant to be super slim, enough to be flexible and morph into a ball inside her suit. You gave her a huge ass that makes it impossible to imagine it being done.
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#672  November 15, 2018, 07:56:26 am
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Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#673  November 15, 2018, 02:36:10 pm
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I'm glad you are enjoying Plusle and Minun :) because they were a pain to make work. Raichu and Sandshrew sound like cool characters, I will have to try them out too when I get home.
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#674  November 15, 2018, 06:45:01 pm
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I won't accept Raichu and Sandshrew in this project at this time. They are both sprite-swaps of their respective evolutions. Raichu is the worst of all, since he's a sprite-swap of Pikachu from the OLD project (he has the old system in place, including the critical hits copied from my Lapras at the time), which is considered defunct and won't be supported. However, I'm willing to consider Raichu if you make an Alolan version of him, with a better moveset that isn't copied from anyone else, and updated to match the newest project's code.

Also, as far as I remember, Samus is meant to be super slim, enough to be flexible and morph into a ball inside her suit. You gave her a huge ass that makes it impossible to imagine it being done.
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#675  November 15, 2018, 09:49:21 pm
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Heres a small update for Plusle and Minun, fixing the Signal Beam glitch, adding in the other 5 palettes and fixing issues with cries so both Pokemon's cries play during the intro and win animations:

edit: Also while it may not be a part of the main roster I like Sandshrew a lot so I will use it, but would you maybe be able to make it a bit different from Sandslash first? So make sure it has Sandshrew's stats, not Sandslash's, and maybe make the moves recharge quicker to compensate for lower stats? And if you could make an Alolan Raichu that would be awesome

edit again: also I was wondering, i saw in the character info there are sections about each character. Are mine gonna be added, under where, and should i make a paragraph about them (at least the two finished)?
Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 12:00:41 am by poiuygfd
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#676  November 16, 2018, 12:18:29 am
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YaY, so many new updates.
i love the poket monsters youve added but i do agree that plusle waiting on the minun is kinda.... weird so them also being thrown out would work great
but i do love the way plusle and minun work now.
Also is missingno. never able to mis? even if it misses?
also also is plusle, minun andpichu suppose to be paralyzable?
Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 12:43:17 am by DimG
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#677  November 16, 2018, 01:37:51 am
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Heres a small update for Plusle and Minun, fixing the Signal Beam glitch, adding in the other 5 palettes and fixing issues with cries so both Pokemon's cries play during the intro and win animations:

Okay, everything is good now.

edit again: also I was wondering, i saw in the character info there are sections about each character. Are mine gonna be added, under where, and should i make a paragraph about them (at least the two finished)?

All finished creations will be added to that file as well. The creator order is based on when they released something at the time of the project's first appearance, though I tend to deviate a little since I don't know everyone's exact time of making something. You can make a little paragraph about the Pokemon, but it isn't needed at all; it's just to give some insight into why the Pokemon came into being or some other random information.

also also is plusle, minun andpichu suppose to be paralyzable?

When the Pokemon is finished to the best of the creator's ability, I add in their permanent resistances to certain status. This is because doing so requires modifying the common1.cns file, and I don't allow anyone to modify and upload that file outside of their copy of the game, to prevent the game systems clashing with other people's copies or even the official download itself.

Also, as far as I remember, Samus is meant to be super slim, enough to be flexible and morph into a ball inside her suit. You gave her a huge ass that makes it impossible to imagine it being done.
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#678  November 16, 2018, 04:06:09 am
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I showed the chars to see if you could think to make a raichu and sandshrew in the future. Also It would be cool if you made a raichu and sandshrew with custom moves
Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 05:07:02 am by Supremeboy74
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#679  November 16, 2018, 04:14:43 am
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And are planning to make a squritle and pichu cause if these are yours they don't have a custom move set which I don't like. I feel like they should have moves they would have first before they evolved. Now I know you worked hard but i feel like you should add aleast 1 move on them.
Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 05:09:42 am by Supremeboy74
Re: Project Catch 'Em All
#680  November 16, 2018, 12:27:13 pm
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Pichu is at least different from Pikachu in that its moves recharge faster and it hurts itself in Smash Bros as well as having different stats, whilst Squirtle was just someone elses old character I updated to the newest system, I don't intend on doing anything else with it and am not bothered about whether it ends up in the final roster or not. I was thinking of giving Pichu Sweet Kiss, but I decided against it. I don't even know if confusion is in this game.