
Most accurate MVC1 Template Available? (Read 20601 times)

Started by SNEAKYTING, December 13, 2019, 10:05:07 am
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Most accurate MVC1 Template Available?
#1  December 13, 2019, 10:05:07 am
  • *
    • USA
I've just started working on a sprite-sheet for "Knight Roll" from "Megaman Powered-Up/Rockman! Rockman!" and afterwards, I'm going to give Knight Roll her MVC1 styled gameplay. But the problem is there are so many MVC templates as some of them are not remotely accurate by MVC1's standards. I was wondering if someone like "O Ilusionista", "Gladiacloud" or anyone Professionals can find me the best and most accurate MVC1 template that already that is easy to use so I don't have to manually add in Advancing Guard, Tech Hit, Recovery Roll(No pun intended) & Counter, nor editing the special effects to match the MVC1 arcade standards. I would appreciate your help. Just for an optional question. Is it possible for me to add a DHC feature in an MVC1 template?
Last Edit: December 13, 2019, 10:08:38 am by SNEAKYTING
Re: Most accurate MVC1 Template Available?
#2  December 13, 2019, 04:00:20 pm
  • *****
If you're going for accuracy make your own, you can re-use it later for more chars.
Re: Most accurate MVC1 Template Available?
#3  December 13, 2019, 09:03:53 pm
  • *
    • USA
If you're going for accuracy make your own, you can re-use it later for more chars.

Alright. But how? Import missing sprites from other MVC1 characters like the slashing effect or the laser blast effect for example? Plus I'm a beginner so I honestly don't know how to code in counters, Tech Hits and/or Delay Hyper Combos. Not even normal Hyper Combos. The only thing I'm good at so far is coming up with different punches, kicks, launchers, intermediate projectiles & Advancing Guards.