
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch) (Read 150716 times)

Started by Kirishima, February 27, 2019, 03:08:36 pm
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Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#401  June 17, 2020, 11:53:14 pm
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    • Brazil
And it's animations put the mainline game to shame.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#402  June 18, 2020, 12:27:57 am
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    • USA
I hold no ill will to Snap fans, having played it also as a kid back when it was new, but it always fell somewhere in that novelty bin of Nintendo games like Hey You Pikachu or Link's Crossbow Training that it's a neat idea, really, I thought it was a pretty cool spin-off playing it way back when but mostly as just a mini-game, especially by today's standards.  So this is cool and all, I'll keep an eye out on it, but the original certainly wasn't long or any sort of big challenge.  I'm curious what they intend to do to modernize it beyond a simple on-rails shooter?  The dream wish would be getting out of the car and exploring the world on foot, having to stealth around to get shots of rare monsters.

Also wonder if they'll drop the Pest Balls?  They've lighten up considerably on the animal abuse-lite sections of Pokemon since Gen 1 except the actual dogfighting, and even thats more and more emphasized as in their world as play fighting and/or sport.  Because sure, Game Freak.  Pest Balls aren't exactly the same as belting a mother Kangaskhan in the face with a rock in the Safari Zone, I wouldn't even consider it something worth removing because you had to interact with the wild pokemon in the first game to unlock secrets, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went with something....less "belting in the face with", I dunno.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#403  June 18, 2020, 12:38:56 am
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As someone who’s only into the mainline series of Pokémon, I’m actually excited cause I’ve wanted to try this. Hopefully this dozen’t disappoint.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#404  June 18, 2020, 10:40:30 am
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Hopefully this isn't a full price Switch title. I know people will still buy it at full price anyway, but I can't imagine it having the amount of content one would expect from such.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#405  June 24, 2020, 03:17:42 pm
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So that second Pokemon direct they announced turned out to be just an announcement for a generic MOBA developed by Tencent.

Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#406  June 24, 2020, 06:05:19 pm
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    • Brazil
As someone that loves League of Legends and Pokémon, I probably should be excited, most people mention Tencent as an issue, but considering LoL, despite having problems, was not ruined by Tencent's influence, this one could work. Problem is this is a mobile game and like 99% of mobile games, its unlikely to be that great, its probably full of gambling stuff and some mobile MOBAs even have pay-to-win in them, so I won't be too hyped for now.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#407  June 24, 2020, 06:26:50 pm
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    • Philippines
Mobile MOBA's are dumbed down compared to the ones on PC and they're mostly just reskins of each other. This game is no exception. If you've played Mobile Legends you've played them all.

Also there's the fact that you're playing a game, that needs a stable consistent connection, wirelessly on a phone.

EDIT: Oh hey it seems like a Pokemon MOBA already existed 2 years ago.

Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 06:32:28 pm by Mgbenz
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#408  June 24, 2020, 10:51:48 pm
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I feel like this is Diablo Immortal all over again.

By that I mean, i'm getting the sense of Deja Vu, I might be the only one but still.

Don't think...obey
Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 10:59:47 pm by CinderFallFan
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#409  June 24, 2020, 11:22:54 pm
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    • USA
Honestly, my first impression is if this is from a Chinese company, then where's the amazing animations that people were pulling from Chinese bootlegs prior to SwSh's release on how good the Chinese market's got it over there compared to the official stuff?

No interest in MOBAs at alll, not interested in another phone game, hard pass for me, thanks.  What about this demanded a separate video from the stuff revealed last week, though?
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#410  June 25, 2020, 06:01:13 am
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    • Brazil
I feel like this is Diablo Immortal all over again.

By that I mean, i'm getting the sense of Deja Vu, I might be the only one but still.
I didn't realize that until I found out that this is the "big project" they had mentioned before. Like, fucking really? I really like the idea of another MOBA... if its a good PC MOBA, a mobile one may raise by hype because its Pokémon, but its still a mobile game, with Tencent involved, no less. Do they actually think they're making a second Pokémon Go or something like that? Ha! I doubt it.

Honestly, my first impression is if this is from a Chinese company, then where's the amazing animations that people were pulling from Chinese bootlegs prior to SwSh's release on how good the Chinese market's got it over there compared to the official stuff?
First off: what? I don't recall anyone using chinese bootleg animations to compare it to SwSh, I remember people comparing flawed models from that game and previous ones. Second: even if someone used chinese bootleg animations, why do you think it came from this specific company? Tencent may be the biggest one in China, but it is certainly not the only one, that makes literally no sense whatsoever.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#411  June 25, 2020, 11:40:47 am
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It was a thing.  Yes, the endless model comparison to the X/Y models they clearly were using as well was also a point of contention, but this was temporary fuel to the fire at the time.

And yeah, duh, it's not the same company.  It's amusing how it immediately reminds me how prior to SwSh's release, the comparisons people made to knock-offs people were making and selling without TPC's consent in China, so imagine what they can do when actually working WITH them, and one of their biggest companies to boot.... well, I guess Blastoise can shoot water while doing Rapid Spin, wow.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#412  September 29, 2020, 04:09:47 pm
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  • Build it, shape it, by my will.

New Crown Tundra details including Galar Slowking, Co-op raid dungeons that includes Legendary raids, Doubles stadium run, and Go connectivity to Home later this year.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#413  September 29, 2020, 10:55:21 pm
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    • USA
Frankly, I had anticipated that after Slowbro was turned into Samus Aran, the new Slowking would somehow continue the trend and be Mother Brain-ish somehow.  But I guess we got Mojo Jojo.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#414  September 29, 2020, 11:26:26 pm
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  • Build it, shape it, by my will.
Not many people here play it nowadays, but with the PoGo + Home connectivity came sudden news that it requires PoGo's ingame currency to make trades possible.  This is currently sparking outrage as it was free to do in Let's Go, even if it took like 6 hours to even reach the point in the game to do so and it's only for the Kanto region.

How much it requires to port stuff is not yet known but given how at this point you can have more than 3k mons in PoGo, it does not bode well.  Not like anyone is gonna port that much.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#415  September 29, 2020, 11:33:51 pm
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    • Brazil
Frankly, I had anticipated that after Slowbro was turned into Samus Aran, the new Slowking would somehow continue the trend and be Mother Brain-ish somehow.  But I guess we got Mojo Jojo.
Well, you can imagine it as a Metroid sucking his head...
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#416  September 30, 2020, 01:24:55 am
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    • USA
My intention was to just trade over excess shinies I got in PoGo, but then I found out about the date manipulation glitch for ridiculously easy shinies these games, and the Discords pumping out dens for them like clockwork.  So now I have the large majority of the pokedex shiny in a couple of weeks with minimal effort, so....I don't have much use for PoGo transfers anymore.  Guess it gave reason to return to the game though, after being burned enough by this gen, get something out of it.

But I see no reason to require any changes from the formula they had with the Let's Go games.  I can't get too angry about it since I don't have use for it anymore but it is rather anti-consumer of them to change it now (Unfortunately a trend this generation) and can't blame them being angry.
Re: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield (Switch)
#417  November 15, 2020, 08:53:53 pm
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So, hey.  I guess we're now at the 1-year anniversary of this game.  Not a whole lot of fanfare to be had by official sources or bemoaning from the fans about it, which is a tad bit surprising.  But I guess it's not Mario or Zelda.  Got an announcement a few days ago about that Zarude mythical for this gen getting released outside Japan finally, but nothing to coincide with the anniversary or anything.

Guess I'll give my piece after the dust has settled sufficiently, but can't say my disposition on the title has changed.  Still comfortably sitting at bottom of the tier list of the series in just about every regard.  Main usage of the game now is the ridiculously easy to manipulate shiny dens and unfortunate workaround paying for Home by just remaking all my past guys because one of the benefits of this title is the ease of getting something freshly caught to battle-ready.  But all the rest of the baggage has left me also not even caring to bother in the end, did about 3 online matches and called it quits.  Also as an aside, surprised that Game Freak isn't more heavy-handed on censoring nicknames in online battles.  Remember one of the matches I had was against someone called "Sex Pistols" and their pokemon had names like "Dick Shot" and nonsense like that.

Isle of Armor was a bore and lagged more than the base game when online, which sucked.  Couldn't be bothered to finish the Crown Tundra, got the brain deer and his horse and threw in the towel.  Never really cared for whatever perceived pluses the blandness of the Wild Areas gave compared to the lost mazes and puzzles of prior titles (Yes, Gen 7's were not that great.  Gen 7 also has one of the best stories to compensate though).  Dynamax lost its appeal about three battles in and has just left me missing Megas in nearly every regard but the occasional battle usage.  Just waiting for the next gen and guessing they're gonna have to work A LOT harder to win me over.  Don't WANT to be a downer, seeing I do like Pokemon and all, but this title tried in all its attempts to challenge that.  Hell, still waiting on 200-so some pokemon to be returned.

Thinking of just replaying HeartGold or the two gen 5 titles now, though, clear the air until the next title when they do, I dunno, Poke-Egypt or something.
Last Edit: November 15, 2020, 09:13:06 pm by Long John Killer