
HORI Fighting Stick Mini 4 or Hori Fighting Commander Octa Designed for Xbox Ser (Read 20463 times)

Started by kamui 2.0, December 16, 2022, 04:21:29 pm
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HORI Fighting Stick Mini 4 or Hori Fighting Commander Octa Designed for Xbox Ser
#1  December 16, 2022, 04:21:29 pm
  • ***
I need to buy a controller ou arcade stick
I was wondering which one is better Hori Fighting Commander Octa Designed for Xbox Series X|S or HORI Fighting Stick Mini 4 ?
positive and negative things about this two ? which one is better ?
thank u
I need to buy today
btw arcade stick work with mugen ?
what about arcade Drone Qanba ? works with mugen ?
Last Edit: December 16, 2022, 05:45:12 pm by kamui 2.0
Re: HORI Fighting Stick Mini 4 or Hori Fighting Commander Octa Designed for Xbox Ser
#2  December 16, 2022, 09:15:34 pm
  • ***
I already bought Drone Qanba, hopes its good
Re: HORI Fighting Stick Mini 4 or Hori Fighting Commander Octa Designed for Xbox Ser
#3  December 17, 2022, 09:05:03 am
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  • Non est hoc propter hoc sed propter est hoc
    • USA
Drone is good, can't go wrong there.
If you still weren't sure, most commercial sticks will work with mugen because it picks up the joystick inputs as a USB style controller.
Re: HORI Fighting Stick Mini 4 or Hori Fighting Commander Octa Designed for Xbox Ser
New #4  December 17, 2022, 09:47:32 pm
  • ***
Drone is good, can't go wrong there.
If you still weren't sure, most commercial sticks will work with mugen because it picks up the joystick inputs as a USB style controller.
I hope everything goes well
thank u
Last Edit: December 17, 2022, 09:51:45 pm by kamui 2.0