
add004basic (Read 1677240 times)

Started by Shiyo Kakuge, June 18, 2014, 05:46:41 pm
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Re: add004basic
#1601  December 19, 2021, 07:05:53 am
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So I installed add004 to my Mugen, patched all of my chars. And the first thing that I see is.. where's the fuck are the names? Like I'm not seeing any names popping up during a match or training. Is this some kind of a bug?
Re: add004basic
#1602  January 03, 2022, 03:02:49 pm
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    • Brazil
So I installed add004 to my Mugen, patched all of my chars. And the first thing that I see is.. where's the fuck are the names? Like I'm not seeing any names popping up during a match or training. Is this some kind of a bug?

Go to data/add004/res/, rename "_name.fnt" to "name.fnt" (remove the "_").
If you use bs0 or svc, go to their respective folders instead.
Re: add004basic
#1603  August 30, 2022, 12:48:06 pm
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Sorry if this is tiresome as I've seen this question appear often, but I've looked through all of these pages (though I've probably missed something) and I couldn't figure out how to add the lifebars for ikemen go without changing the screenpack. If its worth noting, I'm using the Infinite Legacy screenpack. I've seen some say to replace the system.def but that didn't work. If someone could explain how to do this step-by-step, that'd be great.

Edit: So I've figured it out. My only issue is the lifebar doesn't look completely aligned, like it has cuts in it.
Last Edit: September 01, 2022, 11:37:28 am by MugenNinja
Re: add004basic
#1604  September 02, 2022, 05:46:42 am
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you have to go into your add004 folder and open up a4b_main.zss, ctrl+f  fvar(0):=ScreenWidth and play with those screenheight and screenwidth numbers to fit your screen. try editing the width part first.
Nothing Is here
Last Edit: September 02, 2022, 05:52:40 am by BOOTofANGEL
Re: add004basic
#1605  September 03, 2022, 01:05:10 pm
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That worked, thank you.
Re: add004basic
#1606  September 04, 2022, 01:21:41 pm
  • Add004 Fan + Lover
    • Indonesia
Hi i'm currently make my lifebar but

How can i add More Combo Message?

like: 30 Combo = Unbelievable!!!
Re: add004basic
#1607  September 22, 2022, 11:54:12 am
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So I installed add004 to my Mugen, patched all of my chars. And the first thing that I see is.. where's the fuck are the names? Like I'm not seeing any names popping up during a match or training. Is this some kind of a bug?

Go to data/add004/res/, rename "_name.fnt" to "name.fnt" (remove the "_").
If you use bs0 or svc, go to their respective folders instead.

Alright and what about Ikemen? The names are not popping up in there either. I tried removing the _ from name and combo but the names still won't pop up.
Re: add004basic
#1608  November 16, 2022, 10:31:38 am
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Greetings to the community, my question is how to correct the problem of the life bars of player 2 (p2) when using the AttachedChar in a scenario using the add004 system in ikemen go 0.98.2, I have realized that only when using the scenarios that use The AttachedChar occurs that problem that the reduction of the life of player 2 is not appreciated very well, if it is not used it works well, someone managed to solve this detail?

Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 01:19:34 am by THE_LOST_HOPE
Re: add004basic
#1609  December 01, 2022, 03:11:18 pm
Re: add004basic
#1610  December 18, 2022, 09:16:28 pm
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    • Italy
Hi guys I have downloaded the latest add004 patch, but it hasn't any data folder inside the file I downloaded, and when I launch any exe, like the svc, it crashes and says these things:

Error detected.

Can't open data/add004_svc/system.def
Error loading system data: data/add004_svc/system.def

Clipboard tail:
Allocating game variables
Reading configuration file...Setting language "en".
Initializing timer...performance timer enabled...frequency 10000000...OK
Initializing keyboard...configuring...OK
Initializing input engine...OK
Initializing sound...Could not initialize sound mixer.
Initializing graphics...gameCoord 1280x720...render mode 2_20...trying 1280x720x32 mode 0x0...success...OK
Setting callbacks...OK
Initializing font...OK
Initializing game variables...OK
Session RNG seed is 1671394239
Loading system fonts...OK
Loading options...
Initializing pads...OK
Reinitializing input engine...OK
Remapping keys...OK
Reinitializing input engine...OK
Options loaded OK
Loading system...
  Load system file system.def...

I knew how to use the older add004 patch, but with this new one I have too much problems, if you have a good tutorial about how to patch  mugen (from zero) with add004 patch please send it to me with a reply
Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 09:47:24 pm by Fenix2609
#1611  January 10, 2023, 09:04:30 am
  • Certified Engi main
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    • USA
Im using add004 with Mordecool's version of luffy, and his normal portraits that shows in the character select wont show in game (E.g vs screen, during the game)
Sentry Goin' up!
Re: add004basic
#1612  May 19, 2023, 10:03:25 pm
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    • Philippines
Hello, i have a little problem with add004 while playing sf3 characters(GM), each button i press triggers a super does anyone who why do it keep happening?
Re: add004basic
#1613  July 30, 2023, 12:52:59 am
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Alright for people messing with fullgames and wanna use this tag for mvc
first you have to download mugen version of latest add004(only the one in add004 folder I didnt add it for bs0 and svc) and install it like usual then you replace your common1 in add004 folder and your ini file with the one I provided and follow the readme provided!AispdDQgkFaao1ah7nBqfvDMwQVd?e=7bQZ1Z
Inside you will find a cns file for you to implement into your character and a readme that will guide you through steps to do so

Now this code isnt perfect some moves whill whiff or not have enough velocity then required to hit
its up to you to figure it out
var(48) = 20 inside common1 controls dual hypers
changestates to dual hyper states are in 190193
190282 and 190284 send you to 190191 which send you to 190193
changestates detect  if you are in dual hyper state and force your character to jump in

and lastly this is an alternative method to the method airforce111 provided,his method is better and has been implemented before by me,however you can't choose which supers you wanna be able to dual hyper from in his method which causes you to be able to dual hyper lv3 or grab moves

Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 12:59:56 am by BurningSoul
Re: add004basic
#1614  August 08, 2023, 03:19:34 pm
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    • Turkey

so I'm figuring it out ye
Re: add004basic
#1615  January 09, 2025, 06:22:49 am
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This addon is not compatible for the latest Ikemen GO versions.
Any solution without using the version 0.94 or previous for 0.99/nightly 2024-2025?