You know how in modern Tekken the camera will zoom in on the characters if they attack each other under the right conditions? That looks cool so I ported it to Ikemen as a simple module.Previews: readme comes with installation instructions and the code file has configuration options.DOWNLOAD (NIGHTLY BUILD)DOWNLOAD (IKEMEN GO 0.99) (has one less feature)
I've never played any recent Tekkens but this looks very cool.I am using the nightly build from 2 days ago, however, and the nightly module doesn't work. I downloaded the build again just to make sure.My build was able to run the 0.99 version though.
If I remember correctly, it didn't happen only when one of the opponents was close to losing... or am I wrong?... I'll still try it... thanks for the add-on
THE_LOST_HOPE said, April 30, 2024, 07:41:50 amIf I remember correctly, it didn't happen only when one of the opponents was close to losing... or am I wrong?... I'll still try it... thanks for the add-oni think so yes, but in any case this module is amazing, i'm really gonna test and use it for sure!
The life threshold at which it should happen is configurable, like a bunch of other things.I updated the file today with a new option to slow down the music during slow motion (new Ikemen feature). I mean the nightly version. The 0.99 version was just a compatibility thing and is already discontinued (outside of fixing serious bugs).
The smoothing feature looks awesome with the Dramatic Zoom. It reminds me of old Neo-Geo Games like Samurai Showdown 2 or Waku Waku 7.
Thanks guys.Fauxcry said, July 31, 2024, 03:52:53 amWas wondering is there a sound I could add to this if so where would I add it?Maybe you already found it in the meantime, but I left a comment for that in the code. Line 119 specifically.
Sorry for the late reply. The commented line I mentioned before is this:Code: playsnd{value: F 0, 0; freqmul: 1.0}If you uncomment it, it will play sound 0, 0 from your common.snd file (where default hit sounds etc are) when the zoom happens.
Thanks. I think this feature is fantastic.I want to ask for your help because is not working to my IKEMEN (NIGHTLY BUILD)I'm using your others IKEMEN effects without problem, but this one is giving me an errorCode: .\external\script\start.lua:1448: chars/ryu_pots/ryu_pots.def:./data/dramaticzoom.zssdata/dramaticzoom.zss:223:addalphatrans: animelemvar(alphasource), animelemvar(alphadest)alpha: Invalid data: animelemvarstack traceback: [G]: in function 'game' .\external\script\start.lua:1448: in function 'f_game' .\external\script\start.lua:1894: in function 'launchFight' external/script/default.lua:2: in function <external/script/default.lua:0> .\external\script\start.lua:1511: in function 'f' external/script/main.lua:3145: in function 'loop' external/script/main.lua:3266: in function 'loop' external/script/main.lua:4227: in main chunk [G]: ?Thanks for your time!
PotS said, March 23, 2025, 12:18:39 pmYour nightly build is a bit outdated. That's a new trigger that was renamed a few weeks ago.Thanks, Which one is the last version I should download?Ikemen nightly or v0.99.0? Or I need to download another plugin for that new trigger?Thanks
Nightly is the development build. It updates every time there's a change in the code, which is every couple of days on average (not that you always need the latest one). You can get it here: stable version 0.99 is outdated at this point, so most people have started using nightly builds while 1.0 doesn't come out.