
KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Wild Wolf (Read 2626950 times)

Started by KarmaCharmeleon, April 21, 2019, 02:40:00 am
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Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#641  September 10, 2024, 10:32:05 pm
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Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#642  September 11, 2024, 11:54:09 pm
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CvS Leona?! That will be Great ;D
The Devil ruined Emerie's life :devil:
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#643  September 12, 2024, 12:56:33 am
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It would be cool if someone makes a English Dudley sound patch
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#644  September 13, 2024, 01:49:03 am
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The Options are quite good, although I dare to suggest kyo-1 and kyo-2 because I don't think they are difficult to program.
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#645  September 21, 2024, 04:18:54 pm
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Sorry for bothering you but, are you planning on updating your Terry char?
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#646  September 21, 2024, 06:28:05 pm
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Heyoo. I definitely will update Terry, but right before character #20 is released (Dudley was #18).

EDIT: I should mention that I've recently finished updated Angel. I'll post an update of her soon.
Last Edit: September 21, 2024, 07:41:13 pm by KarmaCharmeleon
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#647  September 22, 2024, 07:02:50 am
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I have two questions:

1- The Garou Terry will be a separated char of your current Terry?
2- You have plans to release him before your #20 char?
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#648  October 01, 2024, 10:34:29 am
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What’s up, guys?

I made a trip thru memory lane. I posted Ash’s Palette Template back in January 2021. I also posted Dudley’s Template in June 2022. The original Ryu Project took three to four tries, with the first version being turned into Gouken, and I think the second version being scrapped due SF6 to announcement. But now all of those projects are out and I feel that there’s a chip off my shoulder. While those three characters still have meaningful updates incoming, I’m glad I can say I got them out, mostly because for the first time in like 3 years I feel like I don’t have major pending projects completely frozen.

But it also opens up the question of what is next? And the most honest answer I can give you is that I don’t know.
I made a post back in April specifying in what state all of my characters are, and little has changed. For which character’s issues I’ll address first, I’m not entirely sure, but I’m still inclined to work on Angel and Haohmaru first. Then I think I’d go with Blanka or Rose, as I’m waiting for something big to update Genjuro. All in all, my character vault is now very extensive (18 characters!), so taking all of my previous releases to my current standards will take some time.

Another thing that I’d like work on is an update for Ryu that adds either Kage or SF6 Mode. It’d be Kage first as there’s still not a CvS Ryu animation for Hashogeki.

Finally, for new projects, there’s a lot of characters I would like to work on. So many that it’s a bit sad that I won’t be able to do all of them.
Ideally my next two characters would be SNK characters, to have 10 Capcom/10 SNK distribution on my character vault. But which characters?
The three characters I’d like to code the most from SNK are Leona, Kasumi and Chizuru.

Sadly these characters don’t have serviceable CvS sets to work on. Dampir’s Leona is close enough but still has the animation issues that I discussed previously in this topic. Rapper’s Kasumi is a great effort but its too recycled, and Dampir’s Chizuru simply I don’t like.

For SNK characters that do have serviceable sprites, I definitely want to do something with VioFitz’s Mina and Dampir’s K’, but not sure if I want to work with them now. I also want to work with FeLo’s Shiki.

I would say K' I like the sprite set that Dampir offers and is interested to see how your take on him would be  :truestory:

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#649  January 04, 2025, 11:38:15 am
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How is it going guys? Happy new year.

Passing by to show some progress on the next release:
Yet another great team-up with none other than Rabano, who has been cooking the past few months.
No major Color Separation for Jubei, but you guys can still contribute palettes if you feel like:

I'll release this guy in January coupled with updates for some of my other characters, which will include:
- Generic maintenance updates for Akira, Ash, Dudley, Gouki and Iori.
- A major Ryu update that includes a brand new Shadow/Kage Mode.
- An alternate english (british) sound patch for Dudley based off 3rd Strike and SF4.
- A total gameplay overhaul for Angel that includes an alternate sprite patch from dampir's new set (you'll still be able to use the old one!).
Last Edit: January 08, 2025, 01:30:28 pm by KarmaCharmeleon
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#650  January 05, 2025, 05:39:15 am
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Jubei?  Didn't see this coming, but it's nice to get variety.  In your hands, I'm sure he'll play great.
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#651  January 05, 2025, 05:32:41 pm
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One of the most Underrated Fatal Fury character. Thanks, to give it new chance.
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#652  January 05, 2025, 06:36:51 pm
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A dream comes true!! <3
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#653  January 06, 2025, 01:05:05 am
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Looking great!
Love seeing Rabano's amazing sprite work in action!
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#654  January 06, 2025, 09:42:07 am
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Jubei?  Didn't see this coming, but it's nice to get variety.  In your hands, I'm sure he'll play great.
I knew she would make him :8): but I was unsure when she will make him since she did not announce this in her wip thread

Anyway, I have been checking Rabano's sprite thread to see his awesome Jubei's cvs style sprite and he looks pretty cool in cvs sprite style I would say, I have a feeling that he is gonna win the Character of the year 2025 :8): I am looking forward to see him as always  :8):

My real life is coming soon........!
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#655  January 07, 2025, 03:03:36 pm
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Here are some palettes for Jubei:
Spoiler: Palettes (click to see content)

I did what I could to work around with the limitations of the lack of color separation.
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#656  January 07, 2025, 05:42:09 pm
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Here are some palettes for Jubei:
Spoiler: Palettes (click to see content)

I did what I could to work around with the limitations of the lack of color separation.

Great set!
I besically did the same concept of blue palette few days ago, but I messed up the file on FF and lost the color.
So I gave up.
I used your as a base to restore my palette since it's very close.
Let's consider it a variation... (hope you don't mind @Gognos )
Gognos source. ----------------------------------------> my try

Of course, I'm freaking glad to see this awesome collab of Rabano with Karma!
This is the kind of collab that makes me love this community even more...
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#657  January 08, 2025, 01:29:44 pm
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Woah, fellas: thank you guys for the support, and thank you so much for the palettes! They look incredible! The purple-orange one will definitely be the color I'm gonna be using.

Wanted to pass by to announce that I'm nearly done with Jubei, as he is only missing AI now. This means that the dev cycle for Terry's Update will start very soon, which also means that Wild Wolf will be a thing in the foreseeable future.
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#658  January 08, 2025, 03:15:48 pm
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I did some too:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#659  January 09, 2025, 03:10:27 pm
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Managed to find the time to make 2 more palettes

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
I'd say it's more of an improvement than a variation, the brighter colors you used for the gi helps it stand out more.  :)
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Jubei Yamada
#660  January 09, 2025, 05:13:46 pm
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Woah, fellas: thank you guys for the support, and thank you so much for the palettes! They look incredible! The purple-orange one will definitely be the color I'm gonna be using.

Wanted to pass by to announce that I'm nearly done with Jubei, as he is only missing AI now. This means that the dev cycle for Terry's Update will start very soon, which also means that Wild Wolf will be a thing in the foreseeable future.

Awesome news !

Sure the purple+orange one by @Gogngos is great ! it really give the feeling there is a CS.
Great color management.
The green one reminds me of this Ninja Masters (Neo Geo) old guy.

Thanks @Gogngos

The more rencent sets of pals are great too!