
MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N! (Read 1719497 times)

Started by ermaccer, September 20, 2019, 03:01:11 pm
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#241  April 13, 2021, 07:03:01 pm
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And it is so difficult get to ... in and just it crash...

Are maker used 10?
Hey, can i help, or maybe i need help
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#242  April 20, 2021, 09:44:16 am
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I just started getting into this tool recently and it is truly awesome. Definitely has some kinks that need to be worked out, such as not being able to use the Dpad to control the characters (if it is possible, I can't figure out how to do it), but it is beyond what I thought would ever be possible in Mugen.
Another feature that would cool to add and really handy is to allow select screens to be scrollable. I have A LOT of mugen characters as I'm sure most of us do, and it would be cool to not have to edit every screenpacks select screen to accommodate for all of them. Plus it would be nice to see bigger character icons on the select screen too as opposed to 3x3's.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#243  April 22, 2021, 07:28:45 pm
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I really love this tool and how it have many features, i don't get to imagine what more this tool could do in the future.

Perhaps the color selection and alt mode char would be very surprising, however i think it can be a little bit hard depending on the codes.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#244  June 04, 2021, 12:59:21 pm
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If anyone still uses this program, could you possibly show me your animated portrait and frame loader dat files? I'm seemingly able to set up the animations properly, but just for one character. Every other character on the select screen acts wonky (animation does not loop properly, character randomly disappears). The example in the tutorial shows it with one character, but I feel seeing it set up with multiple characters will help me grasp it better.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#245  June 04, 2021, 01:17:07 pm
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Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#246  June 04, 2021, 09:12:31 pm
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Thank you so much! This helps alot. I was trying to make it work with every character's main animation and sprite files, but giving them all standalone portrait animation files and sprite indexes is a great idea.

I love your work by the way, gotten alot of use out of those XIV and SVDRE lifebars.
Last Edit: June 04, 2021, 09:16:46 pm by kn1ght
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#247  June 05, 2021, 07:22:34 am
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Hey glad you figured it out man. I'm quite out of practice I can't actually tell what any of it does anymore.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#248  July 23, 2021, 02:19:42 am
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HI ermaccer! could you activate the log file included in mugen 1.0 when we do a quick watch fight from batch file or other:
mugen 1.1 don'generate it correctly or missing! i will be grateful! (maybe just copy from mugen 1.0 code)
like this:
[Match 1]
totalmatches = 1
team1.1 =
team2.1 =
stage = stages/sfa3cammy.def

[Match 1 Round 1]
winningteam = 1
timeleft = 47.18 = RajaaYuri = 892
p1.power = 363 = Gohan Z2 = 0
p2.power = 883

[Match 1 Round 2]
winningteam = 1
timeleft = 17.42 = RajaaYuri = 273
p1.power = 1685 = Gohan Z2 = 0
p2.power = 656

my older name was danzey,now i'm SHIN DANZEY
Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 01:26:44 am by Shin DANZEY
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#249  June 01, 2023, 12:13:50 am
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hello, I have set: bEnableSlidePortraits = true, but for some reason, my portraits arent sliding. any thoughts? Also, I noticed that mugen crashes when closing every time.

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. - Henry Ford
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#250  July 19, 2023, 01:34:11 am
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  • The true fight begins now..get in the tournament!
  • Danzey legendary tournament is the final fight!
    • France
HI ermaccer! i have a suggestion for you! could you add in the stages some idea like this project:

i am also a programer and your way is most efficient !
i hope you or another person retrieve this beautiful idea ! see you soon! thank you very much for the log file ! :smitten:

my older name was danzey,now i'm SHIN DANZEY
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#251  July 20, 2023, 01:13:42 am
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    • Brazil
hello, I have set: bEnableSlidePortraits = true, but for some reason, my portraits arent sliding. any thoughts? Also, I noticed that mugen crashes when closing every time.

Extremely late reply but
Maybe the values you're using are wrong. In your system.def you need to add these lines:

p1.portrait.slide.speed = 5
p1.portrait.axis = 0
p1.portrait.slide.max.dist = 32
p2.portrait.slide.speed = -5
p2.portrait.axis = 0
p2.portrait.slide.max.dist = 606
portrait.slide.reset = 1

These are my settings, you'll need to tweak the values to your like. Just keep in mind that max.dist value should be higher for p1 or lower for p2 than their offset value.
So if you use 'p1.face.offset = 32, 50', p1.portrait.slide.max.dist should be higher than 32.
Re: MugenHook - upgrade your M.U.G.E.N!
#252  January 05, 2025, 11:21:22 pm
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