
Is it possible to make FourthRhyme's Candyman have normal health? (Read 2040 times)

Started by snowy997, Monday, 09:19 AM
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Is it possible to make FourthRhyme's Candyman have normal health?
#1  Monday, 09:19 AM
  • ***
    • Brazil
For those not familiar with this character, he has a unique lives system similar to Lethal League, where he is able to take 10 hits before dying. So, i was wondering if it's possible to edit him so he has normal health.
Re: Is it possible to make FourthRhyme's Candyman have normal health?
#2  Tuesday, 07:51 AM
  • *****
  • Shame on you!
    • USA
In Statedef -2, look for
  1. ;[State 0, HitOverride]
  2. ;type = HitOverride
  3. ;trigger1 = 1
  4. ;attr = SCA,NA,SA,HA,NP,SP,HP,NT,ST,HT
  5. ;stateno = 6018
  6. ;time = 1
  7. ;forceair = 0
  8. ;ignorehitpause = 1
and comment it out like I have.
You'll also want to edit
life              = 100 ;to 1000

The character might be missing key animations or sprites because of how it's originally coded. From a super fast stand point those two edits made him seem pretty normal.
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Last Edit: Tuesday, 07:57 AM by Odb718