
FeLo's Horror Circus (Read 1922135 times)

Started by FeLo_Llop, March 22, 2009, 11:40:10 am
FeLo's Horror Circus
#1  March 22, 2009, 11:40:10 am
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Ladies and Gentlemen...the Circus has arrrrrived to the town...we got some midgets to show you the most awesome tricks, the bearded women who'll make you drool and...oh, huh?, no? don't we have that? They went out? They...they scaped? SHIT!!

So ok, ok, we got the alternative spectacle...prepare yourself to the crappiness!!
-Blanka. SF2; SFZ; and then mine(From a SF-IV screenshot):

-C.Viper. One walk back sprite. And yes, she's a WiP(finished gethits and 'bout basics, I'm more or less in the middle):

-Killer Bee:

-Abel. Scarless and with Scars:

-Now, an idea I'm toying with. Perhaps addition for Rose...could be a new intro:

-Cammy(SF4 stand...also, future wip):

-Mr. Karate:

-The bouncin' mastahhh...Ruuuuufusss!!!:


-My personal view on him:


I guess it's all for today...
I swear there was something cool here!!
Last Edit: September 06, 2011, 04:17:42 pm by FeLo_Llop
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#2  March 22, 2009, 12:15:34 pm
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Nice collection my friend. I'm digging those SF4 sprites a lot. Good choice of the base for Rufus (Raiden, right?).
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#3  March 22, 2009, 12:18:09 pm
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Yes it's here!
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#4  March 22, 2009, 12:22:53 pm
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all excellent, I like the most are Cammy, C. Viper and Abel, Cammy from SF4's pose is perfect, there's only 2 details that I do not like Blanka is a bit strange with those colors and looks like a toad-man, and the face of rufus is rare

excelentes como siempre Felo, abel, viper y cammy con la pose del SFIV son los que mas me han gustado, la pose de cammy del SFIV está perfecta XD, aunque blanka ya te dije, esos colores hacen que parezca un hombre-sapo, y los brazos están muy delgados, y luego, la cara de rufus está rara, yo creo que quizá sea el color del pelo que en el sprite lo tiene demasiado claro, además rufus del SF tiene las cejas del mismo color que el pelo


Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#5  March 22, 2009, 01:20:25 pm
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-C.Viper. One walk back sprite. And yes, she's a WiP(finished gethits and 'bout basics, I'm more or less in the middle):

I presume these are made from screenshots, or are you frankenspriting a CVS character as a base?

If you're interested in getting it done a tad faster, I could make up a couple more to at least finish off the Burning Kick.  They'll need a bit of tidying up to match yours, but I imagine it's still faster than from scratch.

Also, good to see someone getting around to CVS Delta Red Cammy sprites.  So sick of Killer Bee.
Last Edit: March 22, 2009, 01:26:01 pm by Chosis
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#6  March 22, 2009, 02:36:25 pm
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i love the chunli face
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#7  March 22, 2009, 06:02:05 pm
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very good.  :)

I can see more sprites CVS and KOF style too.

Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#8  March 23, 2009, 12:39:03 am
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Hey felo

Love the sprites, also nice to see you mention a wip (even though it seems like you've got loads going on!)

Any chance of you doing the sprites for Roses SF4 ultra on your CvS Rose?

I always shine!
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#9  March 23, 2009, 02:01:42 am
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  • run, Jin, run . . .
I think we should have a shading style named Felo's CvS  :sugoi:

Awesome shading!
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#10  March 23, 2009, 02:03:31 am
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About the only problem I see is with the shading on Bishamon's left arm. It's too light, yet it's supposed to be behind him.
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#11  March 28, 2009, 11:17:49 am
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  • "Express Yourself, Don't Repress Yourself...."
Where news sprites ???

I can see more.  ;)

Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#12  March 28, 2009, 07:53:41 pm
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your vision of bishamon is vary naice
"I’m never gonna grab anything by its balls, especially life. especially if life shows up in the incarnation where it would have testicles. if life showed up and had balls, the last thing I would do is grab those balls" - kyle kinane
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#13  March 28, 2009, 10:42:38 pm
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I'm Just Bored To Tears
Same Old Shit Just Different Day & Year . . .
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#14  March 28, 2009, 11:42:31 pm
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Bishamon with pants -> FeLo is homophobic. :XD:
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Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#15  March 29, 2009, 03:55:22 am
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it just feels like a true samurai suit with the pants
"I’m never gonna grab anything by its balls, especially life. especially if life shows up in the incarnation where it would have testicles. if life showed up and had balls, the last thing I would do is grab those balls" - kyle kinane
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#16  March 31, 2009, 01:47:57 pm
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Bishamon with pants -> FeLo is homophobic. :XD:

Oh, I hate you BIATCH!! :p

Now, time for some OLD I'm working in Viper, I have anything new but that so...
- Zafina, from Tekken 6:

- Mokujin girl, tekken:

- Kazuya Mishima:

- Unknown:

- Nina Williams(original outfit, yahooo!):

-Asuka Kazama:

-An old friend of me. That's from a diving day(nothing more):

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#17  March 31, 2009, 06:50:14 pm
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    • Argentina
 :o wow felo this sprite is very detailed


when you expect to finish the spritesheep of viper??  masomenos numas mi ingles  ;P

Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#18  March 31, 2009, 07:22:11 pm
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Dear Felo

You can take this however you want, as a compliment or as a bad critique, but your sprites no longer resemble Capcom VS SNK style. I personally feel it's somewhat bland because of poor color choices, the contrast is OK, but the shades aren't... this is proof of that:

I wish you good luck in your future andeavors :P
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#19  March 31, 2009, 08:50:27 pm
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That Blanka sprite is terrible.
Re: FeLos Horror Circus
#20  March 31, 2009, 09:33:48 pm
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Well, we all know Felo´s has his own style beyond CVS.(like.."CVF"), but about that Blanka sprite, jeez, was done over a screenshot of SFIV!, shit, the number of persons that can bring such results are quite a few, and you can´t point out the "poor color choices" since is just a not-so-cool selection in ONE sprite, even more, the actual capcom sprites has a lot of aweful palettes.  --;

That Blanka sprite is terrible.
now thats a stupid afirmation.  >:(

no bad answer at all, just my 2 cents. :P

Thanks, Buckus.