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Messages by Macaulyn97


Re: Character of the Month: September 2024 Nominations

 October 05, 2024, 09:35:34 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Character of the Month: September 2024 Nominations (Started by Lyrica October 04, 2024, 02:46:48 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Necalli by Mr. I and Violin Ken - 2

Re: Engel '86BR released Goku

 September 18, 2024, 03:52:05 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Engel '86BR released Goku (Started by Yagoshi300 September 17, 2024, 12:06:13 pm
 Board: Found Releases 1.0+

The link is dead.

Re: Character of the Month: August 2024 Nominations

 September 11, 2024, 08:51:45 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Character of the Month: August 2024 Nominations (Started by Lyrica September 04, 2024, 12:22:50 am
 Board: Contributions of the Month

Evil Ryu MvC by vyn - 2
Ultimate Athena by Electro - 2
Ultimate Chang Sinzan by Electro - 2

Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?

 September 10, 2024, 03:20:21 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next? (Started by KarmaCharmeleon April 21, 2019, 02:40:00 am
 Board: Projects

I really really hope you consider doing Tessa next. I just love a mage character and I'd be very curious to see how you'd work her moveset. Speaking of your old post, how do you feel about a Marvel char?

Re: Classic VS : Mai

 September 06, 2024, 09:30:12 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Classic VS : Balrog (Started by ELECTR0 January 01, 2019, 01:00:11 am
 Board: Projects

I hope you move to another Slam Masters char next, there are so many of those guys that need a good version.

Re: Classic VS : Mai

 September 03, 2024, 04:00:58 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Classic VS : Balrog (Started by ELECTR0 January 01, 2019, 01:00:11 am
 Board: Projects

Eliza looks so tiny in Ken's intro, lol.

Re: Classic VS : Mai

 August 30, 2024, 09:40:34 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Classic VS : Balrog (Started by ELECTR0 January 01, 2019, 01:00:11 am
 Board: Projects

I can't wait to see more characters from Slam Masters as well, there are several that would be really cool in this style. The special intros in the ring stage, though, dayum...

Re: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)

 August 28, 2024, 05:02:29 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) (Started by Macaulyn97 February 24, 2023, 12:22:56 am
 Board: Fighting Games

*facepalm* like how can I even reason with this guy? who think that everything has to be said right up to mean something, dude , maybe you need to learn a thing or two about reading between lines caz you seriously at this point is failing miserably at defending this  crap

2-a reminder you didn't like what they did with Sindel

3-and you seriously believe I'm the only one who is complaining about the change with Cyrax & Sektor??? just me and nobody else? stop living under your dan rock dude and check all the responds on any and all videos on youtube about this, a lot of people aren't happy about it, just becouse it's a different timeline doesn't justify it, if so then explain why no female character was turned into a man, it always the male ones

I'd like to leave point 1 to last, because it really will be the closing part of the conversation. So, about point 2, yes, I didn't like what they did to Sindel, because it was inconsistent, they didn't make her a villain from the beginning, they established her to be a hero in MK9, they reinforced that in MKX and even in MK11, there were dialogues reinforcing this until suddenly it was all retconned in the update, so yes, it was bad, not because it was against Sindel's original character, but because Sindel's current (at the time) had been established to be similar to the original in that regard and they retconned it last minute. I actually addressed this in my previous post, but I understand it's hard for you to understand when you're reducing it all to "bluh bluh bluh".

Point 3 needs to be broken down a bit as well. First off, the main reason why no female character has been turned into a man so far is because, as far as we know, even with Sektor and Cyrax, we don't know if anyone was turned into anything, what we do know is that aliases have been moved around: Kuai Liang was Sub-Zero and became Scorpion, an alias which Hanzo lost, Bi Han kept Sub-Zero, though he will seemingly move on to Noob again, which will leave the alias free to be taken by another character maybe, it's very possible that the women that use the aliases "Cyrax" and "Sektor" are not the same people as the men who used those in the previous timelines. And if you remember the roster of Mortal Kombat characters, there were very few aliases used by women, IIRC it was only Frost and probably Khameleon.

Also, I don't live under a rock, I know there are a bunch of people complaining about this, and this ties in with what I want to address from point 1: there is no scenario in which there won't be any complaints. The roster is lacking in female characters that fit the story, so they add them to the Lin Kuei faction, because said faction is the one in need of more characters and the roster needs more women. People will complain if those female characters are entirely new and they will complain if those characters are either genderbent or just other women using the aliases used by men in previous timelines. People like you, who are inventing a supposed superiority that is NOT in the profiles just to hate them, because again, the originals are not even mentioned for a comparison to be made, because the truth is, people like you and a good portion of the others who complain about this change just don't really like women that much, and you're so desperate to not look like the bigot you are by trying to hind behind a logic that doesn't exist, but actions like calling people who call you out "snowflakes" are very revealing.

And that's why I said this will be the closing part of the conversation. You. Don't. Want. To. Listen. You say that I'm "failing miserably" to defend my point, but in reality, I'm doing an excellent job at it, the reason why you cannot see it is because you're literally ignoring it, and I KNOW you're ignoring it because I had to repeat a few of my points in this post because you didn't see them the first time I posted them. It was easier for you to just change my quote into "bluh bluh bluh" and call me a snowflake because then you wouldn't actually have to face my argument and realize how wrong and bigoted you are. But worry not, because I really don't feel like continuously repeat myself to someone that doesn't want to listen and want to whine about how the characters were made superior just because they're women, even though that was never a thing. As far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over. Sektor and Cyrax are women, DEAL WITH IT.

Re: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)

 August 28, 2024, 12:50:04 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) (Started by Macaulyn97 February 24, 2023, 12:22:56 am
 Board: Fighting Games

Of course the snowflake is going to write a wall of text and come back to ask me again about where it shows how they made the females superior when the answer to that question is RIGHT THERE ON THIER PROFILE.
Funny you're calling me a snowflake when you're the one complaining and editing my quote to "bluh bluh bluh" like a child would, but let's break this down one by one... nowhere in her profiles is it said the female versions of Cyrax and Sektor are superior to the males, and in fact, the male versions are not referenced in any way shape or form. Unless they edited it, but if that is the case, do show me the "old version", I'd love to see what made you so angry.

also a female lin kuei?? Do you mean like Frost???? or have you forgotten she exists? they could have made her make a comeback and this time have a reason why she is so corrupted since Bi-Han would have had influence on her while at the same time adding a new female character since new faces is what MK1 actually lack , and even then it still makes no sense since if the into between Frost and Bi-Han in MK11 is anything to go by then its yet would be another retcon to Bi-Han personality since in said intro he remarks that he wouldn't even allow female Lin Kuei to begin with so him allowing Sektor and Cyrax in is already out of character.
So, in a game that is all about having their characters change from their original versions, you really expect Frost to be, again, a Lin Kuei under Sub-Zero? I mean, sure, she would be under another Sub-Zero, since it's Bi-Han this time, but to her, it's still the same. And no, I don't take the dialogue between them in MK11 into consideration, this is a new timeline after all. Frost would very likely be changed here, if they went in a different direction and turned her into Noob Saibot or even if they gave her other powers with a similar corruption, that would be cool and fit with this game's premise.

and I still find it funny you call my take stupid yet weren't you the same guy who couldn't handle how they changed Sindel in MK11 where they made her pure evil who never cared for her family? yet I can't complain about unnessecery genderswap?
Yes, it was just me, wasn't it? Not literally everyone else, but I digress. Sindel wasn't just changed from the old timeline into another, she was changed from the very same game she was in. MK9 had her bio and ending showing that she was benevolent, MKX had Quan Chi (or was it Shinnok?) pointing at her among the "friends of Raiden" turned into revenants and MK11 itself had dialogues in which Geras talked about how Sindel loved Kitana and another in which D'Vorah talked about how she killed Jerrod, both of which are contradicted by Sindel's story in which she shows to not care that much for Kitana and being the real murderer of Jerrod. My complaints are about a timeline that, though the second, still maintained that a certain character was good, including in the very game in which the retconned plot twist ocurred, your complaint is about characters being changed in a timeline whose very premise is to be completely different from previous ones, with many of the changes having already happened in the first part of the story mode.

Re: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)

 August 27, 2024, 06:32:10 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) (Started by Macaulyn97 February 24, 2023, 12:22:56 am
 Board: Fighting Games

I find it ironic that this comes from someone with a history of completely stupid remarks in MG.

like seriuosly , if you can't defend the change then it's better not to say anything, you argue that they did this due to lack of female characters?

Jade, Skarlet, Sonya , Sareena, Cassie could also have been added instead of Takeda as DLC, even a ninja version of Harumi would have made an intresting choice, but they chose to genderswap because that's is how much creatively bankrupt they are

Funny you'd say that, let's go back to my post, shall we?
That's because there are generally less women in the roster (especially with the last batch of DLCs adding none), also, what about these profiles suggest that they are "superior" and didn't "earn" it? What exactly suggests they're superior to OG Sektor and Cyrax and hell, what did the OGs do to suggest they earned anything? The cyber initiative was a thing ever since the first timeline and the whole point of it was artificially making the Lin Kuei stronger, in other words, not "earning" anything.

If my remarks are so stupid, what is stopping you from responding to them? Because you commented on the fact that I mentioned less women, but you ignored all the rest. A stupid remark from me surely would warrant a very smart or hell, an average effortless response from you. As for your additional suggestions for female characters, well, how many of them are related to the Lin Kuei? In this timeline, Sareena is more connected to Ashrah than to Sub-Zero, so all that is left is Harumi, who is an interesting idea, but is also a Shirai Ryu. From what I get from the story, they need more Lin Kuei members, since Scorpion has Smoke and quite possibly Takeda, while Sub-Zero has no one to team up with from his own clan.

Besides, how do you even know these are the same characters and not new ones? Sektor and Cyrax are very likely codenames, similar to... well, every male character that started as a ninja. As far as we know, they could be some new ladies. And even if they aren't, why is it so "creatively bankrupt" to do genderswapping? In a timeline where Raiden is mortal, Kuai Liang is Scorpion, Hanzo is a side character, Takeda is Kenshi's cousin instead of son, Reptile is hot, but somehow genderbent characters is where we draw the line? The only creative bankrupt thing I see is Bi Han seemingly becoming Noob Saibot... again, since like I said, these are codenames, and Noob could easily be someone else... maybe even a woman.

You're in favor of original female cyborgs? Fine enough, but don't pretend people wouldn't whine that we'd have new cyborg women over Cyrax and Sektor, just like they're whining about these versions of them. In fact, based on how I see things on the internet play out, I can see the exact same argument you used being directed towards new female cyborg characters, "why are they superior? They didn't earn it", when again, nothing shows any superiority in those trailers and the point of the cyber initiative is precisely to not earn anything.

Re: Classic VS : Mai

 August 26, 2024, 08:17:37 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Classic VS : Balrog (Started by ELECTR0 January 01, 2019, 01:00:11 am
 Board: Projects

Two questions about the roster: first one is, where is Gouken? I thought he was gonna be a future addition, but he is in the very first post here and in the game's main menu and he's not in the game yet, with many characters coming before him. Also, do you plan on making secret alternate versions of characters a la Evil Ryu, like Violent Ken or Shadow Lady?

Re: Classic VS (Update 5)

 August 23, 2024, 11:45:14 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Classic VS (Update 5) (Started by ELECTR0 August 15, 2024, 02:19:32 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Thanks for your enthusiasm. Your right Superman doesn't belong and that's why he's DLC. A Darkstalker could show up as DLC or really anyone could show up as DLC. So there is hope.

Another factor to take into account is power levels; Darkstalkers canon-wise can squish Ray for example. The sprites being a fair bit more jarring to see than early KoF (94/95 I assume) in this game doesn’t help though. So I assume there won’t be early Marvel, GG1, or KI rep either. I feel like DS/GG1/Orochi Saga could be devamped (with a bit more extensive job than the smartpal early KoF needs for example) to fit in but it’s your call.

I don't think anyone ever cared about this factor in the characters' base games, let alone in a crossover.

Re: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)

 August 22, 2024, 06:56:55 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) (Started by Macaulyn97 February 24, 2023, 12:22:56 am
 Board: Fighting Games

It's funny, I don't remember anyone being so outraged over Khameleon being a female equivalent to Chameleon, but I guess that was before it became a lucrative business to grift about the woke boogeyman turning the frogs gay or whatever.

Look, D.R.B's point is completely stupid, but the Chameleon and Khameleon situation has nothing to do with this. They were both separate characters in their MKT debut and they showed up together in the Wii version of MKA, so it's not like one was transformed into the other.

Re: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)

 August 22, 2024, 12:51:18 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) (Started by Macaulyn97 February 24, 2023, 12:22:56 am
 Board: Fighting Games

That's because there are generally less women in the roster (especially with the last batch of DLCs adding none), also, what about these profiles suggest that they are "superior" and didn't "earn" it? What exactly suggests they're superior to OG Sektor and Cyrax and hell, what did the OGs do to suggest they earned anything? The cyber initiative was a thing ever since the first timeline and the whole point of it was artificially making the Lin Kuei stronger, in other words, not "earning" anything.

Re: Classic VS (Update 5)

 August 18, 2024, 04:54:31 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Classic VS (Update 5) (Started by ELECTR0 August 15, 2024, 02:19:32 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

That's a shame, Darkstalkers is a classic game that deserves some love and I'd personally love to see Mortal Kombat chars reimagined in your gamplay style. I understand the concern about the art style, but with people joking about how Morrigan uses the same sprites she had in her first game all the way to CvS2 and MvC2 (in which she looked old even compared to the Alpha sprites), I think characters like her would be fine (also, Superman and SF1 Ryu have very distinct art styles too), so I hope you change your mind. Regardless, I am enjoying your game and looking forward to more chars, I already made two playthroughs:


Re: Classic VS (Update 5)

 August 16, 2024, 07:24:12 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Classic VS (Update 5) (Started by ELECTR0 August 15, 2024, 02:19:32 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

So, would you say Darkstalkers could be in? The first game came out before SFA and RBFF, that would be interesting to see in your style. This is not me messing with you, but for real, I love the gameplay, I'm just waiting for some of my favourite chars from this period to show up. Also, any thoughts on Mortal Kombat chars?

Re: Classic VS (Update 5)

 August 16, 2024, 09:47:41 am View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Classic VS (Update 5) (Started by ELECTR0 August 15, 2024, 02:19:32 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I'm curious as to which characters and franchises should we expect next in this. It seems to be generally about older fighting games, but like... how far would be too far for this game, for example?

Re: Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations

 August 15, 2024, 11:21:12 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Character of the Month: July 2024 Nominations (Started by Basara Lapis August 03, 2024, 05:45:43 am
 Board: Contributions of the Month

Black Battler by TornilloOxidado - 3

Re: [Jinny Thread]: Gran And EX Gran Release + Belial Update (24/07/2024)

 July 27, 2024, 07:36:11 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in [Jinny Thread]: Gran And EX Gran Release + Belial Update (24/07/2024) (Started by Digital Jinny April 28, 2023, 05:20:58 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+


Re: Gordon Bowman released on July 24, 2024

 July 26, 2024, 11:41:14 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Macaulyn97  in Gordon Bowman released on July 24, 2024 (Started by adamskie July 24, 2024, 02:20:32 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

If there were more gay guys in the community, there would be more of these bear archetypes...