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Messages by Azul Crescent


Re: Creating Non-blurry normal small ports?

 November 15, 2022, 06:09:08 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Creating Non-blurry normal small ports? (Started by Azul Crescent November 08, 2022, 05:10:29 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

Late response to all of this as I had figured it out thanks some dming back and forth with Shadic and from the help here, but my initial inquiry was wondering if it was possible to use normal ports of a higher cell size (as Yugacurry said, 50x50) to get a higher quality small port, and if possible this also applied to the Large Portrait too. And at that point i guess it would be considered custom. After some tweaking on a screenpack I using another SP with 50x50 Ports as an example I was able to perfectly replicate it with some tweaked values needed since some of the sizes were different and it came out great. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Akame Released + 4 EXA Updates (10/17/22)

 November 15, 2022, 12:46:11 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in [OHMSBY Thread]: Kiryu Coco Released (09/15/24) (Started by OHMSBY August 09, 2020, 05:26:17 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

@Azul Crescent
Go into the CMD and delete everything below the line that says ";AI" and delete every instance of "triggerall = !AIlevel" to revert them back to using the Default AI.

If you want them to just turtle and not attack at all, you can skip the deletion of "triggerall = !AIlevel"

Thanks so much! I'll probably revert to your AI when i get a bit better.

Or alternatively you can use this method that Vocalnoid mentioned a few pages back to tone down the AI:
I forgot to mention that each instance of "Triggerall = !ailevel" needs to be deleted in the cmd along with everything below the "AI" line to allow the default AI to make inputs. Mugen's default AI tends to turtle a lot while Ikemen's default AI just constantly makes random inputs, which actually puts up more of a fight because of it. So if you're looking to get the most milage out of Characters that don't use custom AI, then I suggest using Ikemen.

Alternatively, where it says
triggerall = AIlevel && numenemy
in the ;AI section in the .cmd file, insert this code --> "triggerall = random <= 30" under it.

like this
triggerall = AIlevel && numenemy
triggerall = random <= 30
input this for every move that has the ai and numenemy code and then you'll have a easier custom AI.

One minor note is that setting the random triggerall value at a bigger number means stronger AI, (EX: <= 60)
and a smaller number means weaker AI (EX: <= 15)

Hope this helps for everyone.

Omg thank you so much this really helps alot!

Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Akame Released + 4 EXA Updates (10/17/22)

 November 14, 2022, 07:16:34 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in [OHMSBY Thread]: Kiryu Coco Released (09/15/24) (Started by OHMSBY August 09, 2020, 05:26:17 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Go into the CMD and delete everything below the line that says ";AI" and delete every instance of "triggerall = !AIlevel" to revert them back to using the Default AI.

If you want them to just turtle and not attack at all, you can skip the deletion of "triggerall = !AIlevel"

Thanks so much! I'll probably revert to your AI when i get a bit better.

Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Akame Released + 4 EXA Updates (10/17/22)

 November 14, 2022, 04:02:56 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in [OHMSBY Thread]: Kiryu Coco Released (09/15/24) (Started by OHMSBY August 09, 2020, 05:26:17 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I have what probably might be a rather odd question, but what values specifically would I have to modify to change the position of the Burst Icons? They sometimes overlap with lifebars.

Go into BurstHUD.cns and replace every instance of 12 and 45 (X and Y values respectively) with the numbers of your choosing. BurstHUD.cns is exactly the same throughout all of my characters, so once you are done with editing one of them you can just copy and paste that one into all of the other character folders.

Thank you! I have one more little question, is there a way to remove the AI from your characters? Even using AI cheat off and setting the difficulty to Easy 1, they just instantly annihilate me. They just are too difficult for me at the moment. Are there values I can change that can disable the AI or even tweak it? Thanks and sorry for the questions.

Re: M.U.G.E.N Screenshots V3

 November 11, 2022, 01:51:47 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in M.U.G.E.N Screenshots V3 (Started by Berry May 13, 2014, 03:05:14 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion


Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Akame Released + 4 EXA Updates (10/17/22)

 November 09, 2022, 09:45:57 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in [OHMSBY Thread]: Kiryu Coco Released (09/15/24) (Started by OHMSBY August 09, 2020, 05:26:17 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I have what probably might be a rather odd question, but what values specifically would I have to modify to change the position of the Burst Icons? They sometimes overlap with lifebars.

Re: Creating Non-blurry normal small ports?

 November 09, 2022, 02:39:35 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Creating Non-blurry normal small ports? (Started by Azul Crescent November 08, 2022, 05:10:29 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

Usually, when creating small ports people will not just resize an image and that's it, they will draw on top of it. This is almost obligatory if you're using 1.0 or below because of shared palettes. If you're using non-indexed images then don't worry about it.

Well, since 25 x 25 is very small, 99% of the images will become blurry, so you have to play a little with Photoshop settings. There are a few tutorials here by some small portrait makers:

I see, I've seen some people here who in Roster Showcase who post their normal port setups and their small ports are all super HD/HQ using art of the characters. So they can somehow achieve it without it turning blurry. I do use 1.1. I'll have to check around and see what I can do with PS. Thanks.

Re: Ikemen GO

 November 08, 2022, 11:13:57 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Ikemen GO (Started by K4thos May 26, 2018, 03:04:27 am
 Board: IKEMEN Releases


Creating Non-blurry normal small ports?

 November 08, 2022, 05:10:29 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Creating Non-blurry normal small ports? (Started by Azul Crescent November 08, 2022, 05:10:29 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

So I have always used custom port SP's, but I wanted to try using one with just some normal ports as It's less time consuming and I don't have as much time nowadays.

But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how people seem to create small ports with HD looking art. No matter what I do it turns out blurry even if the source art was crisp and high quality. If I remember correctly small portraits have to be 25x25, if I try resizing art to fit inside it becomes very very blurry when using Photoshop.

Can anyone who has experience with this let me know what i'm doing wrong? Using Legacy Normal Port version SP.

Re: Scaling Custom Portraits

 November 04, 2022, 08:24:01 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Scaling Custom Portraits (Started by Shadic12 October 19, 2022, 02:34:11 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

Assuming you mean the quality, you can try using Waifu2x. There are more efficient ways to upscale for better quality, but it requires more steps and would take longer. This is quick, easy and free.

If you want much more precise upscaler with more options etc, you'd have to go the AI route, but they charge for their tool usage.

I use it when upscaling album art I find online for music if it's too low resolution so it's not all blurry in my Music Player.

Below is the original art:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

If you mean scaling as in size, then one way you can do it is make a new Photoshop project. Set the size to whatever size you want them all to be, then save it. And whenever you want to create a new portrait, open up the project and import/drag and drop the image into it and go from there. That's the best I can think of.

Re: Ikeman Go Everything blurry/pixelated.

 May 01, 2022, 07:18:08 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Ikeman Go Everything blurry/pixelated. (Started by Azul Crescent April 29, 2022, 01:17:30 am
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help

So I tried running with similar configuration to you:

I did not manage to replicate it.

It would be posible to send screenshots of how both Mugen and Ikemen GO look on your PC so we understand better the issue?

Thanks for the reply, I re-downloaded the archive from the github repo and created a new folder. Put in my screenpack, characters, stages etc and everything seems to be fine now. Idk what happened with my first one and how it got messed up, but everything seems fine now.

For a state of reference, this is how the first instance looks like. It's a bit hard to notice on the menu, but if you look at some of the text, it's pixelated/blurry. The character select screen is easier to see. All of the portraits are pixelated/blurry. Same with the text.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Re: Ikeman Go Everything blurry/pixelated.

 April 29, 2022, 08:04:20 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Ikeman Go Everything blurry/pixelated. (Started by Azul Crescent April 29, 2022, 01:17:30 am
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help


Ikeman Go Everything blurry/pixelated.

 April 29, 2022, 01:17:30 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Ikeman Go Everything blurry/pixelated. (Started by Azul Crescent April 29, 2022, 01:17:30 am
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help


I just am recently trying to move from Mugen 1.1 to Ikeman Go. So far everything launches fine, however when I get in game, everything is kinda blurry/pixelated. Everything.

I tried importing/loading the Mugen Battle Climax screenpack, and even all the portraits are blurry as well.

Is there something im missing in the import process or some kind of upscaling feature i'm missing?

I DID bump the resolution up to what I have my normal Mugen 1.1 set at, which is 2368x1332. Mugen 1.1 has NO problem at this resolution. But i'm not sure if that plays into anything in Ikeman Go.

Thanks in advance :)



 April 09, 2022, 08:14:48 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in DBZ XENOVERSE 2 CHARS PROYECT AND NEW DBZ KAKAROTTO SCREENPACK (Started by oscar123 December 06, 2019, 01:07:40 pm
 Board: Projects

I don't know if you are aware or not, but alot of your links on 4Shared are down. The vast majority of your characters, save for the ones on Mediafire and UI Goku, are down.

Re: Returning to Mugen, what exactly is Ikeman now?

 March 22, 2022, 01:16:52 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Returning to Mugen, what exactly is Ikeman now? (Started by Azul Crescent March 21, 2022, 03:43:28 pm
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help

Yes, 99% of the usual content made for MUGEN will work with Ikemen. For screenpacks, they just won't have the new features (since they were made for MUGEN), like the tag modes or the sub-menus. For those you'd have to edit them.
The only reason I didn't fully migrate to Ikemen yet is because my toaster can't run Ikemen smoothly. :P

Awesome, thank you so much for all that info and answering my questions. I'll definitely give Ikeman Go a try :)

Re: Returning to Mugen, what exactly is Ikeman now?

 March 22, 2022, 12:53:15 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Returning to Mugen, what exactly is Ikeman now? (Started by Azul Crescent March 21, 2022, 03:43:28 pm
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help

Ikemen can be played offline too. In resume, is basically mugen with many new features and fixes, and the cool thing is the developers are very active and updating it constantly. So many new features that instead of explaining it myself, it's better if you take a look here:

The page is probably not 100% updated though, but there is also their discord server which I think is the best place to know more about it.
The devs or anyone with more experience than me can explain better.

Ahhh I see. Do current Screenpacks/Stages/Characters work fine on Ikeman or do they need some kind of conversion? I see some Screenpacks coming out exclusively made for Ikeman. Thanks for the info and advice! I'll make sure to join the discord and learn more :)

I dare say I've used IKEMEN Go as a full MUGEN replacement for the last two years and have never looked back. It's honestly so much better...

Interactive stages, online, new screenpack features, new character features (SCTRLs and Triggers), proper tag team mode, RedirectID and multiple trigger redirection, story mode and dialogues, rankings, and a billion more things.

Most of my creations are IKEMEN Go only because I focused on interactive stages, check my sig for a vid where I show some stuff.

I mostly use HD/Hi-Res stages, and I don't see much of those with interactive features, (mostly low-res stages), i'm guessing stages have to be built with interactive environments as a feature. I remember seeing quite a few of those come out back in the day for Add004, as that also featured interactive stages I believe. Though I could never get Add004 to work properly, as It would constantly break a few characters when patching them so I just gave up on it.

Thanks for the quick list of new features that Ikeman Go provides! I'll definitely be taking a look at it :)

Returning to Mugen, what exactly is Ikeman now?

 March 21, 2022, 03:43:28 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Returning to Mugen, what exactly is Ikeman now? (Started by Azul Crescent March 21, 2022, 03:43:28 pm
 Board: Ikemen General Discussion and Help

So, I'm returning to the Mugen scene as I've been away for about 1 - 2 years maybe, and when I left Ikeman wasn't really a big thing, just was sorta there as a Netplay client for Mugen, and I remember you needed a lot of setup to get it work properly.

I'm now seeing a lot more about Ikeman being thrown around on various sites, has Ikeman progressed further in this time? Is it ONLY used for Online Play or can it be used offline as well, or is Mugen itself still better for just general usage (not online)?

Sorry for the probably odd/dumb question, but I just wanted to make sure as most of the guides I found are 5 - 6 years old and wasn't sure if they were still relevant.

Re: Link (Zelda) Stage Mugen 1.1

 February 26, 2021, 11:12:11 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Link (Zelda) Stage Mugen 1.1 (Started by Muttley Creations February 24, 2021, 02:01:59 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+


Re: Fight Club Mugen 1.1 Screnpack 1280x720

 January 21, 2021, 01:56:50 am View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Fight Club Mugen 1.1 SP 1280x720 (Started by Muttley Creations January 18, 2021, 04:53:37 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

No, I didn't even know this SP. But there are no parts, totally different concepts. Try SP and you will see that you are your own creation and with some defects ...

I'm glad your not letting people get you down. There will ALWAYS be similarities in art, no matter the easel. Whether that be in actual art, fighting games, music etc. Things have been done so many times by so many people that there are always going to be similarities. Alot of content in mugen can look or feel similar to other peoples stuff, but that's just because that concept has been done before.

It does NOT mean they stole anything. And I for one don't think you did. I was and still am a massive fan of Vector's SP's. I have all of them (Even the ones that are gone) and used them for a very long time. And I can tell you, while some of the elements do feel like something Vector has done, it has enough subtle differences in those aspects to for me to say "Yeah no, this is original.". This is a VERY VERY fantastic SP. Especially for your first one. I can tell you studied and practiced alot. Mugen is NOT an easy thing to learn, despite what people will say to you. It also requires alot of time and patience to even edit things.

I am not a creator myself, the most I can do is extensive editing of stages and SPs. For example, I have about 300 stages in my mugen, most of which aren't designed for 16:9 or zoom, but I made them all compatible with a pretty far zoom out. I edited SP's, removing certain aspects I didn't particularly like or changing things, like changing how ports are handled or how they look. I recently started editing lifebars to suit my own preferences.

I have always held the absolute utmost respects for mugen artists/creators. They have the patience and time to sit down, study, learn and create things. Even the ones that post not so great stuff, they still tried. And if they keep at it, they will only get better and better.

That's why we absolutely CANNOT and SHOULD not knock people down for trying. We need to encourage people, not tear them down just because their stuff may be bad or look slightly similar to someone else's work. Now, i'm not saying everything anyone creates is original. Its fine to use other people's creations as a base or reference, but as long as proper credit is given and the original authors are ok with it, I see no problem.

One of the whole point's of Mugen is "Creative Freedom". Mugen is an open source engine, allowing people to basically create whatever they want and however they want within the limits of the engine. We, as what remains of this community, should be inspiring and encouraging people who try to create things for this old game.

Duduleonel, keep doing what your doing. Don't give up, and don't let people accuse you of stealing or ripping off other people's work. I can feel the hard work you put into this SP and how much you practiced. Your an honorable person who even gave credit to the people who inspired you and who's tutorial's you followed.

Fantastic Job, and it has now become my main SP because of it's light weight, simplicity while still using Custom Ports, and moderately large slot size.

Great Job! <3

Re: Animal Kaiser (Inspired) Lifebars [1.1 / OpenGL]

 November 28, 2020, 10:10:21 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Azul Crescent  in Animal Kaiser (Inspired) Lifebars [1.1 / OpenGL] (Started by Kazagami November 28, 2020, 08:58:47 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+