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Messages by CpnCrossfader


Re: 2 Original LOTR Stages

 February 22, 2025, 09:58:20 pm View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in 2 Original LOTR Stages (Started by CpnCrossfader February 18, 2025, 07:08:26 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you enjoyed. I'm excited about the possibilities with AI imagery; the major background piece in Lothlorien on the left, and most of the background in Balin's tomb were AI.
I also successfully extended an existing stage through AI (Midjourney) content fill, by expanding an existing background to allow zoom.

2 Original LOTR Stages

 February 18, 2025, 07:08:26 pm View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in 2 Original LOTR Stages (Started by CpnCrossfader February 18, 2025, 07:08:26 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Hi all,
I'm back after a very long break with a couple of original takes on 2 Lord of the Rings locations; Lothlorien and Balin's Tomb.

Made using a combination of recycled old sprites, AI images and a bit of my own art- All fairly basic, but including some parallax on the coffin and floors.

Balin's Tomb

Sharing in case anyone finds them useful  :)


Re: Rocksteady

 July 29, 2023, 10:45:59 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Rocksteady (Started by CpnCrossfader July 01, 2023, 06:35:35 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Thanks for the support!

I still haven't found time to add any collaborative co-op moves/interaction with Bebop yet, but hopefully soon.


 July 01, 2023, 06:35:35 pm View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Rocksteady (Started by CpnCrossfader July 01, 2023, 06:35:35 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

SAY YOUR PRAYERS, TOIDLES ...Introducing Rocksteady!
Inspired by the fantastic TMNT Bebop character by Warner, I tried searching for a similar Rocksteady but couldn't find one, so I've created him in a tribute look & feel to Warner's.

He has a handful of moves, but in truth I ran out of inspiration for move ideas for him a little, so please let me know if you have any requests that I could add to the following list.

A + X = Grenade toss
QCF + B = Dropkick
QCF + C = Double Kick
QCB + A = Shockwave
QCF + Y = Shoulder Charge
QCF + Z = Haymaker
QCB + Z = Outburst
Hyper (requires 1 level) - QCF + A + B = Power Charge
Hyper (requires 1 level) - QCF + X + Y = Scatter Gun

I added a reference to the classic TMNT arcade game in that he starts to flash an orange glow the more damage he takes, flashing faster the closer he is to death.


Possible future updates:
  • I may work on a contextual Co-operative joint attack if Warner's Bebop & my Rocksteady are selected on the same team. I've implemented this on other projects and it has worked fairly well. I'm considering also looking at special collaborative intros or win celebrations if they are on the same team.
  • I'd like to add more moves, along the same theme.

Polite note- I almost didn't post this on here, as the last few times I have shared content here I have received rude feedback that I didn't appreciate. This is not to say that I'm not open to constructive criticism, as long as it's politely presented, and objective. There is a clear difference.
I don't need everyone to like my work but please could I ask that if you do hate it, just move on to the next fantastic creation on this forum instead, rather than being rude about it. I've downloaded a lot of great stuff from here myself, and I'm just trying to pay that forward by freely sharing my own work.
-Just a simple request for courtesy, thanks for reading.

Re: Indiana Jones

 October 28, 2021, 08:16:40 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Indiana Jones (Started by CpnCrossfader September 10, 2021, 07:22:14 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I wasn't intending to reply again, however I can't leave that hanging.

Look back at the start of the thread. Mr Ibz and dakidbanks both provide critical feedback in a polite and respectful way.
Zero hostility given, and zero hostility returned from me. I disagreed with some of Ibz' comments, and I explain why, and it's all fine- people can have different opinions and there is no problem or disrespect and the character is getting improved/fixed.

You honestly need to look in the mirror. I didn't start any hostility, I just responded to it.

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 27, 2021, 02:22:15 pm View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Thanks, I understand that, and I do value the useful points that have been given. The whole "give something to other people but make sure you have thick skin" is not really for me though, I think. I guess in my head, if someone provides something for free, that didn't exist before and they wouldn't have had it otherwise, however bad it is, I'd be grateful for them taking time to share it and create it. Sure I'd provide feedback if they asked for it, but I'd do it in a respectful objective way. If I simply didn't like something as a matter of personal preference; the style, or the art, or the concept.. I wouldn't necessary assume that a stranger wanted to hear that and I'd just keep it to myself.

As I've said before, these characters I create are already in my own private game which I'm happy with. I'm not sharing them as WIPs to get advice, I'm mostly sharing them in case anyone might find them useful to try to pay back for all of the cool stuff I've got from other people. It's more "I like this, hope you do too" rather than "please roast my work", although obviously I try to fix any actual bugs that I missed.

Anyway, I'm sure people don't want to see me keeping bumping this topic to the top, I think I've explained myself by now- I understand that people think and talk differently.
Thanks again for the support.

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 27, 2021, 10:11:14 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Thank you, that's nice of you to say so. Please don't feel like I'm fishing for compliments or want people to beg me not to go or anything lol.
I'm not really angry or anything, I just don't want to go through this each time I post a new character.
Love to all

Re: Indiana Jones

 October 27, 2021, 09:46:19 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Indiana Jones (Started by CpnCrossfader September 10, 2021, 07:22:14 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Please read my message, that is not what I said. I have always fixed bugs. And my work has without doubt improved in the past based on constructive feedback given from this forum. I think I must be too old fashioned.

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 27, 2021, 09:31:24 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I have been cherry picking the actual bugs and fixing them, and I have been trying to defend myself against the personal opinions that I disagree with.
I've honestly had enough though. It's the language and sense of entitlement that I dislike. If someone shares bugs that's great, I will correct them. If someone dislikes something and shares their opinion in a polite way, or even just a non-rude way, I will entertain them and consider them. I have even compromised on several in this specific thread.

Believe it or not this is the 14th piece of (entirely original) content I've shared on here. My personal highlight was when the Mandalorian was mentioned in the Character of the month nominations.
This will be my last character. Why would I want to post any future work up if it just gets this response? I don't enjoy these exchanges.

Good luck to all- keep up the good work with all the fantastic content on here. Please feel free to edit or use any of my content for your own creations if you wish.

Re: Indiana Jones

 October 27, 2021, 09:22:11 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Indiana Jones (Started by CpnCrossfader September 10, 2021, 07:22:14 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Ok, I'm done.
You possibly mean well and I am being sensitive, but I'm reading this as rude, or at the very least harsh/abrupt. It's like a handful of valid points mixed in with aggressive language like "mess", "disaster", and block capitals/exclamation marks. I disagree that the situation is that bad. Also you do me a disservice by saying it's Trevor with a new head. I palette-separated the arms from every sprite and drew a lot of the sprites entirely from scratch using the Trevor art style as a guide.
The boulder wouldn't be much of a good move if it was film-authentic? How would you possibly dodge a giant heavy boulder? I tried to mix the film content with the platform to make it fun. Likewise with the spikes. I know you wouldn't be hurt by touching some spikes that were not moving but from the game perspective I wanted it to damage/trip you and make you avoid it. I'm not trying to recreate a film here, I'm trying to make an entirely original fun character based on the film content.

I want to know if something doesn't work and I do want to improve my work, but me posting content on here is not an open invitation to roast it with subjective opinions like I personally insulted you by daring to share some free characters, my intention was always just to pay back some content as I've taken a lot in the past.

It's a hobby for me and I think I'll just keep my work to myself, or other forums from now on. It likely comes across as sulking, but after the comments on my mickey character, and now this, I just don't think I have the same attitude as the rest of the (vocal) community on here. To be clear, any bugs that are not subjective opinions have mostly always been well-received and corrected; I have always welcomed constructive feedback that was given politely, and it's great that you all have such high standards for work. Telling me that my work is a disaster and is awful does not inspire me.

I'll continue to download your fantastic work but I think I'll keep my stuff for my private use. I see little incentive to do otherwise.
As a token of my good intentions, I welcome anyone to edit/use my existing work in any way that they may believe they are improving it, should they want to.
I wish you all well.

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 26, 2021, 04:32:22 pm View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Look, I'm about to stop replying to these messages.
You are clearly very knowledgeable about mugen character creation, I don't doubt this, and I want to be respectful- I haven't seen your work but you sound like a pro...  but you need to stop just saying "___ is a very bad idea" or "____ should be done this way" or marking things bold without giving any solid reason other than you have seen other characters do it. If you can give me a good reason to fix something I will likely look at it, but it's totally ok to have different styles or opinions. You literally say you have "a very good reason", then don't share it.
I don't really appreciate you posting critique videos, which is mostly redundant now anyway after the last update, but that's totally your prerogative.

Point taken about the projectile weakness, it's a dirty tactic but a valid point, maybe I will address that sometime soon by making the dash unhittable, although I don't want to over-power that too much. This is now amended by both increasing the jump slightly, and removing boxes from the dash.

I want to clarify about the 3 attack buttons. They are already light, medium and heavy, but with a randomised animation picked from a different subset for each type of attack. I think I already mentioned, but this is one of my signature styles that I like to include. You just saying "animations shouldn't be random" isn't going to change my mind on this! If there is a genuine reason, I will reluctantly consider it.
The randomised dodge as well. It's intentional and it keeps things fresh. The animations are roughly the same length and the hitboxes are similar.

Regarding low/overhead, the crouch punch is a low attack. The heavy uppercut is an above head attack, but granted, it is a random 1 in 3 chance. Making a dedicated higher attack would be a good idea- noted.  The consistent uppercut is now added to crouch x/y/z, and the crouch a/b/c is slightly lowered.

The getting up ("so that's the kind of fight it's gonna be.") is deliberately unhittable- it's a short animation while he gets his breath from getting up the first time. I don't want to allow a cancel. It's all about context- the character is based on a film character. I want this to balance making it fun with remaining faithful to the inspiration.

I also maintain that if you think the character is nowhere near solid that you just move on as at this point I really don't think it will ever meet your expectations.
I do aspire to improve, and I also like knowing that people were enjoying using my original content in their games, but ultimately I am working to my own remit to fit him into my own game, and then sharing it, rather than creating/adjusting a character to a stranger's specifications or whims. Most of your comments are still entirely subjective.

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 26, 2021, 09:23:38 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Somebody has now made me aware of a video that Darkflare has posted on youtube in the last few days further criticising the character.
I have watched it, and to be fair, it actually has a few good points of feedback.

I hadn't noticed that the block damage was missing- this is now fixed.
I have also added another (basic) special attack; a rush upper, in the style of Balrog. It can be performed with QCF+c.
Also, I finally got around to adding some sound.

In case Darkflare reads this: In response to some of the other points of critique- The low jump, lack of projectiles, simple attacks (but varied random animations), quick movement... these are all in theme with the subject base material. He is meant to be a simple boxer who is all about speed and getting in close. I don't want him to have a projectile attack or flying jump or even a throw as it doesn't really suit the film character. The throw might be an exception, I will think on this.
You can avoid projectiles by using a dodge. These are intended to be random to add variety (also, some are hittable low). You cannot advance while you are dodging- this is also by design to balance against the fast movement and dashes.
A lot of the things that you claim are "wrong", are intentional to provide balance according to my concept of the character.
I honestly don't think you will ever like this character, but the good news is that there are many many other fine characters out there by other people that you can enjoy. You probably should just move on.

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 21, 2021, 11:48:48 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Well I won't rule it out, however I will reiterate that at the moment I have no plans to add any extra moves to the character. So sound-mapping and any future bug fixing aside, the character is complete.

Eesh, tough crowd..  :jackie:
I'll happily give you a refund!

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 21, 2021, 11:03:38 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Thanks for letting me know.
I've re-added and now renovated all hitboxes on every animation. I also removed most of the placeholder animations and some of the placeholder sprites, although I still maintain that this did not affect the character at all and would have negligible affect on file sizes.
I added a generic crouch attack based on your other feedback.
Still need to revisit sound, and also maybe I'll look at AI at some point, but this not my forte!

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 21, 2021, 02:25:35 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Well Darkflare, most of these points ARE subjective, but I appreciate you not being rude this time and I am at the very least willing to consider your suggestions.

I've already acknowledged the hitbox thing above, but I honestly think most of the other stuff is personal preference; "Dodge shouldn't be random" as an example. It is the animation which is random, but the move is uniform (with a few frames variance). This is one of my signature design elements from a lot of my original characters- a pool of similar animations which it selects from randomly to keep things fresh.
"No way of getting close" as another- you can use the dash to move quickly in and out. Other than this I don't think anything else is required.
The boxer 'advice' feels patronising.

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 21, 2021, 01:23:54 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Thanks for testing both this file and my other creations. They are fair points.
-Apologies, I meant to credit the Terry edit- it's actually an indirect edit, from a self-portrait character I made; some of the sprites were left in from the second character as placeholders for expansion but are not referenced by any commands. Also, I believe the style is completely different from Terry. It is basically just his legs now.
-The hitbox thing was a quickfix I did as I noticed that because he is often very close to the opponent, sometime punches were going past and not hitting. It should clearly not be possible to hit BACKWARDS though, I'll certainly review this.
-The sound thing needs attention- thanks for pointing out.
-I am very much a noob when it comes to AI. This is my weakest area.

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 21, 2021, 01:05:38 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

OK, I've now removed the spare dev files in the original link- thanks for pointing it out.

I'm open to any genuine (non-subjective, non-arbitrary) feedback for bugs I might have missed. Going off your general tone it feels like you kind of intend to offend.
Just on the chance that you weren't being passive aggressive though, in the original post before the link you clicked to download, I said that it's a simple boxing character with a limited moveset which I might expand upon, but for now, it is finished.

I guess to summarise, if you have bugs or dev feedback- please share. If you simply don't like the character or were trolling, I'd rather you didn't.

Re: Mickey O'Neil

 October 21, 2021, 12:40:25 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I actually forgot my working files were still in the folder. If you are short on disk space, please remove them. Otherwise, they will cause you no harm- they are just extra unneeded files. I will update that though when I can, thanks.

The second part looks like you are just trying to be rude.

Mickey O'Neil

 October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Mickey O'Neil (Started by CpnCrossfader October 20, 2021, 02:22:08 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Back with another original pop culture creation, I give you....
Mickey "One Punch" O'Neil, Brad Pitt's bare-knuckle boxer from the movie Snatch.

This is a very simple fun character, designed to play like an 'inside' fighter (very close and in your face).
He has been created in a unique simplified style- he has a variety of fast punches, but the kick buttons instead perform a random dodge/weave, which makes you unhittable (or partially unhittable) for a few frames.

There are currently only a few special moves. I may add to these, but the intention is for this character to be a straightforward boxer.
QCF + a = Barrel Pummel
QCF + b = Speedball
x+a = Dag helper


Added generic crouch attack.
Completely renovated all hitboxes.
Removed placeholder animations and some redundant sprites. Placeholder sprites do still remain, but do not affect character at all.

Added basic sounds.
Added new rush upper move- QCF + c
Amended block damage to attacks.
Slightly increased jump height.
Removed hitboxes from some frames in forward dash to allow dodge.
Altered crouch punch sprite (slightly lowered attack)
Added crouch uppercut (x/y/z)

Re: Indiana Jones

 October 11, 2021, 12:10:42 am View in topic context
 Posted by CpnCrossfader  in Indiana Jones (Started by CpnCrossfader September 10, 2021, 07:22:14 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

I'm sorry, I really don't know much about the different version compatibilities...
My game version is 1.1 beta 1 (and the character runs fine, and was designed to be used in this game). However, when I have looked at the character file just now, which was originally a modified version of Trevor KOFA, it says 1.0 (I haven't changed this section, I don't know if it does anything? It works so I just left it).