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Messages by KingHaki


Re: Report your progresses here

 August 12, 2015, 06:52:36 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by KingHaki  in Report your progresses here (Started by Snowmeow May 31, 2015, 06:02:28 pm
 Board: Project EF-12

Great work so far, I love the stages! I literally just got the engine today, and I'm in search of a good bit of content for this game. These stages are a great start!

hello, I am new. Just wondering if this is a dead forum... I want to get started but cant even find EF-12 tutorials
How has the engine treated you so far? How do I even start working on it XD

new member, interested in EF-12 but confused!

 August 11, 2015, 06:39:36 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by KingHaki  in new member, interested in EF-12 but confused! (Started by KingHaki August 11, 2015, 06:39:36 am
 Board: Project EF-12

Hello everyone, I lead a gaming and development club at my school and have messed around with things like gamemaker, unity, scratch, blender and the like. All have helped me learn a little more to help my club finish it's ultimate goal; make a working balanced fighting game.

I stumbled on EF-12 (and this subforum)  a few weeks ago and was so excited that I got it right away. I have tried messing with it but get stuck. From what I have figured out I cant edit the game by pressing return after opening the core instead, I need to edit the controller or settings.
I have a list of 18 characters I have concept art for and am starting to build in blender, along with some custom skeletons (one of my characters only has one arm)

I also am trying to make it extremely realistic. Coming from a martial arts background including but not limited to, karate, taekwando, wing chun, boxing, BBJ, MMA, and wrestling I feel I have quite a bit to add to the community!
