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Messages by N_N


Re: Character of the Month: February 2025 Nominations

 March 02, 2025, 07:27:38 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Character of the Month: February 2025 Nominations (Started by Lyrica March 02, 2025, 04:22:12 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion


Re: Does this thing exist?/who is the author?/etc. thread.

 January 31, 2025, 05:06:23 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Does this thing exist?/who is the author?/etc. thread.  (Started by Messatsu August 26, 2007, 08:29:40 pm
 Board: Requests

Anyone know of any KoF sprite set Ryo Sazakis that have a custom, not Pots playstyle by chance? Would really appreciate any arrange edits as well.
Popoponta's Ryo has an arrange mode with air combos, EX moves, air dashes, etc. that you can access by holding down start while selecting him. It's very jokey though and has all sorts of things like a Buster Wolf and Akuma's warp.

Re: N_N's request thread [Updated version of Tommy-gun's American Idiot]

 January 11, 2025, 04:06:29 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in N_N's request thread [Updated version of Tommy-gun's American Idiot] (Started by N_N June 02, 2020, 10:23:50 pm
 Board: Requests

Big ol bump. Now looking for the latest version of Tommy-gun's American Idiot.
(I may be 4 years late, but thank you dxwho!)

Re: What are the most "classic" Original Characters for Mugen?

 December 28, 2024, 08:00:36 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in What are the most "classic" Original Characters for Mugen? (Started by snowy997 December 27, 2024, 02:25:16 am
 Board: Off-Topic Help

Now this is a good question. Going off personal experience as well as everything I've seen over the years, I'd have to say:

- AIDUZZI's characters
- Everyone from The Black Heart
- Kung Fu Man
- Maxime by Ryanide
- Bola by Vib
- Blockhead and Rapterrometh by Artisto16 (The author has made other OCs though they're not as well-known)
- Lucy Fernandez by Fervicante & On-Off
- Lord Ravenous by Ex-Inferis & On-Off
- Quetzalcoatl_88's OCs (Pepito, Juan, Zinc)
- Rikard's OCs (Although a lot of them are KOF edits)

There are probably quite a few characters that I've missed. Still, this should be a good start.

Re: Jack Turner β version from Art of Fighting 2 released

 December 28, 2024, 07:47:17 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Jack Turner β version from Art of Fighting 2 released (Started by adamskie December 21, 2024, 02:21:29 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

There's a ctrl trigger preventing me from doing his guard cancel dodge/CD, but that's an easy fix. Good work!

Re: Sakura with stature problems release!

 November 02, 2024, 05:07:05 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Sakura with stature problems release! (Started by V I C November 01, 2024, 04:44:03 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Some quick feedback based off what I tested:

- Could really benefit from a movelist so I don't have to keep looking at the .cmd
- Could also benefit from more consistent commands. here is an example of what I mean:
name = "Ikman kick up"
command = D,D,b
time = 15

name = "Ikman kick forward"
command = D,F,c
time = 15

name = "Ikman kick back"
command = D,B,a
time = 15
Even though these are 3 versions of the same move they all use different commands. It's kinda confusing.

Another example of this is how some supers are activated with 1 button while others are activated with 2.
- The specials and supers can only be activated while standing which makes them a little hard to perform. To fix this change "statetype = S" to "statetype != A".
- Her taunt makes her lose CLSNs
- Her head.pos and mid.pos are misaligned meaning some throws are gonna look weird on her. You can check this with a character like Training by Stupa.
- The startup on the standing Ryu Stand attacks could be faster.
   - same deal with the tandem super, the startup on Ryu should be a lot faster like in actual jojo's. His actual attacks during the super seem like they should be faster too
- Honestly I think the LUCK TIME special would work better if it didn't have all that startup and instead functioned more like, say, Hsien-ko's item toss.
- If Sakura is P2, the Stand On message and the LUCK TIME box end up on the wrong side
- Projectiles would feel smoother if they didnt have hitpause (for example, instead of "pausetime = 7,7", do "pausetime = 0,7")
- If you time it right Air MK is an infinite
- Whenever an anvil appears in her intros and winposes it falls kinda slowly and not very anvil-like. IMO it would look a lot better if it fell faster.
- Feels odd that the Ryu Stand doesn't have forward/back attacks.
- Muscle Men super would look better if the hitspark positions were more random

Overall this is pretty nice! some funny stuff in here. greatly appreciate the MF DOOM in the dance winpose.

Re: Custom Knockback / Knockdown states.

 September 12, 2024, 09:43:49 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Custom Knockback / Knockdown states. (Started by Hypersayia September 12, 2024, 08:41:43 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

The issue here is that you're trying to make P2 look at your var(10), but you're only changing your var(10) and not P2's, so they don't react. You probably don't wanna change P2's variables for stability reasons. Fortunately there is a way of getting around this while managing to keep the variables:

Use the playeridexist method. Basically what you wanna do is put something like "fall.envshake.ampl = id" into the same Hitdef you want to inflict the custom state (make sure you're not using fall.envshake.time). Then in States 5400 and 5450 add "playeridexist(gethitvar(fall.envshake.ampl))" triggers to the transition states and replace the "var(10)" checks with "(playerid(gethitvar(fall.envshake.ampl)), var(10))". So for example, "var(10) = 1" would become "(playerid(gethitvar(fall.envshake.ampl)), var(10) = 1)". A little cramped-looking, but it's worth it. This will let P2 read your var(10) and react accordingly.
More info here:

Re: J. Kazinara joins the battle!

 September 12, 2024, 09:13:44 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in J. Kazinara joins the battle! (Started by RMaster007 September 11, 2024, 01:23:48 am
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

I wanted to test this guy a lot sooner but I unfortunately didn't have the time. But now that I do I can say he's actually quite a solid character!

Spoiler: Feedback (click to see content)

Alright so that's a lot of feedback, but I really think you have something promising here.

Re: Ryu (Game Boy)

 September 08, 2024, 08:53:05 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Ryu (Game Boy) (Started by lusianoproo2011 September 08, 2024, 08:25:11 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Where's the link?
You know you posted this in Your Releases,1.0+, right? That means you should have a link for the character here.

im retarded i forgot to put the link:
Might wanna put this in the first post to make it easier to find.

Anyway this is a pretty solid first character!

Here are some bugs I found:
- He's 1.1 only. Should probably change the message icon.
- The super gives power back.
- Shoryuken should go above Hadouken in [Statedef -1]. It makes it easier to perform.
- You can toss out more than 1 Hadouken at a time, which looking at the notes in the .cmd isn't supposed to happen. Seems like "numhelper(500)" needs to be changed to "numhelper(510)" in the Hadouken part of State -1.
- Commands are inconsistent - most of his special/super moves can only be activated with the light kick, but the Tatsumaki needs to be activated with the medium kick.
   - I suggest making them able to be performed with both buttons (and for the specials, ideally having their strength change depending on the button, but that's just me).
- The second hit of the close versions of 5a and 5b use a default Mugen hitsound rather than one of the custom hitsounds. Feels out of place.
- Debug error: missing required anims 100 and 105
- His ground.back and ground.front values in [Size] seem too wide, I would suggest lowering them to 12 or so.
- His head.pos and mid.pos are misaligned meaning some throws are going to look odd on him. You can check this using a character like Stupa's Training.
- There are a few moves with the wrong hit attribute
   - Air moves should be A, NA
   - Shoryuken should be S, SA
   - Tatsumaki should be A, SA
   - Super Hadouken should be S, HP
- Hadouken would look better without a shadow

And here are some nitpicks:
- Except for 2b, every move of his does the exact same amount of hitstun. I would recommend increasing them on the stronger moves as if you ask me it would make him more satisfying to play.
- The Shoryuken and Tatsumaki specials have slightly weird velocities. I was expecting them to launch the enemy a little higher.
- There aren't any invincibility frames on the startup of his Shoryuken, not sure if this is intentional.
- Chip damage on normals. That usually isn't supposed to happen but then again this might be intentional.
- Could use "fall = 1" and "fall.recover = 0" on his 2b, Shoryuken, and Tatsumaki
- Not sure why you can't do his other specials while the Hadoukens are out.

This might seem like a lot, but thankfully all of these are easy fixes. I appreciate the unique choice of Ryu. Might I suggest bitcrushing his sounds to give him more of a Gameboy feel?

Re: All Characters Updated + Waha released (6/22/2024)

 June 29, 2024, 04:38:37 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in All Characters Updated + Waha released (6/22/2024) (Started by Amanojaku June 23, 2024, 05:29:18 am
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Your Waha edit is really solid--very glad more people are editing Nijikaku characters. I found a minor bug however, the Wahadama doesn't bind to her while she's charging it up. For example, it'll detach itself if the opponent walks into her. Like I said though, very solid edit!

Young Joseph

 April 01, 2024, 09:06:41 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Young Joseph (Started by N_N April 01, 2024, 09:06:41 am
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

Hi everybody today I have released young joseph from jojos bizarre adventure. it is a relatively custom version.

Download him here

Re: H" Updated 8 characters (2024/03/03)

 March 05, 2024, 08:34:25 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in H" Updated 8 characters (2024/03/03) (Started by Foobs March 04, 2024, 05:56:39 pm
 Board: Found Releases 1.0+

Always a treat to see old Mugen creators make a return!
By the way, Buntaro was updated today. According to the readme, a bug was fixed regarding his level 2; what it was exactly, I'm not sure.

Re: DeMille from Tomato Adventure released

 January 28, 2024, 11:04:33 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in DeMille from Tomato Adventure released (Started by DeluxeGamer705 January 01, 2024, 12:18:24 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

A couple things I found:

- This is more personal preference, but IMO Tail Wag and Kendama should have their commands swapped. It's a little weird how a move where you swing your legs is activated with a punch, but then a move where you swing your arms is activated with a kick.
- The super portrait doesn't bind to the screen (explod needs "bindtime = -1")
- While each version of Kendama deals a different amount of damage, the animations and hit properties are the same for each one. Which means you really only need to use the HK version since it does the most damage. I would either make it so there's only one version, or change up the other versions a bit.
- His hitboxes disappear at the end of his jumping strong punch.
- Really minor, but you forgot to delete the landing sound code in state -3. It's not needed since he doesn't have a landing sound.

You're getting better at this, slowly but surely!

Re: Nice boat. [v1.5] (01/26/24)

 January 27, 2024, 02:23:58 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Nice boat. [v1.5] (01/26/24) (Started by N_N September 19, 2023, 03:18:19 am
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

Nice b--I mean, update!
Spoiler: Details (click to see content)
There are probably some things I've missed, this update's been in the works for quite a while now.

Re: What are some of your favorite fighting game idles?

 January 20, 2024, 03:08:31 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in What are some of your favorite fighting game idles? (Started by sipsopdipdop09 January 19, 2024, 07:34:21 pm
 Board: Fighting Games

This is a very good question. A few off the top of my head...

Cause it looks funny:
- A.B.A [Moroha] (Guilty Gear)
- Dr. Baldhead and by extension, Faust (Guilty Gear)
- Khan (Jojo HFTF)
- Orochi Iori, Orochi Leona (KOF 97)

Cause it looks cool:
- Oswald (KOF XI)
- Lei-Lei (Darkstalkers)

Cause it looks funny AND cool:
- Ayako (Advanced Variable Geo)
- Duck King (Basically every game he's appeared in)
- Yamazaki (The later KOFs where if you leave him inactive long enough he starts freaking out)

Re: Everyone is showing the same win quote

 December 30, 2023, 05:21:25 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Everyone is showing the same win quote (Started by snowy997 December 27, 2023, 11:52:33 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

Alright so I downloaded the screenpack and messed around with it and I think I know why this is happening. 1. There is a baked-in winquote on the victory screen for some insanely bizarre reason, 2. the screenpack author set the winquote font to something you can't normally read, and 3. the actual quotes aren't positioned correctly.

To fix #1:
Scroll down to "VictoryBGdef" and delete this entire chunk of code:

[VictoryBG 3]
type  = normal
spriteno = 205,4 ; <--- Make sure this number lines up. This is the winquote sprite
start = 0,0
mask = 1
trans = none
velocity = 0,0
tile = 0,0

To fix #2, search for "winquote.font" and edit the line so it says something like "winquote.font = 4,0,1".

And finally, to fix #3, search for "winquote.offset" and change the values to 52,348.
Optionally, if you wanna make the victory screen look even better, add a line below the "winquote.offset" line that says "winquote.window = 50,334, 570,414".

The end result should look a little something like this:

I can't say I've ever seen a screenpack do all this before :mlol:

Re: ClayFighter Ryu has been released!!

 December 30, 2023, 04:45:02 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in ClayFighter Ryu has been released!! (Started by Basara Bogard December 30, 2023, 02:08:43 am
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

Haha okay the Honda Claytality is great. I like what you did with the palette too.

A couple of minor things I found:

- There is a very brief window during Shinkuu Tatsumaki where you can hit him and he'll get stuck in the air. This is a very subtle bug so I had to edit my screenshot a little.
- For some reason, the command for the first combo finisher has a slightly different input depending on the version you're using. In the Winmugen version, it's "F, D, DF", and in the 1.0 version it's "D, DF, F".
- This one is more of a nitpick but I feel like as it is, the SF4 voice doesn't fit the classic SF2 sprites. I was thinking you could either switch voices OR maybe even edit the SF4 voices to make them low quality like the other Clayfighter characters.
I actually tried out the latter just for fun: Lemme know what you think.

Pretty interesting take on Ryu overall!

Re: Adding cornerpush to Helper-based projectiles?

 December 29, 2023, 05:41:33 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Adding cornerpush to Helper-based projectiles? (Started by RagingRowen December 12, 2023, 08:36:42 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

You could try referencing Warusaki's Jojo characters. If I remember correctly, their stands use a custom cornerpush system.

Re: Vortigon from Chaos Faction

 November 04, 2023, 04:48:53 pm View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Vortigon from Chaos Faction (Started by DeluxeGamer705 November 03, 2023, 09:43:28 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Thanks for feedback. Here's some of my responses:

Ay no problem. I like giving feedback to creators since I feel each one has potential, newer ones especially. I'd be happy to help with any questions you might have.

I don't really understand that...  :???:
- The moves won't hit if you're too close to the opponent. (I tested them against KFM, it might be different with other characters.) This can be solved by adding a Width sctrl (in the case of both moves) or by extending the red hitbox further inward (in the case of the rifle).

You mean the "pos" coding? I don't really use it, but judging from it, maybe I could make the superpause use it.
- I was referring to how the superpause calls for an "anim = 3000". Thing is, the superpause sctrl pulls the animations from fightfx.air unless specified otherwise. Most people's fightfx don't have an animation numbered 3000, which makes it invisible. (For reference, the super sparks are typically anims 100-102.) Though if you wanted to make it invisible that's fine too.

Since it basically fires 60 projectiles, I thought it would be a bit too overpowered, which is why I didn't give it any chip damage.
- That's understandable. I'd prefer if the projectiles each did a tiny bit of chip but I can see your reasoning.

Judging from that, I guess I should make it so that no power is given when Vortigon uses any of his hypers.
- Pretty much. Adding "getpower = 0,0" to the hitdefs on Rage Ability and the Flamethrower projectiles should solve things.

I wasn't sure what the "channel = 0" thing means, but now I get it. I'll try to add it to fix this issue.
- Yeah it's not a necessary fix (especially considering most of his voiceclips are too short for this to really be an issue), though it'd be nice

So I should tone down the amount of projectiles from 60 to 20 or 25? Also, I don't really know how to make it so that the projectiles could go in more than one direction, so I'm not really sure if I could do something like this.  :(
- Here are some ideas I had regarding Flamethrower:
   - instead of making him shoot out helpers every frame you could make him shoot out helpers, say, every 3rd frame. Here's a quick comparison I made:
      - You would have to adjust the damage and whatnot, but I think it would look much better this way and still give you the desired effect.
   - As for making the projectiles go in more than one direction, I was thinking you could maybe have them randomly go up and down a little. Try replacing "velset = 4,0" in the projectile state with something like "velset = 4,ifelse(random%2, -0.5, 0.5)". You might have to adjust the Y vels a little, but that should give you a good idea of what I mean.

I've tried to make them a bit slightly different, such as the ninja star being also possible to be used in the air and be an OTG, while the missile isn't and can be only performed while standing (also, the ninja star causes no knockdowns, while the missile causes hard knockdown no matter if the opponent is airbone or not). Also, sniper rifle causes hard knockdown too, while plank causes soft knockdown, but I tried to make it slightly different.
- You bring up some fair points, admittedly I hadn't looked into his moveset too much when I made my post. Now that you mention it the projectiles are mostly fine. Though I still think they could be changed up a little. One idea I had is to maybe make the ninja star go in a slight arc?
   - As for the other two moves I brought up, they feel very similar to one another in that when you break them down they're just "wait a bit and Vortigon knocks down the opponent while staying in place". This is also another reason why I feel Plank Swing is kinda useless, it's slower than the rifle and doesn't cause a hard knockdown either.

So, should I replace it with a different move, or lower its startup a bit, or maybe even try to incrase its range?
- Some ideas I had in mind regarding making Plank Swing better:
   - make it send the opponent into a wallbounce state (KFM has some states you can use as reference for this)
   - give it better range (maybe make Vortigon move forward a little when he does the move)
   - possibly decrease the startup by a couple frames?
   - Of course you don't have to do all of these, but it'd help give the special some more purpose.

Glad to help, and again if you have any more questions feel free to ask. I think you have something good going on here.

Re: Happy Halloween!! Dr. Kiln (Beta ver.) has been released!!

 November 04, 2023, 05:09:07 am View in topic context
 Posted by N_N  in Happy Halloween!! Dr. Kiln (Beta ver.) has been released!! (Started by Basara Bogard October 31, 2023, 03:48:34 pm
 Board: Your Releases, older Mugen

He plays pretty well for a beta! Only thing I noticed though is that he goes into an invalid animation for the medium version of his headbutt combo opener. It doesn't look like this is mentioned in the readme which is why I'm bringing it up. Either way I'm excited for the finished version of him.