Board: All That's Left
The other nick picks as soon you change the mode to change the buttons to the classic mode but the game changed it to modern and I didn't change the buttons thinking that you are new to the game in WT mode. If I want to play this mode with classic controls then let me use them* (Until you pass Chapter 1*)ughh!
Hey Ichida, how are you doing and Happy belated Thanksgiving. Great work on this Ice Queen of the RWBY team.And the special intro that she has is very clever and nice since the original K-4-6-Orochi didn't have a special intro with Robo-Weiss. Also if you mind me asking a couple questions(I did post these comments on the showcase video but since the forum is back up, I decided to post them here.)
1. What was it like making Weiss, your first RWBY character?
2. What was the inspiration behind picking Strider as the next BBTAG style character and do you plan on making more MVC BBTAG style character and if so is it gonna be only the Capcom side or is the Marvel side also potential candidates for development.
And on a side note, I love the new banner that you have featuring Adachi and Ruby, basically one of my favorite teams in BBTAG.
I kinda wish you went with Boyleth instead of Girleth...
Ken in several matches. His HP SRK does still have flames on it. His EX SRK is a Shoryu Reppa. He has a cool new super that you'll see where he does some flashy fire kicks, before finishing it off with a dragon like flying kick. His Lv3 seems to be "Shinryu Reppa"? Kind of a blend of his own 2 supers, Shoryu and Shinryu, with a bit of Ryu's Shin Shoryuken as well.
the ken's face means violent Ken is almost around the corner
Is this even a real WIP, or just open begging?