Board: Gaming
I'm actually annoyed I got Eresh, because that's a second five star Lancer I need to level in a row, after getting Artoria Lancer for the first time. Resources are a headache sometimes.I honestly was going more for the event CEs to get a headstart on farming despite my internal self screaming to stop throwing quartz that should be going toward Jalter next month. Eresh wasn't a priority, I didn't have much quartz to begin with and I certainly wasn't expecting to pull another SSR after pulling one about two weeks ago.
All I'm saying is just enjoy your luck and don't be so arrogant about it, cause there are people out there who would kill for your luck.
Case in point: KR community rolling for Eresh with some disastrous results.
Warning salt ahead
(Laughs in Skewed Luck)
...why did I roll on this banner?
I'd pull on the Babylonia banner, but Taiga isn't on it.
Like, come on.