Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help
If not, you should be able to use a targetpoweradd controller (with triggers set up to detect if the enemy is in a liedown state) during the taunt state instead of a hitdef to achieve the intended effect. This has the benefit of not adding additional hitstun or resetting the opponent's hitstates, since you're not using a hitdef. Just make sure you use a variable as a flag that resets when the opponent is not in a knockdown state so you can't continually spam the Taunt to remove more power than intended.
If your character does have projectile moves, are they based on the projectile state controller or are they helper based? If they're the former, you should be able to use the same method as above; if the latter, you'll need to do the same thing, but add in a few complex workarounds to account for each helper projectile. The reason for this is that, when a projectile spawned by the projectile state controller hits an opponent, the root (that is, the player) owns the target, whereas with helper-based projectiles, the helper gains ownership of the target while the root (player) drops it, so using targetpoweradd won't work from the player's states in these situations unless you add in workarounds. This could involve using the targetpoweradd controller from inside the helper states while using trigger redirects to detect if the root (player) is in the taunt state.