
Character Intros and Endings: Help? (Read 3086 times)

Started by Xman321, March 14, 2015, 09:53:27 pm
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Character Intros and Endings: Help?
#1  March 14, 2015, 09:53:27 pm
  • *
  • Making my first MUGEN Character, SSJ God Goku.
Ok, so first off, Hi. I'm new here. Very. New. Here. As in, I just joined less than an hour of the writing of this post.

With that out of the way, I'll explain my problem. Now, I'm sure posts like this creep up a lot, and I looked a bit in the search bar, and found someone telling someone else to study Kung-Fu Man's Intro/Ending. Seems simple enough, and I'll get on that soon, but that's not the only problem.

Now, I've looked around the internet for a few days now, and have failed to find anything helpful in the process of making an Intro. This isn't character design, I'm simply playing around and trying to make intro's for the characters I have (Most of which being Choujin's DBZ Characters, with the only exception being a Bardock someone else made in the same style) for my own local purposes. I tried to understand what some of the sites I found were explaining, but as I went through the process, I noticed that somethings simply weren't the same as what I saw. (Forgive me if I explained that terribly) I decided to come to here, as I've seen this site on searches for characters before, and finally decided to make an account to ask this.

What I'm asking/hoping for is that someone could teach me, in a step by step process, how I take an existing video (In my current case, a WMV), and covert it to a def file with sound and such to use as a Character Intro or Ending.

A few things to help understand what I have.

  • I have Fighter Factory Ultimate at the moment
  • I've been creating images and making Movies using Windows 8's "Movie Maker". I used still images with text boxes, trying to give an old school arcade game-like feel.  :)
  • When it comes to M.U.G.E.N. coding, I'm pretty freaking idiotic. I've gotten better, but some terms that may be simple to you aren't even on my radar in understanding, so explanations of even the simplest things may be needed

So, yeah. Help would be appreciated. If I need to post the original video, I can. Thank you for your time
Re: Character Intros and Endings: Help?
#2  March 15, 2015, 09:27:50 pm
  • ***
Oh so you want something like

You'd need to take your video and turn it into individual sprites. I think Photoshop can do this? The sound you could rip with any video converter.
Then put each sprite into fighter factory just like any normal character sprite.
Then make an animation with those sprites.
Also add the sound you ripped earlier.
I'd suggest next creating a helper in the intro that would either A) Use the animation you created earlier as itself or B) Create an explod that uses the animation.
Last you'd have to add a playsnd to play the sound of your video.
So, to sum up. You're adding sprites, a sound.wav, and an animation to be used via helper.
If you need an example of such code, etc. my Naruto (in my sig) plays a small "video" in his Exploding Clone state. The video is labeled as PLOT in the code under Jutsu.cns
Re: Character Intros and Endings: Help?
#3  March 16, 2015, 02:05:42 am
  • ****
  • Robotics Engineer
    • USA
Disregard "Ultimate."  If you are looking for the Ultimate editor it is Fighter Factory 3 (there's a thread for it in Releases subforum).

-You need to export the frames from your video.  Personally, I use AVS Video Converter, which has an "Export Frames" function in its editor... but there's many programs that can do this.

-Images will likely need to be cropped/resized to 320x240 (or 640x480)

-The images need to be saved as PNGs with Indexed colors (max 255 colors).  They won't be exported like this, you will need to do it with image editing software.  If you are using Photoshop, I recommend creating an "Action" (from Actions window) if you have many frames to process.  The Color Table (aka Palette) has 255 slots - the first square will be recognized as the designated color for transparency in FF3.  When you change the color Mode for your images to Indexed Color, in the dialogue with the window that pops up, I recommend using Selective, and for Forced Colors, put a color in the first box that WILL NOT appear in any of the frames of your video.  This will prevent pixels from getting transparency.

-When you have all the images as Indexed Color pngs, add them as Sprites to your project with upper left corner axis alignment.

- In Animations tab, add them all.

-In your intro state, have an Explod controller with trigger 1 = Time = 0.  Postype = Left (animation will be positioned relative to top left corner of the screen).  Ontop = 1 (will be on top of everything)