
Character: Ryu (Read 33116 times)

Started by KingPepe2010, May 07, 2015, 01:57:47 am
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Character: Ryu
New #1  May 07, 2015, 01:57:47 am
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Representative of: Tecmo
First Game: Ninja Gaiden (March 1989)
Progress: 100%
Playstyle: Highly mobile character with a decent pressure game.

-Great mobility whether in the air or on the ground.
-Some of his normals reach pretty far.
-Has several ways of getting around projectiles and even has his own ground and air projectile.
-Has a few moves that can let him dodge certain attacks.

-Damage output is a bit on the weak side.
-Has a hard time escaping corners, needs meter for reversals.
-Low stamina
-Outside of his air throw, without meter his anti-airs options are questionable.


  • Air Throw (Hold Forward/Backward + Select, air only) - Basically says it right in the name, Ryu grabs the opponent and throws them downwards.

  • Weapon Toss (D, DF, F, Punch or Kick; can be done in the air) - On the ground, Ryu tosses out a shuriken. This move's startup and recovery is slower than most projectiles but the shuriken itself flies pretty fast. However, due to it's speed and how high the shuriken is shot out, it makes it really easy to slide under the shuriken itself. The air version has Ryu shoot out a fire dragon ball down-forwards. Works really nicely as a pressure tool and a long-range option for Ryu
  • Jump and Slash (D, DB, B, Punch or Kick; can be done in the air) - Ryu jumps and spins through the air with his sword. The button you press determines the arc. The punch is a low but far arc and the kick is a high but short arc. The punch version is good as a combo ender and can hop over low attacks. The kick version can be used as an anti-air although the lack of invincibility on it means it can be interrupted.
  • Wall Cling (F, DF, D, DB, B, K, Punch or Kick or B, DB, D, DF, F, Punch or Kick) - Ryu jumps toward the wall and clings to it. Half-circle back brings him to the wall behind him. While hanging onto the wall you can:
    • Climb up and down on the wall.
    • Toss a shuriken from the wall by pressing Punch.
    • Hop off the wall by pressing Kick. If you hold any direction while pressing kick, you can change the trajectory of his jump. (Holding back would keep him close to the wall, holding down would just have him drop, holding up makes him do a higher jump and holding forwards would make him jump farther. Diagonal directions can also affect the jump too) You can still do any air moves during this jump.

EX Specials
  • Windmill Shuriken (D, DF, F, Punch+Kick; can be done in the air) - Ryu tosses out a windmill shuriken. Can go through special projectiles and hit twice (once forwards, once backwards) but doesn't travel as far as the normal shuriken due to its boomerang properties. In the air, it can work as a far air-to-air.
  • EX Jump And Slash (D, DB ,B, Punch+Kick; can be done in the air) - Ryu preforms the kick version which has strike invincibility in the beginning and knocks down. Holding forward before he jumps makes him preform the punch version but with projectile invincibility instead.
  • EX Wall Cling (F, DF, D, DB, B, Punch+Kick or B, DB, D, DF, F, Punch+Kick) - Both versions grant Ryu a small window of invincibility as he approaches the wall. Follow-ups don't change.
  • Windmill Shuriken (Wall Cling version) (Select+Punch) - Basically lets Ryu toss out a windmill shuriken while hanging onto the wall. Still has the same properties as the original version.

Super Attacks
  • Fire Wheel (Level 1) (D, DB, B, DB, D, DF, DF, Punch) - Ryu throws out a fire wheel that goes up-forwards and hits three times. Ryu has invincibility during the start-up which makes this an effective anti-air super. Somewhat difficult to combo into.
  • Dragon Breath (Level 1) (D, DF, F, D, DF, DF, Punch; Air only) - Ryu throws out 3 fire dragon balls traveling at different trajectories. They do more damage than the normal fire dragon balls and knock down on hit. However, this move only does major damage if the opponent was near Ryu's palm (since all 3 would hit).
  • Furious Blade (Level 1) (D, DF, F, DF, D, DB, B, Punch) - Ryu preforms a series of slashes and if the last one knocks the opponent into the air, he gets under them and unleashes a Vacuum Wave that hits the opponent. The sword swings themselves can also hit projectiles although it's not a strong answer for them.
  • Soul Splitter (Level 3) (D, DF, F, D, DF, DF, Punch + Kick) - Ryu takes out his sword and dashes forward, slashing through the opponent. On a successful hit, the screen blacks out with two other body split Ryu's appearing, attacking the enemy with Ryu delivering the final slash. Ryu has invincibility during the dash but the recovery is quite long on block/whiff.

  • Standing - Irene takes out her machine gun and fires. The close-range blast from the sub-machine gun hurts the opponent. (1/2 of the helper bar)
  • Crouching - Irene takes out her pistol and shoots low. Needs to be blocked low and trips the opponent on hit. (1/3 of the helper bar)

  • Standing - Rygar jumps in and swings the Diskarmor at the opponent. (1/3 of the helper bar)
  • Crouching - Rygar takes out the crossbow and shoots. The arrow has a rope connected to it and if the arrow hits the opponent, Rygar pulls the rope, bringing the opponent in. (1/3 of the helper bar)

Mighty Jack:
  • Standing - Mighty Jack winds up and pulls out a high-jumping uppercut. During the wind-up, Mighty Jack is invincible during the beginning of the move. (1/3 of the helper bar)
  • Crouching - Mighty Jack jumps straight up into the air and dives onto the opponent. (1/3 of the helper bar)


1 - Default
2 - Split Body Ryu
3 - Ninja Grunt from first Ninja Gaiden
4 - Ryu Bio-Noid
5 - Baron Spider
6 - Box Art Ryu
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Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 02:19:35 am by KingPepe2010
Re: Character: Ryu
#2  May 07, 2015, 02:03:48 am
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Awesome and the third helper how about jaquio or the ninja clone?
Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 02:09:30 am by AntonioQuirino
Re: Character: Ryu
#3  May 07, 2015, 02:14:45 am
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Third striker should be one of the wrestlers from Tecmo World Wrestling.
Re: Character: Ryu
#4  May 07, 2015, 03:46:11 am
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Re: Character: Ryu
#5  May 07, 2015, 09:39:09 pm
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How about the Sumo from Tsuppari Ōzumō? Could be useful for something. Or even more awesome make a football player from the Tecmo Bowl series as a striker.
Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 09:43:40 pm by R565
Re: Character: Ryu
#6  May 07, 2015, 11:14:54 pm
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I hate to brag about moves but isn't wall cling OP? I mean you can just hang up the wall when your opponent can't get you.

So you should set a restraint on how long you can be on the wall for before you fall back to the ground.
I don't know what you are talking about..

I'm not a furry at all. (´・ω・)
Re: Character: Ryu
#7  May 08, 2015, 04:52:00 pm
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@R565: Those could also work as well. I'll think about it.

 Actually, there is a bit of a height restraint on how high you climb up (the restraint is like, a little below the lifebar background) and right now, everyone has a way of smacking Ryu off the wall. A time restraint wouldn't hurt though.
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Re: Character: Ryu
#8  May 16, 2015, 07:57:31 pm
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hey some helpers come in my mind: Valkyrie(Macross), the bump'n'jump car, the soldier from front line or tamagon from devil world.
Re: Character: Ryu
New #9  January 13, 2016, 06:40:21 am
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Some screenshots of Ryu's helpers:

might as well put this forum about bootleg games here
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Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 05:44:17 pm by KingPepe2010