
Characters (Read 129417 times)

Started by FeLo_Llop, April 02, 2014, 10:53:23 am
Re: Characters
#161  April 22, 2014, 05:19:02 pm
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Re: Characters
#162  April 22, 2014, 06:18:16 pm
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I think there's enough there to have joe to be a typical streetfighter with actual kick boxing techniques with kind of a mean streak in him or some of his attacks. As far as Dictator I think there should be only one version of him so maybe editing his cvs sprites might be the way to go but majority rules so that just my two cents
Re: Characters
#163  April 22, 2014, 07:10:16 pm
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For Joe: The Fight Club stuff came from trying to expand him a bit more and from his role as Ghost in Final Fight Street Wise. @Sean Altly: Since this is a character that you are wanting to do and as such giving a discount. How much control over the character do you wish to have over him? Before the Fight Club stuff started I was in the same idea of "Average Joe" like you. The Fight Club thing really makes his moves write themselves. But if we're going with "Average Joe" can you describe a bit more in detail your vision for him? So we can get on the same page with the kind of attacks he'll have.

We got to come to a compromise in these things :P I know you have not received any money for him yet but I assumed we should establish what we are paying for 1st. Get a solid idea of the character and then promote the crowd funding. Also I totally asked if you wanted to make a topic for this ages ago and got blown off >:-[

I'd like some control over his moveset, but obviously we can compromise. Also, I didn't blow you off, I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. This is my first day off in 6 days. Good point though, you and Iced, about getting it all figured out before securing the funding.

I hadn't ironed everything out yet, I had ideas for a step-in move with follow ups, ala Jin in SFxT, called Ghost Step. It would go under projectiles with correct timing. Follow ups would be a close knee lift that pops the opponent into the air for a juggle hit, a strong spinning kick to the mid-section, maybe one or two more. I also envisioned a jumping downward elbow slash, would sort of be his version of a Jaguar Kick-type move as far as functionality goes. Hadn't really gotten much further than that.

I always just try to envision how Capcom would have updated him if they did, how they'd make him fit into the roster if they put him in a new Street Fighter game. They seem to take a less is more approach for a lot of characters, emphasizing fewer specials but making sure they're all useful in certain situations.

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Re: Characters
#164  April 23, 2014, 01:18:26 pm
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I always just try to envision how Capcom would have updated him if they did, how they'd make him fit into the roster if they put him in a new Street Fighter game. They seem to take a less is more approach for a lot of characters, emphasizing fewer specials but making sure they're all useful in certain situations.

not really true with designs they adapted from sf1
we have 3 examples

birdie => went from guy with mohawk to guy that fights with chain, wearing old style punk motifs and odd tatoos and mohawk shape => got himself a very complex grappler thing going on
gen=> went from white haired fighter to assassin in his deathbed , changing styles and able to apply pressure point like damaging moves=> got turned into a stance fighter, with several moves per stance
eagle=> went from guy with a moustache to bouncer with a freddie mercury motif, twirling batons=> again a lot of moves.

They had archetype creations, sf works a lot on archetypes, mostly from martial arts movies ( Ryu being the average guy stoic hero and all )
Re: Characters
#165  April 23, 2014, 01:31:13 pm
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Also, Lee inspired Yun and Yang, if it wasn't for SF3 being too late in the storyline, it would have been him with these moves.
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Re: Characters
#166  April 23, 2014, 01:34:26 pm
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And geki inspiration got turned into Ibuki, you are right i forgot those three.
Re: Characters
#167  April 23, 2014, 02:13:14 pm
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Eh, Geki is more of a generic ninja theme than actual inspiration, I don't look much into him. Although it's possible that when thinking about SF3 designs, they tried to recreate similar themes (Yun, Yang, Ibuki), but Ibuki is too different from Geki IMO. Shuriken throw, teleport, and claw, I don't think Geki would have ended up like Ibuki if they had pushed him further, if anything he was more turned into Claw. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure they actually said that Lee would have had moves much closer to the twins (no, I don't have a quote, but he's their uncle and they share a common fighting style).
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 02:20:58 pm by DKDC
Re: Characters
#168  April 23, 2014, 04:40:20 pm
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Okay this might Seem kinda Silly, but how about Captain Commando? Obviously all his moves would have to be nerfed from MVC, but Techincally His game does take place in the future of Metro City, which means it is related to Street fighter in some way. We can even have a really silly Intro where he has to travel back in time for to save Haggar or something.

Another Chracter could be Haggar. I really like him and He's yet to appear in a SF game, Sean Altly's Already made the Sprites Too.

Just some Ideas I thought I'd throw out, don't take the Captain Commando one that serious. my Bias towards him is kinda strong.
Re: Characters
#169  April 23, 2014, 04:45:06 pm
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Haggar is a definite at some point if we get that far. Cap Commando is kind of doubtful. The only way I would like stuff like that to get in is if every SF character is converted at some point. DLC guest characters would really be all that could remain.
Re: Characters
#170  April 23, 2014, 04:48:45 pm
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Haggar is a definite at some point if we get that far. Cap Commando is kind of doubtful. The only way I would like stuff like that to get in is if every SF character is converted at some point. DLC guest characters would really be all that could remain.

Well, once you guys get the template done, Making Characters will probably speed Upa lot. It was just an Idea for later.
Re: Characters
#171  April 23, 2014, 04:51:41 pm
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Yep. I call the waiting on the template phase the "Hype killer" phase :P
Re: Characters
#172  April 23, 2014, 05:24:58 pm
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Cap Commando...I'd say nope. We have Viper :D

I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Characters
#173  April 23, 2014, 06:19:53 pm
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Re: Characters
#174  April 23, 2014, 07:56:55 pm
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I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Characters
#175  April 23, 2014, 08:25:51 pm
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But  I'm about to finish C. Viper, who's a SF character :P

I know, I was just saying I don't like her. Of course she would be added before someone with as little ties to street fighter as captain commando, It was just a half-serious suggestion.
Re: Characters
#176  April 23, 2014, 10:10:40 pm
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I always just try to envision how Capcom would have updated him if they did, how they'd make him fit into the roster if they put him in a new Street Fighter game. They seem to take a less is more approach for a lot of characters, emphasizing fewer specials but making sure they're all useful in certain situations.

not really true with designs they adapted from sf1
we have 3 examples

birdie => went from guy with mohawk to guy that fights with chain, wearing old style punk motifs and odd tatoos and mohawk shape => got himself a very complex grappler thing going on
gen=> went from white haired fighter to assassin in his deathbed , changing styles and able to apply pressure point like damaging moves=> got turned into a stance fighter, with several moves per stance
eagle=> went from guy with a moustache to bouncer with a freddie mercury motif, twirling batons=> again a lot of moves.

They had archetype creations, sf works a lot on archetypes, mostly from martial arts movies ( Ryu being the average guy stoic hero and all )

I'm not really talking about design wise, I'm more focused on the moveset, which you addressed, I just wanted to specify. I wouldn't call Birdie a "complex grappler," coming from someone who mains him in SFA3 (along with Charlie). Gen and Eagle I can't argue with, but Adon is definitely a SF1 character who was given a pretty simple moveset in future games (3 specials, 2 supers in SFA). Plus, I said they take a less is more approach with "a lot of characters," not just as far as SF1 updates go. I guess we just disagree on what Joe should be like.

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Re: Characters
#177  April 23, 2014, 10:23:10 pm
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Not even talking about joe, you and I actually even pointed out the exact same move ( mine ended in a grapple yours ended in an attack but otherwise their exact function and dodge mechanics were the same).
Im just talking in general about how they adapt sf1 chars. Even adon got designed a lot, he went into the whole rival archetype for sagat, jaguar versus tiger and his persecution complex, always hunting down who he considers the strongest to prove himself. All of those characters got pretty cartoony. Birdie getting the chain is a pretty good example how they changed him up.


Re: Characters
#178  April 23, 2014, 11:45:53 pm
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...but Adon is definitely a SF1 character who was given a pretty simple moveset in future games (3 specials, 2 supers in SFA).
That's four supers if you count the different endings to Varied Assault, which in itself is something a bit more complex than most and unique to him.
Re: Characters
#179  April 24, 2014, 12:04:45 am
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Just set up the thread for possible funding HERE. JNP discussed some things and I decided that your guys' ideas for him work well. Anything I want to change or add for my own version I can just do on my own time/money. I'll post a proposed moveset soon.

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Re: Characters
#180  April 24, 2014, 05:15:44 am
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Glad to hear of add Bison's cape, I can't wait for see him, definitely I will follow it (God heard me finally).

Is a shame that C.v.s The Abstract never made Ken's Street Fighter Zero outfit because would be perfect in this game and differentiate of Ken of Street Fighter 2.

About Joe, well I like the idea of renovate and maybe have two versions of him one with David sprites representing the years of Street Fighter 1 and the version of Seantly after the tournament.
Open to commisions or if you wanna give a donation I appreciate.
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